My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 522

Since then, the husband and wife live in harmony, and the husband and the next door Lao Wang said it was good!

There are no more doubts and pains!

If you have the same problems as Liu Jifen, please call our hospital directly, 4005-888231731

Women, you should treat yourself better!


It was this obvious advertising article that actually made Nan Bing lose his mind and was led into a trap.

The purpose of such an article is very clear. It is deliberately exaggerated to make the reader feel scared. When it is a little closer, I think of the hero's tragic experience, so I want to do the same beauty.

After reading the article, Nan Bing sat on the bed and took off his trousers. Then he took a small mirror and placed it in front of his legs, spreading his legs and taking photos of them carefully for a long time.

At last she came to a conclusion.

Really... it really seems to be a lot darker!


What this article actually makes Nan Bing care about is that it focuses on describing how men don’t hate the deep color underneath their partners...

In fact, Nan Bing’s color is very normal. The girl’s color is the girl’s color. There is no problem with her age, but she herself feels that it is a lot darker than before. People will always be in fear. There is such an illusion.

It seems that many people have caught a cold and went to Baidu. After Baidu for a long time, Baidu found out that 70% of them seemed to be able to live within a few days.

Many medical students feel that they may have a serious illness in their bodies and have trouble sleeping and eating.

People, emotions and desires, always have such anxiety, deceive themselves.

She is really scared. Xu Mo is also a man. If this continues, it will become darker and darker... She herself feels very ugly and ugly, Xu Mo must be even more annoying!

Isn't it that men don't like this?

No, no... The article says it’s done too much?

That's right... In the past few months, I have been separated from Xu Mo... Is it too indulgent?

Nan Bing was very nervous, very frightened.

In fact, she is worrying too much. Here we need to give everyone a little knowledge of popular science, hold a good pen, study hard, and remember well.

Regarding the color problem there, at most, everyone's natural skin color is different, and the pigmentation of that place is different, or it is a problem from childhood.In short, many people are born a little black, or not pink, but they have never experienced that kind of thing, how can they blame girls?It's not their problem.

And in fact, most of them are not too matte and tender, and they are a minority.

Normal colors are slightly darker than pink.

In fact, if you really do it often and experienced drivers, you will not be able to see the obvious changes until they are middle-aged. When you are young, the blackening caused by this problem is minimal.

Treat girls, don't treat them with the wrong eyes, this is wrong.

A lot of wrong knowledge is caused by the island country's small movies and irresponsible little pornographic books. You have to distinguish right from wrong.


Nan Bing became more and more afraid as he thought about it. He took the mirror and looked at it for a long time, and his mind was full of this matter.

How to do how to do!

She even really wanted to call the above phone to ask about the specific process of brightening and beauty.

Go online and check it seriously. The'experts' say they want to reduce the life of the couple, and often use lemon slices to smear there?Can it be slightly powdered?

Without saying anything, Nan Bing took all the lemons used for cooking in the refrigerator to his room, made them into slices, and smeared them on his own place.

Lemons are sour and very pungent.

It is really uncomfortable to wipe it there, astringent, unspeakable feeling, anyway, very uncomfortable.

But Nan Bing was still gritting his teeth, painting and painting... Several lemons were ruined in this way, just to turn back quickly.

As a result, because of this, her legs were a little sore all day long, and there was all the stimulating sensation of citric acid.

PS: The relevant knowledge in the book is true, and the knowledge taught as an old driver is correct.I hope you will not be too embarrassed if you encounter this problem with your girlfriend in the future, hahaha.By the way, lemons can really make the dark ones become a little powdery, but don’t apply too much, one slice at a time three times a day, just a little rubbing~

Chapter 553 Color Troubles

For this reason, Nan Bing now feels that her place has become a lot darker. If Xu Mo sees it, she will definitely be disgusted and misunderstood... She doesn't want something like that to happen, only hopes to show it in front of Xu Mo. The best of her.

Before that place glowed'pink', she was afraid of doing something like that.

But Xu Mo was so proactive just now to arouse her emotions. If she didn't dare to avoid Xu Mo, her body would really be overwhelmed and unable to hold on... Her body would not be abandoned if Xu Mo pushed her a little. Yes, it is too difficult to refuse.

While I can bear it...If it is not enough, I will wait until I return to the room and use other methods to solve it...

Nan Bing planned this way.

After Xu Mo was shocked, he couldn't believe that Nan Bing was still in front of him... It was really incredible. She was in a category that she could understand, but this changed... really incredible.

exactly!What kind of new PLAY is this probably? Xu Mo thought this way, because it was impossible for Nan Bing to refuse what she loved to do.

And her body already feels a lot. Xu Mo just touched a sensitive part of her through the clothes just a little bit, and he felt sticky in his hands.

Sure enough, what kind of Play is this Nanbing New Society?Probably there is a feeling that the more you talk about it, the more you want it?

Regardless of it, since she wants to play like this, Xu Mo is not such a closed person, just follow her plot to'act'.

The more Nan Bing hid, the more Xu Mo proactively stepped forward.

Until he once again took her hand and hugged her whole person into her arms again, gave her a deep kiss in the warmest and sweetest way, and the hands started to mess around involuntarily... Nan Bing was originally because of the lemon. The irritation caused the legs to feel weak, and now Xu Mo took the initiative to tease him fiercely, feeling every cell in his body, saying: I want it!really want!

The whole body was soft and weak, and he wanted to start a long-lost discussion with Xu Mo.

But... but... what to do there!

Xu Mo hugged her and did not let go, and their bodies became hotter and hotter. They hugged her directly to the room upstairs and locked the door.

Nan Bing's body is very honest, it has been overwhelmed, and there is no resistance at all, just keep saying: "Farewell...I...I won't do it today...Ah...Also...Let's do... I can't help it..." Such a change actually took only two minutes to give in.

No matter how strong Nan Bing had willpower, he couldn't resist the body's natural reaction.

And just when Xu Mo was about to help her lover take off his clothes and start doing serious things, Nan Bing trembled all over again, and almost did the same from the bed and said, "Turn off the light!"

Xu Mo was even more dazed. If refusing is a play, then what the hell is turning off the lights?Is this also a new play?

When doing this with Nan Bing before, she didn't like turning off the lights.

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