My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 531

When she heard that she could be 6,000 yuan, she was full of envy in her heart.

Six thousand yuan is thirty times the two hundred can buy a lot of food.

And Xu Mo handed her this stack of money...what do you mean?

She looked up at Xu Mo who was smiling at her. She didn't know why she suddenly remembered some stories told to her by her elders when she was a child, about the evil and wealthy people who used the power of money to spoil good women. There are also many women who will Accept their money and voluntarily let them spoil it.

Could it be...

She felt ashamed and angry, but she didn't expect this guy to really insult her?

Suddenly he wanted to raise his hand and slap Xu Mo in a slap. All martial arts techniques were eroded by women's instinct at this moment and turned into a slap.

Xu Mo was taken aback by her, and then flinched back and avoided it.

"Wow, what are you doing?"

"I won't betray my body for money! At most... I can give you a hand!" Huali's face was red, whether it was a shame or an angry relationship, and there were tears in his eyes. To overflow.

Huali didn't even notice that Xu Mo actually avoided her attack easily, as an'ordinary person'.

However, she also thought of a lot.

If you really can't get money, what will your family do?

Thinking of the faces of her family, facing Xu Mo's insults... She... She also... was a little bit less persistent, and even said that she could pull her hand at most.

Is this the rhythm of trading?

Girl, you are going to be broken.

Only then did Xu Mo know if she wanted to be crooked, and she was about to move in a terrible direction. What if she really broke down and became an aid girl.

This won't work, brake quickly.

"It's not what you think! Stop your dangerous thoughts! The money I used for the watch is for you, and I haven't thought about these messy things, really."

"How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"No, my wife's elegy is also from your rivers and lakes. As her husband, how can I be regarded as half? How can I see you not saved? Don't you people from the rivers and lakes just speak a meaning? Now I will use this money to help you through the emergency, and then return it to me later."

When Xu Mo said this, he was innocent and open-minded.

Justice is awe-inspiring and meticulous.

Huali is naturally convinced, she is really moved and moved by what she said, and she has never been so moved.

Sure enough, there are still many good people.

I really blamed others.

Favorability continues to rise.

Hua Li no longer doubted Xu Mo anymore, he was a good man with love, justice and integrity.

"Sorry, I just... I am really ashamed of you." She shook her head very ashamed, but she still didn't take the money.

Xu Mo deliberately didn't give her the money directly, but used a way of being a watch, so that the favor should owe a little bit bigger, the bigger the better.

Also highlight the value of that watch.

It's like this-casually said: "Oh, it's nothing, but it's just a broken watch passed down by my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa."

If you say this, you will be laughed at. The grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather passed down a piece of Longines, or a mechanical watch!

But Huali undoubtedly believed, and was convinced.

She fell into deep thought once again, and the educational philosophy from the young elders was full of her want to do this: "That...we are in the rivers and lakes, and you are kind to me today, and regardless of the predecessors, I am very grateful. But my Huajia A hundred years ago, I was a member of the same party. I can’t accept this in vain. I hope I can also give you something temporarily. Let me think about it..."

Finally back on track, Xu Mo was very happy, and this was what he wanted.

"I'll be your escort to protect your safety, how about?"

" need, I am safe, and I have an elegy." Xu Mo politely refused.

"It's also..." She nodded, a little scared thinking of the terrifying power of Elegy.

Huali thought for a long time. When she really couldn't think of it, Xu Mo coughed a few times and reminded: "Otherwise, this jade pendant..."

"You want it?" Huali opened her palm, revealing the jade pendant, and confirmed with Xu Mo.

Xu Mo nodded.

"Why do you want it?" Huali knew that he had received Xu Motian's great favor, and even the jade pendant in his hand began to waver.

PS: There is one more update today, in the desperate code word.The next update will be at midnight on August 20th and 21st!An important event is announced!

Great welfare!

Remember to come!

There are benefits at the end of chapter 562!

Xu Mo didn’t think much, and replied directly: “Of course there is no other meaning, but you know, my wife is the successor of the Guwu family, but I’m just an ordinary person, as the person she loves. I want to like everything she likes, but it’s too late to start learning the exercises at my age. If we can have this jade pendant for us and my wife to study and study, maybe it will unlock the secrets of the exercises. Ordinary people like me can also practice the exercises and gain good strength, and can also accompany her to do warm-up exercises or something."

"Of course, you can unlock Yu Peili's exercises, right? Just try your luck. If you unlock it, it will be good for the Hua family, right?"

Xu Mo pretended to be chatting as usual, as if he were casual.

Huali hesitated, Xu Mo's reason moved her.After all, she is also a woman and a martial artist. Xu Mo, as an ordinary person, yearns for martial arts for his beloved wife, it is also very moved.

Indeed, according to what he said, he will basically not have any results when he starts to learn the exercises at his current age. The foundation of martial arts starts from a young age. After he grows up, it is impossible to have no foundation, unless it is really ancient. Only by the Fa is it possible for ordinary people to become phoenixes and be reborn from the ashes.

And is it so easy to unlock the jade pendant of this ancient exercise?

This jade pendant, according to the ancestor's statement, cannot be given to outsiders.The outsiders here are talking about people who have nothing to do with the arena.Xu Mo... isn't it an outsider?He said that he wanted to study with Ye Elegy, and that would belong to the two of them. Ye Elegy is the inheritor of everyone.

Hmm... Besides, I almost regarded the jade pendant as an ordinary person just now, but Xu Mo was still affectionate and righteous. He pawned the watch passed down from his ancestors and gave the money to himself for emergency.And...this, just temporarily put it at his place...

For 10,000 reasons, Huali felt that it was indeed not a bad thing to give Yu Pei to Xu Mo temporarily.

This can be regarded as thanking him for his kindness.

In line with the practice of the people of the rivers and lakes.

So, just agree to it.

Huali had no doubts about Xu Mo anymore.

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