My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 532

The two are now in the aisle outside the pawnshop.

"That's okay...Huh?" She had already blurted out, and the jade pendant in her hand was released, but the gods were not beautiful, and a thunder fell directly, which scared the two of them.


The sky darkened all at once, and the heavy dark clouds would soon be unable to withstand the power of the rainstorm.

It happened at this time.

The recent weather is like this, the first one is good, the next second will change.

I forgot to bring an umbrella when I went out, so I had to go back quickly. Anyway, I did everything to her, and she would definitely agree to her next time.

"Go back to my house first." Xu Mo shouted to Huali, and hurried towards home together. By the way, he pulled Huali who wanted to fly lightly from above: "You who fly Don't be afraid of being struck by lightning!"

I feel that she really needs to learn about physics.

In this remote place, I can’t find a taxi.

It takes only five minutes to run to downtown areas where you can get a taxi.

It's a pity that God didn't give Xu Mo such a face. The heavy rain fell directly, and the water directly poured the two into a soup chicken.

Fortunately, Xu Mo quickly found a shelter from the rain after being showered for a few seconds-a closed telephone booth that had been abandoned.

He quickly pulled Huali and ran in, so as not to be damaged by the heavy rain.

The space of this phone booth is very narrow, it is a bit reluctant for two people to squeeze in it.

Especially the girl in front of her is already wet. Although wearing black clothes will not have a transparent effect, because of the thin fabric, she is completely attached to her body at this time, revealing the girl's exquisite curve.

That...but the breasts are indeed a pity, because they have no nutritional relationship since childhood.

But she is so thin, and she really hurts her a little.

"It's raining too much, wait a moment."

"Okay." Huali nodded and agreed.

Xu Mo tried his best to divert his attention, and worked hard for 20 minutes, but the rain still didn't mean to stop. On the contrary, it seemed to be getting louder and louder and the thunder continued.

Huali felt nothing at all. After all, she was a martial artist who had never suffered anything.

Xu Mo was a little worried about her, and treated her as a normal girl.

With such a thin body and never getting the nutrition he deserves since childhood, what if you catch a cold for a long time?

"I'm going to buy an umbrella, you wait for me here." Xu Mo did not wait for Huali to reply, opened the door of the phone booth and disappeared in the rain.

Huali looked at Xu Mo's figure from a distance, and unconsciously placed his hand on the position of his heart.

What a strange feeling.

Is he...caring about me?Do you think I will catch a cold because of this kind of thing?


Ten minutes later, Xu Mo came back.

Fortunately, I soon found a resident's grocery store nearby, bought two umbrellas, two towels, and warm hot drinks.

Xu Mo was so wet, the first thing she did when she returned to the phone booth was to pass her the towel: "Hurry up and wipe it off, so that you won’t catch a cold. Ah...this drink, Fortunately, it's steady, warm it up."

In fact, this is nothing. Xu Mo is a teacher, and treats her as if he treats a student. They are all things the teacher should do.

After handing her the towel, Xu Mo started to wipe himself clean.

It just barely wiped it, and it became so wet and it couldn't be wiped clean.

Forget it, that's it, take her back quickly.

"Then let's go...? What's the matter with you?" Xu Mo turned around and found that Huali was simply holding the towel and hot drink just now, without wiping it at all, just looking at herself with straight eyes.

"You mortal, really... I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child. It is commonplace to get a little rain. How can something happen? But you are, after such a heavy rain for so long, there must be cold poison in the body. I will help you clean it up. "

After she said that, she went straight to Xu Mo, holding Xu Mo's clothes with one hand and trying to pull them upward.

" thanks...don't take my clothes off!" Xu Mo was holding something in his hand, and he didn't have any hands to stop her in a panic.

"Don't move!" She suddenly became a little serious and pressed her other hand directly on the wall next to Xu Mo's head.

This is the posture of Bidong.

The other hand was not idle, he smoothly pulled Xu Mo's clothes and opened his chest.

The thin hand gently pressed Xu Mo's chest.


Suddenly, Huali's pocket radiated a huge beam of light, which directly enveloped the entire telephone booth, emitting a strong light continuously.

I think the way Xu Mo and Ye Elegy unlocked the jade pendant was that when the woman made a reverse push against the man, she would unlock the hidden double cultivation method.

When Xu Mo saw that this light was so familiar, he knew it was going to be finished. He wanted to explain to Na Yupei: We are not...we don' misunderstood...

PS: Here to tell everyone one thing!

I opened a new book!I opened a new book!I finally opened a new book!

The name of the new book is "You may die if you knock on this staff."

The collection of new books in the previous period is very important, so please go and collect them!Now the collection has benefits!The specific benefits are described below!Anyway, it is the benefit of direct cash transfer!

Just search for the title of the book in the book guest or search for my author name Ula Snowman to see the new book!

Seeking collection!Seeking collection!Seeking collection!Everyone, go help me collect it!

Everyone can go and see my new attempt at different world texts.

I feel that I am in good condition because of the new book.

New books are the best regulator. Old books sometimes get stuck. After writing new books, it becomes a lot easier. I am very happy and I feel ten years younger.

But rest assured, the problem girl will write 200W words, and I will still mainly write old books.

The problem girl will write a new book update after the update every day, and will not stop updating it. Recently, she has been in a good state, and today she has written more than 10,000 deposits.

However, the old book has been written for a year, and the recommendation ticket and the monthly ticket are useless. I like that in the future, everyone can vote for the new book, at least it will be very helpful to me.

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