My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 543

Tears were falling one after another.

PS: Sorry, forgiveness, seriousness, correction, wait and see, thanks.

Chapter 572 Pet Hospital

When Xu Mo woke up, Xiao Jiu woke up.

When I woke up, I saw Xiao Jiu hurriedly: "Master, why did you fall asleep here? Everyone has been looking for you for a long time... The ladies are almost worried."

Xu Mo sat up from the stone chair in a daze, and looked around nervously, but he really couldn't see Tang Xi anymore.

Xu Mo clearly remembered what he had done just now under the impulse. This must have happened, because he still has the faint scent from Tang Xi's body and her scent on his lips.

Just... you kissed her, right?

Xu Mo had a headache. He didn't know why he fell asleep just now. He couldn't figure it out for a while.

The events of summer are really too great for him. Why is Tang Xi's appearance so coincidental?

After returning home, Xu Mo went back to his room to think about the matter directly because of his physical discomfort. Unexpectedly, he thought of it the next morning and could not sleep all night.

Xu Mo was not a person who couldn't look away, but his instinct was to tell him that Tang Xi might really have some inevitable connection with Xia Xia.

Otherwise, why is she just a man who has only known each other for half an hour, but she hasn't resisted at all in the face of her kiss?

Tang Xi... Xu Mo felt that it was necessary to meet with her again and have a chat. Last night, I was too emotional because of the summer. I actually didn't ask many things clearly. Now that I calm down, I do have a lot of thoughts. I want to talk to her.

Where can I find her again?

I don't know why one day I fell asleep, but when I woke up, the person was no longer there, and no contact information was left.

A girl who was kissed by a strange man for no reason really didn't care about it?

Even Xu Mo felt that if she really wasn't summer, she would be too sorry for her.

Xu Mo always felt that the memory of last night was definitely not a dream... By the way, she seemed to say that she was a veterinarian yesterday?

This neighborhood belongs to the suburbs, and there are only a few pet hospitals in total. Since Tang Xi has gone to the temple fair, it proves that her place will not be too far from there...what a big deal, can you just find all the pet hospitals in the city?

With this in mind, Xu Mo immediately got up from the bed and began to pack his clothes.But Xu Moke didn't seem to mean to go out casually. He subconsciously dressed up, took care of his hair, and changed into a suit that he would only wear for formal events.

If he didn't really like the smell of men's perfume, he really wanted to spray it on, but he took a bath and used twice the shower gel to have the same effect.

The outfit is taken care of, and now there is no pet.

I can't pull Nan Bing over and say this is my pet.

Ah... By the way, don’t there be pets in the house?

Xiao Jiu's rabbit who was rescued by Lori!Should be alive now?

It's really a miracle that this kind of rabbit can live so long.

Xu Mo found the rabbit, and as expected it was still alive intact. He fed it a few leaves, and he needed it to cooperate well today.

In this way, Xu Mo's painting style was a little surprised and went out, in a suit and leather shoes, but with a plump white rabbit in his hand, it looked very cute.

But this is nothing. Xu Mo is now full of things about Tang Xi and Summer, and he just wants to find her quickly.

But in fact, it was not as successful as imagined.

Xu Mo started to search for several pet hospitals near his home, using the latest mobile phone APP map software to find it. The nearby pet hospitals are all displayed on it, and you can find it for each family.

Whenever he went to a pet hospital, Xu Mo asked about Tang Xi, but the reply he got was regrettable. He didn't know the girl named Tang Xi.

One morning, Xu Mo found the six nearest pet hospitals, but to no avail.

I didn't eat lunch, and continued to expand the scope of searching. In the afternoon, I found 13 pet hospitals a little further away, and the results were that no such person was found.

At night, Xu Mo had already searched all the pet hospitals in the city, but there was still no clue about Tang Xi.

Is she really from outside the city?Then why come all the way here to participate in a small temple fair?

Could it be... Is that really my own dream?

Xu Mo immediately shook his head. No, he can be sure of this. That feeling is definitely not a dream. Tang Xi is real.

It's just getting late, and I can't help but find it after 11 o'clock in the evening. There is no pet hospital open at this time, so I can only go back temporarily.

With a little regret, Xu Mo could only take the pitiful rabbit that had accompanied him all day back home. He had no food for a day and was hungry. Xu Mo was going to find one on the way back. Something to eat in the shop.

But the neighborhood is in the suburbs, the whole street is quiet after this point, so there are no shops open.

At this point, there are only mom-and-pop shops in this suburban area, and the mysterious barber shop with pink lights.

Can only go in to eat chicken, but not eat.

Xu Mo could only continue to move forward, but he could only buy instant noodles from the nearest convenience store.

I walked, because I was a little tired at the end of the day today, and because there was no clue, my mood was a little depressed. Xu Mo was like a walking dead, not in the state, and in a complicated mood.

I feel a little dizzy, and I don't know it as if I've gone the wrong way. Usually, I turn right at this intersection. You can get home by turning right for ten minutes.

But Xu Mo actually turned to the left today, if it weren't for the lights on the front storefront, he hadn't reacted yet.

Storefront?The light is still on?

Xu Mo looked up and saw that this wilderness was already a very remote place. The surrounding shops were few and closed long ago, but this one was still open.

Moreover, it is actually a pet hospital!

Is a pet hospital in such a place?And it's still open so late?

Xu Mo couldn't help taking a look at the mobile map app. The pet hospital named'Miss' was not on the map at all, otherwise he would have been here with the map app long ago.

Since it is still open, I must go in and take a look. I must not miss any opportunity.

Although it's strange...

The pet hospital is also very small, just a small two-story store, which adds up to less than 100 square meters.

What is even more strange is that there is not even a pet in the pet cage below, which is deserted and a bit oozing.

PS: I was really wrong, so I can understand your mockery of me... You know, all your comments are mocking... But you still haven't given up on this book... Keep chasing after subscribing to new chapters... Then Keep taunting...presumably you don’t want me to give up this book...otherwise why would you keep chasing the new chapter taunts...then...I did make a mistake...a few taunts...a spur...every day taunt... ...Is forcing the author to give up... isn't it?...So...Since you still watch...I like...then...Don't do it anymore...Who am I talking about...You know...But I still have to...Thank you for your encouragement...too much ...I can't afford it.

Chapter 573 Coldness

Although it is such a strange store, Xu Mo still didn't give up the opportunity easily and shouted in the store: "Excuse me, is anyone there?"

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