My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 544

After saying this, the whole pet hospital was still silent, and after waiting for three minutes, there was no answer.

It seems that no one is there, but I'm just wondering why no one's shop door is open, or else I will come back tomorrow.

Just when Xu Mo was about to turn around and leave, he was surprised to see a familiar figure outside the store. The expressions of the two people were almost exactly the same. They both looked at each other in a very surprised manner, staying motionless. As if time stands still.

For Xu Mo, seeing her again, sure enough, there will still be such inner fluctuations... After all, she really looks exactly like Xia... There is no way to tell where they are different. Even now, Xu Mo insists I think she is summer, or there must be some inevitable connection with summer, otherwise, she will not come here to look for her specially.

It's just that, today he is no longer as crazy as last night because of the things of summer, reason can still prevail, although it is only half and half, his heartbeat is still going to pop out.

I don’t know how long it took to look at each other like this. In the, it was Tang Xi who nodded to Xu Mo and walked into the store first. He didn’t glance at Xu Mo, as if he was deliberately avoiding something. Just sit down."

Ten minutes later, the atmosphere was still a bit strange, and Xu Mo hadn't said a word to Tang Xi.

Sitting in the small room on the second floor of the pet hospital, the shelves are filled with pet supplies, and there is a table that seems to be used for diagnosis and treatment.

Arranged for Xu Mo to sit down and brought him a cup of tea.

After that, he kept his back to Xu Mo and checked the little rabbit that Xu Mo had brought with him on the diagnosis table.

I don't know why, there is always a strange feeling.

When I saw her for the first time yesterday, there was an inexplicable fate, or attraction... or gentleness?I always felt that it was the first time I met a stranger, but it felt the same as familiar.

Actually, I've already done the connection kiss. Can you feel familiar?

But today, at least until now, it still feels like a stranger, Xu Mo is just an ordinary guest visiting late at night.

She didn't have much enthusiasm for Xu Mo as a guest, or she actually felt a little cold today.

Yesterday, Mingming took the initiative to sit down and comfort him.

Xu Mo was not idle either, like an idiot, his eyes never left Tang Xi at all. Although he was only facing his back, some of her side-faced expressions could still be seen through some of her movements.

It feels a little cold, and there is no expression, seriously checking the physical condition of this little rabbit.

The little rabbit is being touched very gently, without pain at all, but it feels like he is doing a massage instead of being tested.

For a while, I rub my ears with a gentle technique, and feel my stomach. I'm so happy.

When Xu Mo didn't say... Then Tang Xi took a cotton swab moistened with a test agent and stuffed it into the little rabbit's chrysanthemum.

After a while, he pulled it out and took a look.

Then he put the little rabbit back in the cage, turned around and took it in front of Xu Mo: "I checked it, there is no problem, and it is quite healthy. It is not easy for this kind of meat rabbit to live as a pet. Up."

Xu Mo couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He knew that the rabbit had nothing wrong with it. He came to Tang Xi specially, and brought the rabbit to him for an excuse to avoid embarrassment.

"Ah, well, thank you."

"you are welcome."


Because Tang Xi's too cold answer still had feelings, the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

Xu Mo actually wanted to say a lot, but he always felt unable to continue.

What is she... deliberately avoiding?

Did you forget what happened last night?Forgot him?

Was it really my dream last night?

Is kissing a dream?

"This store is still open so late..."

Tang Xi was cleaning up the diagnosis and treatment table, as if deliberately didn't want Xu Mo to see her face, but a faint voice came over: "Well, it hasn't been a few days since the opening of the business, it is so late to organize things."

"Ms. Tang Xi used to be a veterinarian?" Reluctantly able to begin to say a few words, Xu Mo was unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

"Well, my family used to open a pet shop. I studied veterinary medicine at university and have been doing this kind of work."

"That's it..." Xu Mo still felt a little regretful in his heart. If that was the case, then Tang Xi's life experience and Xia's life experience would be completely different.

If you say that they are really not the same person, but two different people...

Then, didn't I have done something very damaging.

Regarding the kiss last night, Xu Mo was ashamed to say it directly, and Tang Xi was unusually cold today.

Opening a pet hospital, veterinarian, is indeed not the style of summer.

Just now, from the way Tang Xi inspected Little Rabbit, she was indeed professional.

"I am an ordinary person, doing ordinary things and living an ordinary life. At this age, living with my parents, owning a small shop, and being able to take care of them, I feel very satisfied." Don't know why, Tang Xi Suddenly said such a sentence.

parents?Xu Mo knew that if it was summer, it would be impossible to live with his so-called parents.

Now that summer is completely ruled out?

"Well, that's good."



"It's nothing... This is a nutrient cream for rabbits. Just mix it with a little bit of food. That... I'm going to close the shop and go home. My parents just called to remind me."

"Ah, okay, thank you, I'm really embarrassed." Having said that, Xu Mo couldn't be embarrassed to continue to stay here, and prepared to leave after thanking him.

Although there are still a lot of things that I don't understand, and I really feel that Tang Xi's performance today is very strange, especially the phrase "do you regret it?"

She didn't seem to be so indifferent to herself on purpose.

In short, it's good to find her where she is today. This shop is close to home, and you can often come over and contact Tang Xi.

Is she summer...still a question.

Tang Xi came downstairs to send Xu Mo. Xu Mo stood at the door like this, probably reluctant to leave, and took a deep look at the girl who was standing at the door to give her away.

Tang Xi?summer?

I don't know what she thought at the time, maybe she wanted to say it all the time, maybe she wanted to see what her reaction would be like.

This sentence, he said to Xia Tian.

It is also an agreement with summer.

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