My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 559

The teacher-student relationship can be maintained in this way. If you take the initiative to be a beast teacher, you will be a real beast!

Although it is almost the same as the Beast Teacher, there is a fundamental difference!I'm all passive!Be passive!

So in essence it is absolutely different from a real beast teacher!

I am not, I do not!

I have stayed here for one night yesterday, and now Concubine Chen has recovered. Xu Mo has no reason to stay here today, and it is also not suitable. The two are only teacher-student relationships. If they stay longer, the neighborhood Neighbors should also have discussions, and what is more afraid of Nan Bing, who is easy to be jealous at home, will think.

Seeing Xu Mo getting up and preparing to leave, even though her face was red and imaginative, Concubine Chen was definitely reluctant to give up.

She had a rare opportunity to be alone with Xu Mo, and she was enjoying this feeling. Why...

I still want to hear the teacher say a lot of things to myself, and I also have a lot of things in my heart that I want to say to her.

However, there is no reason to keep him, and Chen Fei'er feels very regretful in her heart, and there is also a trace of loss.

He obviously has such a carefree personality like a boy, why can't he say anything in front of the teacher.

Every time a word reaches my throat, I feel like I can’t speak.

"Xu... Teacher Xu..." Concubine Chen said diligently.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xu Mo could actually see the changes in Concubine Chen's face. She must not have a cold because of her red face. The expression in her eyes was obviously shy.

Seeing her as if she was going to give up and say something, Xu Mo was actually really afraid that she would confess again. If she confessed again here, he wouldn't know what reason would be used this time.

Concubine Chen tried very hard, blushing, and finally buried her face in her chest, and said in a very low voice: "I...I want to say... If I'm growing up during this time in the crew... …I also learned…that you have the ability to create your own scripts…and get the qualifications to use it…can you…can you reward me…reward me…that’s that...that..."


Xu Mo breathed a sigh of relief silently. It's not just a confession, or the atmosphere will be embarrassing.

He smiled softly: "Well, okay, reward you should be, what reward do you want?"

Originally, she thought calmly that she just wanted to order a small gift or go out to play and have a meal, but she didn't expect that-the child is really amazing now.

"The reward... is... can you teach me to become an adult?"


Chapter 592: Three Thousand Goes to School

On the way home that day, Xu Mo looked dazed.

The words of Concubine Chen have been recalling repeatedly in her head.

Teach her to become an adult?

What do you mean!

Xu Mo wondered if it was because his thoughts were too nasty, so his understanding of this sentence also went nasty.

Become an adult?

Isn't it the kind of... the indescribable thing?

What else can it be?

For example, she just wants to mature her mind quickly, she wants to ask an adult what she thinks or something, or she wants to be as mature as an adult in appearance, she wants to ask her own thoughts some type of?

This... is really embarrassing. At that time, you should ask to understand before agreeing, so that you won't be so entangled in yourself now.

Yes, that's right, when Concubine Chen made such a request, Xu Mo actually agreed in a wicked manner!He really agreed!

I really don't know how it will end this time. I hope that if Concubine Chen really grows up and proves herself, she will forget this agreement.

Xu Mo still thought it was too simple. This agreement was enough for the girl to remember deeply. Concubine Chen could forget everything, but she would never forget this agreement.

Even in order to achieve this agreement, she will desperately study screenwriting, write a qualified script as soon as possible, and become a real screenwriter.

At that time, you can call Teacher Xu to the house again, and then... Then you will ask him for the agreed, what to do? At that time, I can say Export?This kind of shy thing...too...

Concubine Chen hugged the pillow Xu Mo had just leaned on, and pressed it tightly on her face, rolling around on the bed, all the burnt on her face could be fried eggs.

Suddenly she thought of something, she quickly got up from the bed, rummaged through her cabinet, and finally found a boxy pink plastic package in the mezzanine of a lockable notebook. thing.

This thing, what do people call contraception?

Concubine Chen found this from her father's room a long time ago, and she kept hiding it here when she felt curious, and she never thought that she would want to use it one day after she was killed.

She kept fantasizing about what would happen on the day when she really succeeded and asked Teacher Xu for the reward, and even this thing was prepared for Xu Mo.

I even struggled: Oh...what should I do, it should be worn by law?But if Teacher Xu doesn't like wearing this, and if he forces him to wear it, will he be angry or dislike himself?I heard that many boys don’t like to wear this...Oh, but if you don’t wear it, you might have children...Huh?How come you suddenly feel that it's good to have children?In this case, wouldn't Teacher Xu be responsible?If you are responsible, it means you can always be with Teacher Xu?Ah...think about it this way, not's great...

Thinking about this, Concubine Chen directly threw the small and square things into the trash can, and she didn't mean to pick it up again.

If Xu Mo knew that Concubine Chen had fantasized to such an extent, he would not have to vomit blood for three liters.

Maiden!Your idea is really dangerous!

----split line----

Because of the author, our story is also very long. The lens here needs to be converted to Lemon’s laboratory. Not only is Lemon living here, there are also Xu Yan and her daughter Sanqian.

Because of the author, I’m afraid that everyone will forget it after too long, so I need to mention it again. The incident three thousand years ago has ended and everyone has returned to a normal life. The way the storm has subsided is the use of Wugomeng’s ability to let Everyone who participated in this incident forgot what happened during this period and returned to a quiet and normal life.

The emotional entanglement between Xu Mo and Xu Yan, as well as the story of their daughter 3000, all happened in this content.

When Wu Ge Meng makes Xu Yan forget this, Xu Mo's heart is extremely painful, but as a man, this pain needs to be borne by himself. He doesn't want to see Xu Yan still 3,000 sad.

He will not forget the kiss with Xu Yan before erasing the memory of Xu Yan, nor will he forget the words he said.

"I will like you, fall in love with you, not between brothers and sisters, but between men and women... I like you."


Some time has passed, but everyone knows that Wu Ge Meng's last smile to Xu Yan obviously intentionally didn't erase this memory of her.

However, Xu Yan seemed to have really forgotten, and lived quietly with Sanqian in the Lemon Lab.

Just like what Xu Mo said: Although temporarily forgetting, you and Sanqian will be happier.

The situation of Sanqian also temporarily eased. Wu Ge Meng hypnotized her body to make her body believe that she is alive and that there will be no problems for at least three years. What Xu Mo has to do is During this period of time, I found a way to inject vitality into 3000's body as soon as possible, and completely rescued his daughter. Only then will Wu Ge Meng restore the memories of their mother and son.

Otherwise, according to Xu Yan's personality, he would definitely worry about San Qian's physical condition day and night.

It's just that Xu Mo never expected that Xu Yan never forgot, but she didn't worry, because she believed Xu Mo and believed his words, he must have a way to make Sanqian and herself live a happy life.

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