My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 560

At that time, if he knew that he hadn't forgotten anything, what would he look like?

This is a little secret that Xu Yan can't tell anyone, even Lemon can't tell.

Having said that, because he wants to live a normal life, let Sanqian have a normal life. After confirming that Sanqian's situation has stabilized, Lemon Yan may also discuss about letting Sanqian go to school.

What needs to be noted here is that because they have all been washed away from their memories, Xu Mo does not know the existence of Three Thousand in their setting, let alone that Three Thousand is her daughter. Of course, someone does not. The memory is really washed away, but I always live the way the memory is washed away, keeping this secret.

Because he was not young, he was afraid that he would be aware of what Xu Mo's excessive release, so he did not go to Aoba, but at a nearby aristocratic junior high school, the kind of co-educational school, which is far from Aoba. correct.

But Xiaosanqian seemed to like going to school very much, and now at this time, he has been in school for a week.

PS: I just want to know that if I keep changing every day for a few days, no one of you will scam you.(﹁﹁) ~

Chapter 591: Lemon Baidu

This week when San Qian was just in school, Xu Yan and Lemon were heartbroken. After all, the two of them had just been mothers and skipped the early childhood of San Qian, so these things were actually very powerless.

Lemon is a person who doesn't show his feelings, and basically has no expression. Don't look at her like this, in fact, the care for Sanqian is no less than that of Xu Yan.

Because there are three thousand relationships in the laboratory now, she has a lot of new research and new research seminar activities are all pushed away, the lemon that was devoted to these inventions before, even if it is a new one The things are all related to Sanqian, and she is a godmother who is very qualified.

And don't look at Lemon's high IQ, so smart, and omnipotent, but in fact, she was completely confused about the one to three thousand questions, and her self-confident knowledge was completely useless. In the end... unexpectedly!

Go to Baidu!


She actually!


This is simply the most incredible thing in the world.

If you can see the historical browsing records in her computer, in fact, she has a lot of things on Baidu during this period, such as "What do the children need to prepare for the first time in school" What are the knowledge points in junior high school" How to let the child As soon as I went to school, I became mingled with my classmates' and so on.

But because she couldn't search for'how to integrate into the group when children directly read junior high school', she had very big opinions on Baidu and was very angry, so she didn't use it anymore.

I can see that it really embarrassed her.

Lemon doesn't even understand these problems herself, so she gets along with classmates?She doesn't have any, so how can she teach three thousand?

But in my heart, I want to let Xiaosanqian have more friends of the same age, so that she can mingle with her classmates as soon as she goes to school, integrate into the group, and enjoy the school life.

For fear that she feels lonely and can't blend in with everyone, it's best to cause her to be like her, and she doesn't know how to express her expression.

Perhaps this is the change after becoming a mother?Although Sanqian is just a goddaughter, Lemon is really meticulous.

Xu Yan’s mood is almost the same as that of Lemon. The two people worry about a lot of things, but Xu Yan’s emotional expression is very intuitive. She will walk around the room when Sanqian is away. Very uncomfortable talking to herself: "I wonder if Sanqian talked to other classmates at school today, did she play with others, did she remember to go to the cafeteria for lunch with the group at noon? I didn’t take care of her much...what should I do... By the way, I will put a red envelope for the teacher tomorrow. I heard that the red envelope for the teacher will not be too big, so just put a 200,000 in it... yes yes ......Just do it and let her take care of three thousand more, otherwise I am really uneasy......"

Xu Yan is a very typical mother's anxiety. After all, Sanqian was just going to school. She was worried, and she should have these concerns.

But in this matter, Lemon is much calmer than her. Lemon is just doing the things on the test bench at hand, while faintly saying: "200,000? Do you have common sense, plug 500,000," I'm out."

You know, it's just a relatively ordinary aristocratic junior high school, and the teacher's annual salary is at most 100,000 yuan.

Well, it seems that no matter how smart, when it comes to children's problems, IQ will always drop a lot and come up with many irrational things.

For example, yesterday, the two mothers started to worry about their misfortune again, and they scared themselves to worry about campus bullying.

"You said that campus bullying is so common in junior high schools. Will San Qian..."

"Ah...Three thousand is so beautiful, smart, and has a good personality. It's easy to be envied and jealous and bullied. My god...Three bullied? What should I do? This book is not Read it, I will drop out tomorrow! Just build a school for 3000, and invite a few students to be friends with 3000..."

"Don’t worry! It’s okay, I thought of a way a long time ago, no one can bully Three Thousand. The uniforms issued by the Three Thousand School, I made a little modification, can automatically detect the situation of bullying on campus, some To hurt three thousand, if you touch the three thousand school uniform, you will be electrocuted by one hundred thousand volts. If you spit over three thousand, you will be stabbed to death by the poison needle on the uniform. If you scold three thousand, you will be killed The emissive compound on the school uniform kills."

"Good idea! As expected of you, Lemon, I'm relieved."

"There is also a procedure to kill the teacher if you fail the exam. If the IQ of 3000 fails, it must be because the teacher is not responsible for teaching well, damn it."

Lemon's thoughts are beginning to twist!

This is the horror of mother!

However, these are not all.

The school life of 3,000 is not as bad as they feared. On the contrary, everything is very normal. The relationship with the students is normal. The life in class every day is also normal. There is no bullying and no accidents. In the situation, Sanqian happily left school every day, and went to school happily, nothing unusual.

And the more this happened, the more the two mothers couldn't let go of their hearts and worked hard.

For example, in the art class yesterday, the art teacher left the students with a manual assignment, and advocated personal interaction, completed with their parents, and made a set of clothes out of cardboard waste.

Knowing this, Xu Yan invited back one hundred and eight professional and well-known fashion designers from Italy overnight to help 3000 complete this homework, and it was Victoria's Secret Angels who made clothes hangers.

One can imagine how dazzling the finished product is.

A master is a master, even if it uses cardboard scraps, it is a thousand times stronger than those made by real little kids and their ordinary parents...

The scene where 3000 took that thing to school, it was really...

Forget it. In order to give the students a guiding impression of future college life, the teachers in the ideological class asked them to go home and find their parents to show them the papers or homework they had in college.

All right, Lemon gave three thousand papers, and they were transported by three vehicles that day, and the teacher couldn't understand a word of the contents.

And according to Lemon's words: This is the most scrapped manuscript I can't get out!No one in academia can tell that I wrote it!

However, it is true that no one can tell that she wrote it, but these scrapped manuscripts are also horrible existences that must win prizes in academia.

These two mothers, this time this is really reckless and hard enough.

Chapter 594 End Line

In this way, Three Thousand went to school for a week, and the two mothers were worried all day, but in order not to worry their daughter, they did not dare to follow directly when they went to school. Very calm, but in fact there are a bunch of questions I want to ask three thousand.

Of course Xu Mo doesn't know all of this. Since the last incident, he hasn't been to Lemon's laboratory, although he has always missed Three Thousand and Xu Yan... After all, they completely forgot that time. The memory of Xu Mo, but Xu Mo didn't.

I always wanted to go but didn't dare to go because I was afraid that I could not control my emotions in front of them, pretending that nothing happened.

Especially when facing his daughter Sanqian, even pretending to be a stranger, Xu Mo felt very uncomfortable every time he thought about it, and he never dared to look for them.

But the more this happens, the more uncomfortable people are. When Xu Mo is free, his daughter Sanqian and Xu Yan are in his mind, and both physically and mentally call him to see.

Today is just...some time.

In fact, Xu Mo didn't prepare anything. He was still hesitating, but when he recovered, he had already reached the door of the Lemon Lab.

I came without saying hello. Is this really good?

Xu Yan and the others have now forgotten what happened during that time. According to their thoughts, should they still not want to let themselves know about the existence of Three Thousand?If I suddenly appeared here now, I would definitely catch them by surprise.

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