My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 563

Xu Mo saw that Sanqian had to go downstairs with trash. Now that few students came at this point, his courage suddenly became stronger, and he turned up from the window, just like that, quietly talking in the teaching building. Behind Three Thousand, if there are people, use the doors or walls of other classrooms to block them.

However, Xu Mo seems to be too concerned about Three Thousand, his mind is not so clear, and he has overlooked a very important issue. Although there are not many students here, the teacher must have arrived one after another. Love, Xu Mo has just followed from the fifth floor to the third floor, worrying in his heart:'This school is as high as five floors and there is no elevator!Three thousand with two bags of trash going downstairs must be tired, no way, no, I have to build an elevator for this school!Repair one in one direction!Three thousand dedicated!No... Doesn't this make Sanqian too conspicuous?Can't name and surname, such as the ladder for girls?A good-looking girl-only ladder?A good-looking girl-only ladder named Xu?'

While thinking about messy things like this, I ran into a man in his thirties who was wearing highly myopic glasses. At first glance, he knew that it was the kind of old-fashioned serious and difficult to deal with, and his thinking was conservative and he could not accept new things. Popular, a female teacher who wears a skirt to the ankle length.

Unexpectedly, the female teacher slapped her face when she saw Xu Mo's first sentence.

"Oh oh oh! Oh my god, aren't you an actor in that popular TV series on the Internet! I know you! Your name is Xu Mo! I, I, I! May I ask you, you, you, you, your fans!? Me! I really like that episode of your TV series! I also downloaded it on my phone! You you you..."

"Ah!?" Xu Mo was very frightened by her words. He watched that 3000 was about to go away, and quickly made a hypnotic gesture to the female teacher: "I am Li Ziming in Class 2 of the third year. , I am Li Ziming in Class 2 of the third year, and I am Li Ziming in Class 2 of the third year..."

The effect of hypnosis soon took effect. The female teacher woke up in a trance and only saw Xu Mo rushing out from the back, staring blankly, and muttering to herself: "This Li Ziming, go to the door to get the cat again Is it milk?... Does this cat milk have a cosmetic effect? ​​Why... it looks so pleasing to him today?"


Ending is really not an easy task, Xu Moke is already out of breath.

Then I watched 3000 dumped the garbage, and now it seems that 3000 is going to the school cage to feed the rabbits.

What's going on in this school, why are there rabbits!Why is the duty so heavy and endless?

What to do if you bite?

Damn it, after buying the school, I caught the rabbit and played with Xiao Jiu.

I don’t know if my father’s sixth sense sensed something. Xu Mo was originally on the first floor watching Sanqian preparing to feed the little rabbit, but he noticed that several boys who came to school one after another were cowering. There was something in the pocket, and the god rushed to the fifth floor mysteriously, always feeling strange.

So care!

Xu Mo quickly followed.

This group of boys, definitely--

There is something.

Chapter 597 Bullying on campus?

This group of boys were sneaky, and Xu Mo also noticed that before they entered the teaching building, they went to the corner downstairs to confirm something meaninglessly.

What's in that corner?

There are three thousand!

Sanqian just piled up the rubbish that was cleaned up this morning on the corner, and she was the only one there.

This group of brats must have confirmed that Sanqian is there!

It is suspicious indeed!

Therefore, Xu Mo had to pause the end of the three thousand here, and then followed the group of boys, wanting to see what these people wanted to do.

Three thousand are just going to feed the bunny now, there shouldn't be any problems, right?

Although he shifted the target of the last line, Xu Mo was definitely not worried about three thousand.

There are about ten boys in this group, and their actions are very suspicious. When they went upstairs to the fifth floor, they ran to the furthest window and took a look at the three thousand who was feeding the rabbits, confirming that she was still downstairs. The eyes met each other, and the speed of action suddenly became swift. These boys rushed into the classroom, rushing to the second-to-last row of windows, and took them out of their schoolbag pockets. Stuff things inside.

This position should be three thousand seats, because when she first came to class, she put her schoolbag on the chair of this seat.

The three thousand seats were surrounded by these ten boys. The angle Xu Mo was observing in secret from the window was not very good, and the realization was blocked a lot.

What are these little kids doing to the three thousand desks?

Damn my god????

Are the kids now so wretched?

However, after adjusting the angle, Xu Mo relaxed a little when he saw that the trousers of this group of boys were well-dressed. Fortunately, it was not the terrible idea he had just before, otherwise he might not be able to help this group in advance Boys ended their restless puberty.

So, what are they doing?

Another terrible thought emerged in Xu Mo's heart.

You should know that there are terrible campus bullying phenomena in campuses in many countries around the world, and these campus bullying phenomena have finally led to many tragedies. It is really a very sad thing in modern society. I know how many cruel incidents of school bullying are happening, and I don’t know how many sad endings that happen because of school bullying that make headlines every day. This is a commonplace question, but school bullying has no signs of convergence. It is because of who and the environment... As a teacher, Xu Mo really has too many feelings to say. In any case, this is a very sad thing.

It can only be said that campus bullying has never been really taken seriously by adults, and most people simply do not realize how terrible the potential campus bullying is to a bullied child.

As a teacher in the past, now as a father, I am even more worried that Sanqian is also being bullied by campus?

If this is the case... Damn it, dare to bully my daughter?I'm afraid that I don't want you to feel what father love is like a mountain and feel the power of great father love?

I have seen many examples of campus bullying. Don’t you all like to sabotage or write some hurtful words on the desk or personal items of the bullied? Is this really the case?

In fact, Xu Mo was worried. The boys quickly walked out of the classroom, excited and afraid to express too clearly. They still said: "Walk and walk...Go and play ball... …To be fair!" Such words come.

Then they all walked out of the classroom and went downstairs to the stadium.

Xu Mo re-turned in from the outside window and just hurriedly came to the table of 3000.

If three thousand tables and chairs are really destroyed by this group of school bullying children, they must be dealt with before three thousand come back.

Otherwise, if Sanqian saw it, how sad it would be.

As a father, how can you watch your daughter feel sad?

However, it was not as expected. The three thousand desks were intact and not damaged at all. The desks were clean and tidy, and they were not painted.

Isn't it campus bullying?

So what are those guys doing sneakily around here?

Xu Mo took a closer look, and only then discovered that 3000's originally neat and clean desks were now full of stuff, messy, and everything.

There are chicken chops, various drinks, milk tea, breakfast, plush toys...

Of course, the most are all kinds of letters, some of them at least know how to use better envelopes, and some are simply torn off a page from the workbook and put it in directly.

The entire desk was stuffed with all kinds of things. San Qian would be shocked to see it, right?

Xu Mo casually opened a piece of paper and looked at it. It probably read like this:

"Dear classmate Xu Sanqian, I have been paying attention to you from the first day you just transferred, because you seem to have no cell phone, no QQ or WeChat, so I can only write to you, we can try to deal with it CP?Every morning, I will buy you Zhengxin chicken steak and bubble tea.If I can get a lot of pocket money on weekends, I can take you to McDonald's to eat delicious food while doing homework together.'

Xu Mo:??????

So is this a love letter?

No wonder there are oil stains on the letter paper... and the writing of this word is really ugly. As a teacher, I suddenly wanted to type a D- for him.

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