My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 564

Xu Mo took out another one from inside:

'Xu Sanqian, please be my girlfriend!I can now break up with Kao Gangdan from Class 1 for you!I only prescribe Black King Pesticide with you!And you can bind a couple's avatar with you, absolutely not being green is only good for you alone, and never talking ambiguously with other girls!'

'I can take you to eat chicken, take you through the abyss, take you to the point, so... is it a target?'

'I want to learn with you natural addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Lorenz’s variable equations, three-strand four-string five, clear projection theorem diagram, domain real function, time zone rotation jet difference, anticyclone or high air pressure, date inference day and night, Look at the international date line, the El Nino climate, the contour seafloor movement, which year the Lyon uprising, the definition of the cos angle... My mother said that we can’t fall in love while studying, how about we test Tsinghua together?Can you marry me when I go to university?'

It's almost like this style of painting.

All in all, these are love letters.

Xu Mo didn't hesitate a little, he just emptied everything in the desk and helped his daughter take out the trash. There should be nothing wrong with it, right?

PS: when it's okay

When bored

When thinking

One more old book

Different old books

Different old books

More this old book

Can think about it

Different plot

Different ideas

a lot of

a lot of

Chapter 598 Calling someone to stop her

After dealing with these messy letters for 3000, Xu Mo felt a different kind of comfort in his heart. A group of little kids, their hair is not fully grown, and they want to chase after 3000?

Sure enough, ordinary schools are too dangerous. Boys at this age know how to think about beautiful women all day during the period of adolescence. They don't know how to make up three thousand brains in their minds. Damn it...

At least Xu Mo feels this way. Even if someone else yys his daughter, he feels very uncomfortable. If he can stop it, he will definitely stop it.

And Xu Mo was almost stunned, thinking about what reasonable method should be used to prevent these boys from approaching and write this kind of love letter to 3000?Otherwise, they happen to be on the basketball court downstairs. How about making some small accidents with their ability and letting them break a little for a semester?In this way, all the boys in the same class who had a crush on three thousand in one fell swoop.

Of course, such terrifying thoughts are just thoughts... Xu Mo didn't turn this into reality.

The solution here is over. Xu Mo wanted to hurry up and continue to walk 3000, for fear that something new would happen to her, I handled it very quickly here, and 3000 should be cleaning the animal cage downstairs now, not only for feeding. She had to clean up, it was really hard for her.

Does this school really treat day-to-day students as human beings?

There was no one in the classroom anyway, and Xu Mo was about to open the door of the classroom and walk out, and almost ran into a group of students.

Do current students like to come to school early?This is obviously 20 minutes before class time!Like when we were studying, we obviously all came over under pressure.

If it weren’t for these female students who patronized and chatted, they would definitely find Xu Mo. Fortunately, Xu Mo’s reaction was fast enough. As soon as he saw a student coming, he would turn back to the classroom as quickly as possible and hid under the podium. , Because there really was no time to turn outside the window, so I had to find the nearest bunker for a while.

This group of girls is really three thousand classmates. They opened the door and walked in while chatting. A group of girls were noisy together. The movement was really not small. Xu Mogang glanced at it, probably five or six. The appearance of a girl is the same as an ordinary student's appearance, which is far from his own three thousand, so it is not comparable at all.

However, from the details, it can be seen that these five or six girls are the kind who prefer to dress up and hope to be more prominent. The school uniforms are specially modified with trouser legs and sleeves, and the school bags are also specially bought which are more fashionable. That kind of style, although the school explicitly forbids make-up, their faces are more or less painted with a little light makeup and a little powder to conceal the blemishes on their faces. Even the school leaders can easily wipe them clean.

It can be regarded as a common phenomenon among ordinary middle school girls. Girls love beauty and it is natural to like to dress up.

The young ladies like Aoba will seriously dress and dress themselves every morning, but after all, this is an ordinary middle school, of course it can’t be compared.

Xu Mo was delighted in his heart. If his three thousand words say this, then it must be a class flower?No, the school flowers feel very stable.

Three thousand natural beauty, good personality, do not need other foreign objects to modify themselves.

The girls were chatting very loudly, and Xu Mo, who was hiding from the podium, could also hear them clearly.

Actually, he didn’t want to eavesdrop on the content of their chats. Xu Mo only thought about his daughter Sanqian. What these girls are boring are also some very boring topics of middle school girls, and there are no works with colorful themes at all. The middle school girls described here are so fragrant and exciting. I thought that this kind of private topic for girls was quite interesting, but I didn’t expect it to be nothing more than something——

"Damn, yesterday I encountered a stupid pen in the mobile game Eating Chicken, and I didn't run the poison after shrinking the circle, and I didn't eat the chicken!"

"Wow, the selfie made by Wuli Taotao yesterday is so handsome! Call my idol crazy!"

"Did you know? There is a super handsome guy in Class 6 of the third grade! Basketball club, I went to watch him play yesterday, he is super handsome! I asked someone to deduct the number today!"

These boring topics were really boring. Although they were talking very loudly, Xu Mo didn't listen to them, and actively blocked them and ignored them.

However, after a while, their topics began to change. When the sensitive word "three thousand" appeared, Xu Mo almost stood up from the podium and bumped his head, and the shield was immediately released.

Just like when searching the chat history, you can enter a keyword search, three thousand is Xu Mo's keyword.

Since they talked about three thousand when they were chatting, they must listen to them clearly.

The strange thing is that when they talked about 3000, they took the initiative to lower the volume. They were no longer as loud as they used to say before. Six people gathered in front of a table, discussing in a low voice, and from time to time they made some strange sounds. The tone of the particles.

"Li Xiaohua, Fu Erdai dumped you?"

"Damn, it's not because of the vixen who just transferred. Fu Erdai's attitude towards me has changed since the day she transferred. Yesterday she completely... completely dumped me! He said he was going to pursue true love! This scum, I used to help him level up when he eats chicken numbers, but now..."

"Don't be angry. Fu Erdai has a lot of pocket money. He is not covered by anyone. I just met a brother a while ago. He is a socialist. The milk tea shop outside the school knows him and his brothers. Let me tell him, let him take someone to stop Fu Erdai after school?"

Has there been no change for junior high school students for more than ten years?He always recognizes a social man (actually, he is a small bunny who sits in the tea shop at the entrance of the school and does nothing), and then calls people to block the entrance of the school. Isn't it popular anymore?Why is it still this style of painting?

Do girls of this age like this kind of punks who are actually social rubbish?

In their eyes, maybe it is the gangster, the kind that no one dares to mess with, right?

But this is not the point.

"Fu Erdai was picked up by their family driver after school, and he only sent a few of the latest skins of the gangsters last month, which couldn't be blocked.

"Then what to do?"

"After all, isn't it the one who transferred the fox? What is the name of three thousand, broken name, his mother bought it for three thousand dollars? I think, if you want to block her, block her!"

PS: That's it. The update is resumed. There is a very important reason to guarantee the update this time-

The adaptation of this book has made new progress, and all copyrights may be sold. It is one step closer to the adaptation of the TV series. Therefore, in order to ensure the adaptation, the first thing to do is to stabilize the completion of the update, above~

Chapter 599 Throwing In Her Bag

A good theory, let them feel the cruelty from the adult world, the power from the father's love, but still hold back for the time being. The girls have not spoken yet, but they have to see what they want.

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