My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 577

It's weird, is it really wrong?

Obviously that was how I left last time.

Xu Mo was dumbfounded. This place is a bit old, and it is impossible that it has only recently been demolished and turned into such a ghost. It must be that he has gone wrong, and there is no other reason.

Just like a headless fly, he found it again like the first time around.

But the more I look for it, the more strange it becomes. Is my memory so bad?In this suburban area, there are more empty spaces than buildings. Is it so difficult to find a small street?

A little bit of time passed, and the sun went down. Xu Mo went back and forth carefully looking around for an entire hour. It was already more than seven o'clock, the sky was completely dark, and the street lights that had been in disrepair were shining. There is no difference between the street and the decoration. Xu Mo can only walk back and forth with the faint moonlight.

It's this crossroad again.

"Hey..." Xu Mo sighed. He didn't understand what was going on until now, and he couldn't find the place if he was so good.

Xu Mo could search for this crossroad dozens of times, but every time he missed it.

At this intersection, turn right and walk 10 minutes to Xu Mo's home. Last time I accidentally found the location of the pet hospital because Xu Mo turned left.

But the problem is that Xu Mo has just turned left countless times... it's all in that broken lane.

Forget it, I'm all hungry, let's go back.

Xu Mo planned to give up and was about to turn to the right, but suddenly there was a dim dizziness on his head, which made him strongly want to turn left again.

When Xu Mo came back to his senses, he had already turned left, and what he saw before his eyes was exactly the same as when he first came.

Old-fashioned streets, scattered old shops all around, only one pet hospital with modern decoration is still lit.


found it?

Isn't this right here?

So what happened to the dozens of times just now?

Xu Mo couldn't understand what was going on at all. Is his road madness already so serious?

Why do you suddenly find this place every time you want to give up and go home?

It's weird.

As a teacher, Xu Mo naturally believes in science. Even if such a strange thing happens, he doesn't think about the weird aspects. Probably, there is really a problem with the design of this street. Well, if you can see clearly during the day, you will go wrong. At night, when it’s dark, you really "go wrong" when you are dim, but you are actually going right.

That's right, maybe that's the case, what other reason can there be?How could it be possible.

PS: Dig pits, ambush pens, ambush pens. Many pits were dug before. The last chapter asked you to review them. Have you reviewed them?

Chapter 616 Stay and Eat

Stopped at the entrance of the pet hospital, with lights on inside, everything was exactly the same as when I first came.

Xu Mo was a little confused, because what happened just now was so strange that he didn't know what to do now that he found the pet hospital.

It's all here... how about... take a look?

Xu Mo hesitated, but decided to move forward and approach the pet hospital.

The store on the second floor is clean and tidy, and all the equipment looks fully equipped and there should be some. Like all pet hospitals, there are some pet cages around, and the shelves are full of pet supplies, pet medicines, etc. , The price list is posted on the wall, as well as epidemic prevention instructions, and pet sterilization propaganda.

It's just that it's still the same cold, it's obviously noisy in the pet hospital, and there are constant barking of cats and dogs expressing dissatisfaction in the cage, but it is still that quiet here.

Xu Mo could see through the glass that the cage on the first floor was as clean as new, and there were no animals in it, as if it had never been used.

It’s been a while since the last visit. If the last visit was due to the new opening, there were no customers and no one came here, then it’s been a while, still no guests have been here?

It's's open in this kind of wilderness, and there are not many residents and people around. Thinking about it, it's unlikely that guests will come to the door. This location is originally very strange.

I'm really worried about Tang Xi. If this goes on, the shop won't last long, so I have to find a way to publicize it. The position itself will no longer work. If the publicity is not carried out properly, then she will work hard. It is really difficult to survive a small shop that has been struggling to open.

She should be inside.

Xu Mo was still entangled in his heart whether to go in and see, but Tang Xi’s attitude last time made Xu Mo a little bit unable to start. He clearly understood what everyone said, and also talked about his life experience, which is completely the same as what he knows. Summer was two people, and all kinds of evidence also showed that she was completely different from Xia Xia, and she was interrupting again for no reason.

While standing tangled outside her door, I only heard a few chuckles coming down the stairs on the second floor of the pet hospital. She was wearing a doctor's white coat and she was quite temperamental.

The person who happened to be downstairs at this time was Xia... No... It was Tang Xi. When Xu Mo first saw her, he always assumed that she was Xia, and every cell in his heart and his body couldn't help it. The feeling of impulsive excitement, after all, she really looks exactly like Xia, it would be unbelievable to say that they are not alone.

It's definitely not because he missed Xia so much and made me lose my heart. Xu Mo believed that if people like President Yan or Liu Yiqiu who had known Xia saw Tang Xi, they would definitely misunderstand Tang Xi.

Sure enough...every time I see her like this...

Xu Mo had already tried to restrain the strong feeling in his body for the first time, and kept telling himself that she was not summer...she was not summer...the feeling in his heart still lingered, and it was not so easy to be completely settled. Come down.

Unlike Xu Mo’s performance, Tang Xi also saw Xu Mo standing outside the store when he went downstairs. There was no surprise or any expression on his face. He was surprisingly calm, even when a normal person went downstairs. Seeing someone you know or someone you don’t know outside the store, your expression will change somewhat, but Tang Xi feels like she knew Xu Mo was downstairs a long time ago, without any emotional fluctuations. .

She walked straight to the front of the store and gently opened the glass door: "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Um, I... this..." Xu Mo was surprised that she suddenly appeared, and found out that she was here, thinking nervously about how to explain her purpose, she was immediately beaten by the voice of a middle-aged woman upstairs. broken.

"Xiaoxi! I found soy sauce in the cabinet! You don't need to go out and buy it!"

While talking, the source of the sound was chased out, to the stairway.

Xu Mo saw a middle-aged woman with curly hair that was popular in the middle-aged fashion circle. She looked very good. She was wearing an apron, holding a bottle of soy sauce in one hand and a spatula in the other. Looking at Tang Xi and Xu Mo below with a very surprised look.

After about a few seconds, the expression on the middle-aged woman's face suddenly became surprised and excited, and she walked downstairs with a chuckle and grinning, regardless of whether she was still holding something in her hand.

Excitedly standing in front of the two of them, they first gave Xu Mo a lot from start to finish, then looked at Tang Xi, and then said, "Xiaoxi, your friend!?"

The expression on Tang Xi's face is a little bit at a loss. It should be better not to know how to explain it to her. He hesitated for a moment, and only nodded in response, "That's right..."

The relationship between the two can indeed only be explained in this way.

Xu Mo couldn't be sure whether he kissed her on the day of meeting, but from the attitude of coming to her before, maybe it was...otherwise, people would not be so indifferent to him.

After getting the confirmation, the middle-aged woman was happier, and directly passed the soy sauce in her hand to Tang Xi's hand, freeing her hand to grab Xu Mo upstairs, very enthusiastic: "You are here just right, young man! Do you want to play with Xiaoxi? I'm just about to finish dinner right now. I've made too much, so you stay and chant? Come here, Auntie will take you upstairs. Today Auntie made a lot of special dishes, you must be sure Have a taste."

Xu Mo was embarrassed and a little at a loss. He could only let the middle-aged woman drag her upstairs abruptly. She didn't know how hard she was to grasp it, as if she was afraid that Xu Mo would run away.

And there was no time for Xu Mo to answer, so he rushed upstairs and shouted, "Xiaoxi's dad! Here is a guest! Put your clothes on! Don't let the young man watch the jokes! "

In the words, it seems that the word "young man" is especially emphasized.

Xu Mo was a little confused by this formation. The main reason was that Tang Xi's expression beside him was also helpless. While being dragged upstairs, he said, "Well, auntie...I'll stay for dinner... not so good. ...I just stopped by when I got home to see if Dr. Tang was there, it was nothing serious..."

"Hey! How many pairs of chopsticks, too many pairs of chopsticks! It has always been our family of three who are tired of eating, you have to give auntie a face to eat!" The middle-aged woman did not give Xu Mo any leeway at all. The rice must be eaten.

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