My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 578

Xu Mo cast a look at Tang Xi for help, Tang Xi shook his head helplessly, and whispered in Xu Mo's ear: "You...should stay for mother is like this. You just ran into...I'm sorry..."

PS: The second thing is, to tell you a terrible thing, the full attendance is still there.

Chapter 617 Tang Xi's Family

It turned out that this extremely enthusiastic middle-aged woman was her mother, and Tang Xi’s expression was indeed quite helpless. She seemed to be unable to do anything about her mother’s behavior, so she said to Xu Mo in a low voice. There is also a request for Xu Mo's cooperation.

Xu Mo naturally read what she was unable to express positively and what she meant in her words. If that was the case, she should cooperate with her. It's just staying for a meal. She was eager to find a reason to stay in Tang Dynasty. Xi even learned more from her family, this opportunity came directly on her head, and that must be grasped.

The expression on Lima's face didn't feel so bewildered, he immediately relaxed, and soon let himself gradually enter the state, facing Tang Xi's mother's enthusiasm, and calmed a lot.

Gradually, when I got to the second floor, I was completely relieved of that restraint, and it seemed very natural, as if I had returned to my own home.

But having said that, Tang Xi's mother's reaction seemed a bit strange. As soon as she saw Tang Xi and she went downstairs, she directly asked if she was a friend, and then directly pulled herself upstairs to treat her and ask to stay for dinner.

This is a pet hospital. If a stranger stands in front of the store, the first thing he reacts is that it should be the guest?How did she directly exclude Xu Mo from the possibility of a guest?

This question hasn’t waited for Xu Mo to ask. After going up to the second floor, Tang Xi’s enthusiastic mother said to Xu Mo herself: "Oh, boy, you are just coming. The meal is almost ready, and it happened that the soy sauce ran out. I asked Xiaoxi to go downstairs to buy it. Just when I called her to go, I found a new one again. I chased it out and took a look. I didn’t see you. You said, this barren countryside, my Xiaoxi chose How many guests can there be a pet hospital in such a place? Not many guests have come in since it opened. Usually, the people walking back and forth on this street can be counted clearly. At this point in the evening, you are the only one. I didn't bring any cats or dogs. I found it here with my empty hands and a briefcase. It must be a friend of Xiaoxi."

Tang Xi's mother was a middle-aged woman who talked about it. She talked endlessly when she talked about it. Xu Moming didn't even ask, she already knew a lot.

He even relentlessly complained about the location of his daughter's shop.

Xu Mo held back her heart and did not laugh... Tang Xi’s mother was right to complain. It’s no wonder that she knew she was not a guest anymore, but according to her analysis, she might not come to Tang Xi’s friends, but to sell. Insurance, let you know about shops, real estate, swimming and fitness.

Xu Mo had already thought about the site selection problem before, and was really worried about the prospect of her store.

The second floor of the pet hospital is larger than the first floor. Some of the rooms are still used as facilities of the pet hospital, but there is a partition between them that directly divides the area on the second floor into two parts, and walk through the door separated by the partition. , It’s not the style of a pet hospital at all. It’s more like an ordinary home with a warm little living room, just enough for a dining table and a few very simple rooms. This is what Tang Xi’s family now lives in. The place.

Xu Mo was taken all the way inside, only to realize that the second floor of the pet hospital was Tang Xi’s home. Last time she said that she is an ordinary person, doing ordinary things, living an ordinary life, and living with her parents. Together, open a small shop to take care of them, and I feel very satisfied.This is what it meant.

It’s a bit embarrassing to be invited to the Lord’s seat. Tang Xi’s mother is a talkative and can talk very well. Xu Mo also kept talking to her along with her topics. Tang Xi couldn’t get in at all, she could only Sitting on the side silently.

And soon, Xu Mo also saw Tang Xi’s father, a middle-aged man with a very ordinary appearance and even a little bald head. Compared with Tang Xi’s mother, Tang Xi’s father was much shy, and it felt like that. Someone who is seldom and not good at communicating with people, a bit embarrassed to say hello to Xu Mo, and went into the kitchen to pick up Tang Xi’s mother’s work. The kitchen is very small, so I can barely manage it. There is no way to help if you go in alone.

In about fifteen minutes, four dishes and one soup will be alive. Although they are all home-cooked dishes, you can tell from the scent that comes out, the taste is definitely not bad.

Because of Tang Xi’s endless chatter, the atmosphere of this table is not boring or embarrassing at all. Xu Mo is not so formal. He eats the food while chatting with her, and even adds more. A bowl of rice can ruin Tang Xi's mother's happiness. It seems that Xu Mo has a thousand advantages. Even eating an extra bowl of rice will take a long time.

Tang Xi always sat quietly and ate her own meal without any expression, as if nothing had happened to her. Maybe she knew in her heart that as long as her mother was there, she had no room to speak at all.

Tang Xi’s mother talked a lot with Xu Mo. Many of them were about Tang Xi. There were funny stories about her when she was a child, some things in her life, and when she was in school, when she was in college entrance examination, when she was in college, When I was about to graduate, there were many things that I worked after graduation.

"My family's Xiaoxi is too stubborn, but he is indeed a filial and good child. Because our living conditions were really not very good in the past, and her father was in poor health over the years, so he sold the house for medical treatment. We have always rented a house. Xiaoxi, for our own good, has been working hard to make money, just to rely on her own efforts to give our family a place to stay and have a small home of her own. She was In other hospitals, the wages of veterinarians are very high. When I saved enough money, I bought this store as soon as the second floor was our home. Let her open a veterinary hospital on the first floor."

"This is her dream for a long time, so she is very anxious. In fact, the money she has saved is not particularly enough, otherwise she would not buy it in this kind of location. Look, the current living is pretty good, but it has delayed her. Career, not half of the guests came after the hospital opened, alas."

At first, when I got here, the topic was still a bit sad, but Tang Xi’s mother seemed to change her face, and she immediately showed her absolute enthusiasm again, and she looked at Xu Mo directly, that ambiguous, just As if looking at the prey, Xu Mo couldn't help but shudder.

"Oh...My Xiaoxi also delayed my youth because of me and her dad. I have been devoted to work these years and didn't want to talk about someone. Every time I talk to her, I feel emotional. You say this. There are a lot of older girls. If this goes on, I really can’t marry. Her father and I really don’t want a big house or she makes a lot of money. Xiaoxi can find a good family to marry, and treat me For the two of you, now is the most important thing... Ah this, Xiao Xu, you and Xiao Xi, you two have a good relationship?"

Tang Xi's mother's eyes seemed to have targeted her.

Holding Xu Mo's hand, he exerted force for fear that Xu Mo would run away.

PS: Try to advance the plot, these are very important foreshadowing, today is still two changes, update the next chapter in 2 minutes.

Chapter 618 She is really not summer

Everyone can understand the intention of Tang Xi’s mother’s remarks. Xu Mo didn’t know how to answer better, so he could only answer a little quietly, “Uh, this...just... okay, okay. Right."

"Oh! It's okay! Learn more about it! You, being a teacher, it's good! Although the salary is not very high, there are national welfare, five social insurance and one housing fund, and it is definitely not bad to give students supplementary lessons. That’s it! Teachers are educated, they must have good character, and they have self-cultivation. You can teach yourself after having children. How much supplementary tuition is saved! And teachers have access to this aspect, and they can also find schools for their children in the future. It saves a lot of worry, alas, children born in the future will definitely look good too! This will do whatever you want with your parents!" The mother Tang Xi said, the happier and the more excited she was, she just said nothing. After that, the children will go to school.

Of course she didn't say that she was with Xu Mo, but that's what she meant.

"That little Xu... You said that you are young, good-looking, and your job is more stable. There are many people who introduce you to you, right? Auntie told you from the perspective of someone who came here, this man should look for someone. You have to find someone older than you, mature and stable. This kind of woman knows a lot, and has a mature and sensible personality. If you want to live, you must choose this kind of woman, right? You have a more sense of security! Like those young girls, the little princess has the character of chirping. So, you say you and my Xiaoxi, this..."

"Okay, Mom, people came to me to sit down! Don't say anything messy!" Tang Xi suddenly stood up from his seat, his face embarrassed and a little angry.

Probably, I have been patient just now. After all, the relationship between her and Xu Mo is really nothing. Suddenly being kept on time by my mother would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Xu Mo can understand her behavior, and at this time, someone needs to come to the rescue... Otherwise... he doesn't know how to answer the excited mother Tang Xi.

Tang Xi's mother also stood up, as if the mother and daughter were about to quarrel: "Hey! What mom said is the truth, why is it messy? Isn't it all for your sake? You don't want to miss you! Really! Yes! Mom doesn't want to continue to delay you like this!"

"But you can't say that...say those things! What do you make people think!"

Tang Xi's father seems to be used to it, and helplessly persuades him in a low voice: "Oh, don't make a noise, don't make a noise, the guests are watching."

But no one heard him and ignored him completely.

It wasn't until Tang Xi finally couldn't help but didn't want to continue arguing with his mother and let Xu Mo read the jokes and pulled Xu Mo into his room, and then he quieted down for a while.

Until he was pulled into her room, Xu Mo could hear Tang Xi’s mother complaining outside: "Isn’t it good for her! When did you see a man next to her? Oh, Old Tang, let me tell you, Although this little Xu is a little younger, the quality is really good..."

In the room, both Xu Mo and Tang Xi could hear Tang Xi's mother, and their expressions were somewhat embarrassing.

Especially Tang Xi, she must be a little uncomfortable now, and she may not even know how to talk to Xu Mo better.

I also wanted to help her, and didn't want her to be so embarrassed, Xu Mo first said: "Auntie, she... is really cute."

Tang Xi sat on the chair in the room and sighed, "I'm mother is like this... and I..."

Of course Xu Mo knew what she wanted to say, and quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, I understand, I understand, you must not apologize, and I even had such a delicious dinner for nothing. It’s cheap."

Maybe at that moment, Tang Xi really hoped that he would just show up to help her slightly block the pressure her mother had caused her in this respect, so he wanted Xu Mo to cooperate and stay for this meal.

I just didn't expect that my mother would be so unscrupulous to say those embarrassing things in front of people I met for the first time.

"Thank you so much... this time... if there is anything I can help with in the future, please don't hesitate to speak up. For example, the rabbit last time, is it okay?"

"It? It's good, you can eat and sleep. Don't take it to heart, don't be so polite, after all..."

Xu Moshun was about to say it, but he swallowed it back into his stomach.

Really, they look so alike, they will misunderstand each time, and once they relax, there will be problems.

It seems that Tang Xi also understood what Xu Mo was stuck in the middle. He lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice, "I just look like her... So... you should be polite, let's be polite. I’m really grateful for what happened today, and if there’s a pet illness in the future, please come to me."

"Good, good, no problem."

The atmosphere was obviously unable to communicate properly, and then it fell into a long period of silence.

In other words, these two people have what they are thinking seriously at this time.

What Tang Xi was thinking about was unknown.

What Xu Mo thought might be more sad.

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