My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 596

The child sleeping next to her... is easy to touch Li Yinyuan, right?When I was a child, Li Yinyuan probably didn't understand, after all, how old he was then.Seeing that the little friend around her is about to die due to some kind of disaster. She is young and has a simple mind. Of course, she wants to save her little friend and prevent tragedies from happening, but when she deliberately prevents those fatal disasters from happening every time At that time, the little friends will eventually die...

And all were cardiac arrests.

Why is this reason?

It turns out that the cause of their death may be due to various accidents, such as a car accident, such as a trip and falling from the stairs, or choking to death by eating too fast while eating?

Anyway, these causes of death that were originally set in their lives were later specifically avoided by Li Yinyuan. They did not die, but their lives cannot be changed. The damn thing will still die. There is no way, it can only be like this Did you die from a cardiac arrest without any reason?

Of course, the above are all Xu Mo's own speculations after listening to Li Yinyuan's narration, and they have not been confirmed by Li Yinyuan himself.

But now it seems that it is estimated to be close to ten, otherwise, it would not be so coincidental, everyone died of cardiac arrest.

It's not playing Death Note.

When Li Yinyuan finished speaking, he didn't wait for Xu Mo who was standing in a daze. Instead, he walked forward generously. He never opened his mouth like just now, as if he had returned to being shy again.

Although Xu Mo hadn't slowed down yet, he could only follow her well.

Now the sky is completely dark, there are no street lights, the roads in the countryside are wide and the places are big, it is easy to see the direction at night, but Li Yinyuan is not obstructed at all, and there is no navigation props. It just walked with no hesitation.

In such a dim environment, Xu Mo was very ugly to know what the road ahead was like, whether he could walk, and always pay attention to the situation under his feet.

But Li Yinyuan went without any pressure at all, just like a personal self-propelled GPS...

Didn't she have eye problems since she was a child?Since she first realized that she was in contact now, apart from her hair being too long and covering her face, where did she have some eye problems?Is it okay without walking and seeing things?

And when the words were just being said, the breeze blew, Xu Mo saw her eyes.

When I first met her at the train station, I saw that her hair was very long, which covered her eyes. I thought it was because she was born with a defect in her eyes. Girls at this age also love beauty to some extent and are afraid of being caught Seeing my own flaws, I deliberately covered my eyes with my hair.

But when I saw her eyes just now, I didn’t feel sick at all. Except for some serious dark circles around the eye sockets, at least the eyes are particularly intact, even brighter and deeper than normal people’s... ...It feels unpredictable.

Xu Mo still couldn't express what kind of feeling it was. Only the eyes that saw her could have this feeling.

Her eyes are not sick, but they are really extraordinary.

With more understanding, the mystery of Li Yinyuan has not diminished, but has emerged one after another.

Xu Mo felt that there was indeed nothing wrong with the planning when he was planning, and it would be appropriate to put Li Yinyuan in the second-to-last position. She is really a very difficult child.

It may be simple to want her to help this, but it may not be that simple to let her follow her back to school with peace of mind.

She came down from the mountain and came to the city for so many years. She didn't know what kind of life she led, what kind of hidden feelings she had, and what was her story?Xu Mo is really curious.

There must be more things in Li Yinyuan's heart that could not let go of supporting her.

What exactly has this thin child experienced, and what is it silently enduring?

Along the way, Xu Mo became silent a lot, and Li Yinyuan naturally didn't say a word. More often, Xu Mo's body was walking behind Li Yinyuan, but his mind was in a daze, looking at Li Yinyuan's back. Thinking about these things.

Before I knew it, I felt that I had been walking for a long time in this dark night. Li Yinyuan finally stopped at this time and came to a small rural bungalow that looked very old.

It is hard to see such self-built bungalows in modern metropolises today when the construction speed is soaring. Only in this country can you avoid the high-rise buildings and return to this kind of rural and comfortable bungalows.

But the bungalow in front of me looks a bit older, as if it was a product of the last era.

Although it is old, the surroundings are well maintained and clean. The house shows that there is no messy feeling except for the old one. It can be seen that the owner is a very caring person.

It's no wonder that the cleaning girl will be specially invited to clean it. She should really love cleaning. I hope the house can be tidy.

But it’s really weird. This kind of thinking doesn’t mean any discrimination. It’s just that the economic level here is really not high. It’s too remote and all kinds of inconveniences. If you have the money, you can ask a cleaning girl to take a train to do cleaning. It shouldn't just live in this kind of place, in this kind of house, right?

Well...I can't rule out the special preferences of the rich now...

I really don't know what these rich people are thinking about in their heads.

Wasn't there someone the other day? I really don't understand. Isn't it too rich to panic?Actually, I went to be a professional player to play an e-sports game. Isn't this forcing people to play 9-to-1 tactics?And he retired after playing, and it took less than 2 hours from playing to retirement!

So Xu Mo really didn't understand the thoughts of these rich people.

I can't flatter you, excuse me.

"The job you received is to do cleaning here?" Xu Mo asked her while standing outside.

Li Yinyuan nodded in a bewildered manner, and returned to the state of being incompetent.

But this is all outside the door. Not only is there no light inside, but there is no movement at all. It seems that there is no one inside. How does Li Yinyuan come here to do cleaning?

"Um, do you have the homeowner's phone number? I will lend you your cell phone to call him and ask?" Xu Mo saw Li Yinyuan standing motionless at the door, opening his mouth slightly without knowing what he was saying. Thinking she didn't know what to do, she took the initiative to lend her her mobile phone.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Li Yinyuan waved his hand to indicate that he did not use it, and walked to the front of the room, reached out and touched a stone slab recessed in the doorway. After a while, he actually found a key.

Surprised, there is such an operation?

This is what the landlord told Li Yinyuan that he had to go out beforehand?But why did she stand at the door for so long before getting the key?Is it because you forgot to stand there thinking for a long time?

I really don't understand this kid.

However, now that the key is also available, let's go in with it. I'm still idle. I'm just wondering what kind of special cleaning skills Li Yinyuan has, and people will ask her to come and do cleaning at all costs.

A girl with this talent is doing cleaning work and wants to see what kind of picture it looks like.

"You... want to go in with me...?" After Li Yinyuan opened the door, he turned around and asked Xu Mo this question.

"Huh? Can it?"

Li Yinyuan crashed for a while and remained silent like this, stuck for a while before repliing: "The homeowner won't let any accidental person go'd better wear this..."

She took out a mask to Xu Mo from nowhere and motioned Xu Mo to put it on.

Oh?It's really rigorous, it's a professional cleaning girl.

Doesn't that kind of professional cleaning staff also wear masks, and are fully armed like graduated researchers?

Li Yinyuan is very professional!

Xu Mo put on the mask very cooperatively, and Li Yinyuan said nothing, and entered the house with Xu Mo.


Was this door blown by the wind?

After Xu Mo entered the room, he felt a chill behind him, and then the door behind him slammed shut with a click. The wind was a bit too harsh, and it was intentionally scary?

Of course, this is also a normal phenomenon, and Xu Mo didn't care too much.

After entering the house, Li Yinyuan quickly found a place to light the lamp, and the environment in the house came into view after opening it.

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