My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 597

It's like the feeling outside, well organized, even the drinking glasses are neatly arranged, the owner of this house is really a tidy person.

However, whether it is the furniture or the things used in this house, they are quite old and very old. At first glance, they are the ones that have been used for many years. This kind of floor tiles can only be used in some TV dramas of the last era. It can only be seen inside, and there is such a large flower pattern on the sofa, which is really such a nostalgic sense of travel.

Is it an old man's house?

Then it's not the kind of rich man who has strange preferences, but how can an old man with such a hard life ask a cleaner to help him clean?

Xu Mo really didn't understand.

This flat house is not big, with two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom. After entering the house, Li Yinyuan looked around from left to right, then stopped in the living room, put the umbrella in his hand aside, and dragged his hand down. A large coat that doesn't fit at all.

Xu Mo was shocked at the time. No wonder why Li Yinyuan's big robe was bulging. It didn't fit well, but it didn't feel deflated. It turned out that this robe was actually...just a backpack!

Maybe it should be better to explain it with a bag. Xu Mo is really obsessed. She can wear the bag like a robe. She has been the only one since ancient times?That is to say, Li Yinyuan can only do it with this thin body.

When she took off the black "robes", all kinds of props were exposed inside the robe, and her character almost turned into a Doraemon, and there really was everything inside.

What kind of rags, gloves, cleaning fluid, disinfectant, garbage bags, big brushes and small brushes... There are also a bunch of cleaning utensils that Xu Mo can't recognize at all, all of which are hidden in the "robes" on her body. In fact, it is a huge suitcase.

And Li Yinyuan, who had taken off this burden, finally revealed his original figure, no longer covered by the large "robes".

As expected, she is very thin, arms and waist are very thin, there is no meat, if she can get a little fatter, she will definitely be much better than now, this skinny, even the breast is flat.

She is actually wearing a clean and lightweight white linen corset. Oh, no, it's not pure white, but half of the sleeves are black. Is this a deliberate design?Don't understand.

The whole body of this linen corset is white, and the sleeve on the left is still white. I can vaguely see a few words in block letters on the sleeves: make money at first sight.

On the right side is the black sleeve, and there are also a few block letters in the pomelo: Peace under Heaven.

Xu Mo always felt that these words seemed to have been read there, and he couldn't remember them for a while.

But her clothes didn't affect anything, because after five minutes, she couldn't tell what kind of clothes she was wearing.

Because Li Yinyuan was fully armed, armed with all the things that came out of the package, wearing disposable hats, masks, gloves and foot covers, and wearing disposable sanitary plastic sheets. He looked really professional!This little cleaning girl!

How will she start cleaning!

Xu Mo is really looking forward to it.

Chapter 636: Dead alone

The cleaning girl Li Yinyuan was fully armed, holding the pile of cleaning props in her hand, and walked to one of the closed rooms, but did not push the door directly in, but stood outside the door for a long time. Then he said something like this to Xu Mo: "Just... stand outside the door... it's not convenient... if you go in too..."

"Okay, I'll be right here, so I won't go in to disturb you. If you need help cleaning together, just say it." I thought it was Li Yinyuan who was afraid that Xu Mo would go in and disturb her work. So did Xu Mo. If you are self-aware, quickly agree to it.

It’s been a long time since I had done housework by myself. I turned out to be quite diligent when I lived alone. Since Xiaojiu moved in, she will help me clean all the household chores. You don't need to do it yourself, and you gradually get used to it. This really requires you to suddenly clean up. Maybe it really gets in the way for Li Yinyuan.

Li Yinyuan didn't respond to Xu Mo's answer, but just nodded slightly, and then suddenly bowed slightly and bowed in front of the room door.

Yep?Do you have to be so strict before cleaning?Is there any special etiquette?

It's like the Japanese put their hands together before eating, and then bow slightly and say "I'm going!" It's a simple etiquette.

Xu Mo never thought that there are so many doorways in this cleaning?Is there even such a rigorous etiquette?Before cleaning, do you have to make a respectful gift?

The more I thought about it, the more weird it became. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed that something was wrong, but the rest of the time did not give Xu Mo enough time to think. The taste alone made Xu Mo's stomach overwhelmed. I eat today. Almost all of the stuff came out.

Because, Li Yinyuan opened the door after she finished the ceremony. As soon as the door opened, a very pungent and unbearable smell was emitted from the door. The smell was so terrible that Xu Mo just smelled it. The moment I arrived, I almost vomited.

Without any exaggerated description, Xu Mo thinks that if it is just a normal stench, he can still tolerate it, but this...what is this?

What the hell did this master put in that room!

Suddenly Xu Mo couldn't adapt to the smell of the room when the door was opened. He kept coughing and retching. He covered his nose with his hand and walked out of the house to breathe several breaths of fresh air. Slowed down.

This... there is really no difference between wearing a mask and not wearing a mask!

Xu Mo had been wearing a mask just now, but he escaped because of the smell and couldn't stand it.


Xu Mo touched the mask he was wearing on his face. Isn't this what Li Yinyuan told him to wear before?

That is, she knew that there would be that smell in the room early in the morning?

But what is she going to do?

Could this be the reason why the owner did not hesitate to ask her to come over for cleaning?

The most frightening thing is that this child can actually stand the smell, and I haven't heard any movement in it yet. If she hadn't been stunned in it, it would have been nothing.

This is too...

Does she have bad eyes and bad nose?

Xu Mo really had a hundred doubts in his heart, and in the end it was curiosity that killed the cat. Although the smell was really unbearable, Xu Mo still wanted to go in and take a look again to see what was the reason for that room. Will exude such a terrifying smell, let's see what kind of cleaning work Li Yinyuan does in that room.

This time, with the foresight and psychological preparation, Xu Mo not only wore a mask, but also stuffed his nose with toilet paper. This time, although the smell can still be smelled clearly and constantly stimulates his stomach, it is at least better than It was so much better when I just smelled it.

Xu Mo slowly approached the room. The light in the room was on and there was no one outside. Obviously Li Yinyuan had already entered the room, and there was still movement inside. It was clear that the cleaning had already begun.

It was very bright when the light was on, Xu Mo didn't feel any fear in his heart, but when he entered the room, he was still a little caught off guard.

This is a bedroom, seemingly tidy room, but I don’t know why the cabinet on the side has fallen down completely. The things that were originally placed on the cabinet are scattered all over the place, and it looks very messy, especially Some glass products were broken and scattered all over the place, making people feel like a disaster has happened here.

The most important thing is that beside the fallen cabinet, the white floor tiles are covered with a large amount of mysterious liquid... All these floor tiles are dyed. The mysterious liquid has already dried completely, it is very thick, and it is dark purple. ... Can't see anything, what is this liquid?

But Xu Mo can be sure that this foul smell is emitted by these liquids, so that there are many large and small black spots on it.

The goose bumps on Xu Mo's body were all up. He, a big man, seemed so embarrassed. It wasn't Xu Mo's wretchedness. It was the scene. It was not a medical worker or some special workers. It was really the first sight. Will feel unbearable.

"This is... the crime scene!?"

This was Xu Mo's first feeling, that Li Yinyuan had taken him to an incredible place!

Sure enough, I was really naive in what I thought. How could this child be serious about cleaning? It's definitely not that simple.

Li Yinyuan was squatting on the horrible fascination liquid like a okay person, spraying it with the small watering can in his hand, and wiping it with the alcohol paper in his other hand.

Hearing Xu Mo's words, she did not stand up, but straightened up, facing Xu Mo's direction: "'s not like this...just...the police...come...take the people away...and then ...That's the one...I'm here...and...clean..."

It really embarrassed her to make her talk a little bit, especially this kind of things that seem to be difficult to explain clearly and need to be said for a long time to explain, it seems really not good for her in a shy state, even the organization Languages ​​that are easy to understand are not well done.

She tried very, very hard to explain to Xu Mo, but Xu Mo didn't understand at all. For fear that she would choke herself to death when she said that, Xu Mo quickly stopped her: "Eh eh eh... …Okay, okay, don’t say it for now. In fact, can’t you speak well before? Can you adjust to the previous state?"

Although Li Yinyuan in a shy state is quite cute, it doesn't feel so scary, just like a shy girl next door, it's just too difficult to communicate.

In another state, Li Yinyuan is both indifferent and inexplicably weird. When talking to her, there is always a feeling of chills behind her. This is completely in line with her setting, but in that state, she speaks again. There is no problem at all, and communication is particularly smooth.

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