My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 599

But I always felt that the moment I lifted it up, the cabinet was no longer on the ground?

Is it an illusion?

After lifting the cabinet, Xu Mo didn't know what to do next, so it was up to Li Yinyuan to do it.

Li Yinyuan stood motionless after the cabinet was lifted, as if the network delay was stuck again, without saying a word, not knowing what happened.

Only a few minutes later, it suddenly moved again. It was scary, and the one who was familiar with the road opened a locked drawer in the cabinet. The key to the drawer was taken out from the bottom of the bed. There was no need to look for it at all. I already knew where to put it.

This drawer is full of things. It should be a drawer used by the owner to store important items during his lifetime, because Xu Mo saw many items that did not match the overall style of the house.

For example, at first glance Xu Mo saw a slightly old but shiny quartz watch and a very thin and thin gold ring.

Li Yinyuan was taking out the contents of the drawer little by little, while Xu Mo was a little bit attracted by the things she took out of the drawer.

There are some small things that seem to be worth a little money. It seems that the old people cherish them very much, and they can reflect the light when they are wiped off. They are obviously alone, and their children are not filial. They don’t care about his life or death. They are also hardworking and thrifty. who.

Then there are some old yellowed photos, each of which is carefully wrapped in plastic film, for fear that it may be a little damaged.

These photos are the process of change in a family in the last century.

First is a wedding photo of a young couple, then they gave birth to their first child... the second child... Each child will have a two-inch black and white photo at the full moon. They have three boys and three girls, happy One family, the only family portrait, the family of eight, with happiness on their faces.

This photo is the most severely damaged. It should have been turned over the most times. I don’t know why. It seems to have been wet and dry before, so the photo will be a bit crumpled.

Then there are some photos of their children after they grow up, but they are far from today, and the most recent ones may be old photos from 30 years ago.

Looking at these photos, Xu Mo felt even more uncomfortable.How much this homeowner cherishes his family, even if these photos are regarded as treasures, they are carefully collected... But his children, after his death, reacted like this... Not even a funeral , Didn't even look at him.

Xu Mo didn't know what the old man would think after he knew this, he must be very sad.

At this time, Li Yinyuan turned to find the bottom of the drawer, pressing a bank passbook.

After opening, the number inside will not be very small, more than 100,000 yuan.

And what is even more shocking is that these more than 100,000 running water are deposited in dozens of tens of tens of dollars every month, and they have coexisted for 16 years!Every month, there is a small amount of deposits into the account, this one hundred thousand is deposited like this in sixteen years, there is only the flow of money in and not out.

The old man is he...

After so many years, don't you understand that these children are all white-eyed wolves?This saved money has never been spent by himself. What is it for?

Xu Mo thought he felt it was not worth it, and felt distressed.

"There is a river near here, and some rubbish is often flowing down upstream. There is a subsidy of 200 yuan per month for him to live. The rest is money for picking up the discarded waste. There is this passbook every month. in."

Li Yinyuan didn't know when he had already lit a piece of incense on the cabinet, and made another bow in the direction of the cabinet.

The smell of this incense is very special. It's not the same as the incense that Xu Mo had smelled before. I heard that incense also has many ways and particularity, but I don't know what the incense lit by Li Yinyuan is.

Xu Mo didn't understand how Li Yinyuan knew the situation of this house so clearly. She even knew the situation of the owner so well, even how he usually saved the money.

"How did you... know? Could it be that..." Xu Mo had been shocked by what was in front of him just now, and had forgotten about it.

From the beginning to the present, Li Yinyuan has been familiar with this house and knows a lot about the owner.

Coupled with the situation of the homeowner, a lonely person, how can anyone be willing to pay to ask someone to help clean the house?

Then this employer... can only be the deceased who died alone!

Only when Li Yinyuan told by him could Li Yinyuan understand the house so well, so understand the owner's affairs!

Xu Mo now knows that Li Yinyuan is able to communicate with the dead or see things that he can't see anymore. These are originally her settings, aren't they?As a person with this talent, isn't this a basic ability?

It's just that, after communicating the possibility of the whole thing, there is still a feeling of trance...

This is the first time Xu Mo... has encountered a ghost!

I can't say that I am afraid, I can only say that I may be a little nervous.

Understandably, people will have this emotion the first time, no matter what kind of first time, it is the same.

"I didn't tell you, he told you, I just know you can't hear or see it, so I'm just letting you hear what he said in the plural. Ghost knows the heart, he can hear whatever you think. "


No wonder Li Yinyuan responded as if he could understand what he was thinking.

"He... is he here?"

"It's floating on your head."

"!???" Xu Mo was surprised and made a ridiculous response, staring nervously on his head, but of course he couldn't see anything.

"Old...old offense..."

Xu Mo clasped his hands together. The first time he communicated with the ghost, he was still panicked, and he didn't know if he could hear it.

"He said it's okay, don't be nervous."

"That's good, that's good."

It's really uncomfortable to feel that there is someone by my side, but I can't see it or hear it.

"This money is for my wife who died in a car accident 25 years ago to relocate to a good feng shui cemetery, but the cemetery has risen too high now, and one hundred thousand is not enough. Money repaired the original tomb well."

"Golden Ring and the remaining financial troubles are handed over to the third daughter. The third daughter did not get married well and divorced early. It is not easy to take a son by herself."

Xu Mo knew that Li Yinyuan was repeating what the old man said, but Xu Mo remembered that those three daughters were the ones who died after the old man's accident and refused to pay a penny to make the most trouble?The old man knew in his heart that it was.

"It's my biological daughter after all." Li Yinyuan said lightly.

She collected those things from the old man, and then said, "Then, my work will be over. The remuneration is one hundred yuan, which is deducted from the money in the passbook."

This sentence should be spoken to the elderly, not relayed.

Xu Mo stood on the side in a daze, as if there was nothing wrong with him here.

And her charge?

One hundred dollars!?

The money for this train ride is 40!

Not back and forth.

It's also... too cheap.

Ordinary cleaning starts at 50 per hour, let alone her special cleaning?

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