My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 600

After that, Li Yinyuan didn't say anything again, and Xu Mo looked around at a bit at a loss. He still couldn't see anything, and he didn't know how the old man was going.

"No regrets, I have been reborn, don't look for it, there are no ghosts here." It was not until Li Yinyuan said something like this that Xu Mo returned to normal.

The two men cleaned up the house, locked it back, and made the final offer together in a tacit understanding, and then left.

Li Yinyuan began to be very silent again, Xu Mo followed, and the things in his heart could be said to be unable to digest all night.

Suddenly, Li Yinyuan's footsteps stopped. Xu Mo didn't see her eyes again this time, nor did he feel the creeps. Her indifferent tone seemed to finally have a little affection, I don't know if it was an illusion.

"In the end, he said thank you."

PS: The updates in the last few days are all updated with the word count of 2 chapters.

Chapter 638: The Unfamiliar World


Xu Mo actually knew in his heart why the old man had to say this to himself at the end.

Because Xu Mo had already secretly written down the names of the old man and his wife and the location of the cemetery just now, the 100,000 yuan he had saved with hard work was not enough to fulfill his wish to help his wife move to a good cemetery. Xu Mo wanted to help him make up for it. Some, so as to help him fulfill this wish, by the way, he and his wife were buried together, leaving this world without regret, and hurrying to reincarnate, and stop wandering here as a lonely ghost.

Didn't Li Yinyuan say that ghosts can know people's hearts?

Maybe it's because the old people listened to this idea of ​​my own, so I said thank you to myself?

If this can really help him and let him leave with peace of mind, Xu Mo feels totally worth it.

However, Li Yinyuan didn't seem to think so. After a short pause, she bluntly said: "What use is it for you to do this? Do you know how many lone souls and wild ghosts are in this world? Do you know these lone souls? Are there many pitiful ghosts like him in the wild ghosts? Since they are ghosts, it is because they have regrets in my heart, and there is still a trace of wanting to stay here and do not want to leave. There are too many, especially It is lonely death. Every lonely death is like this in the end. No one is willing to go through the last journey lonely quickly, and even some will become ghosts because of it. What I have seen is really Too many, tens of thousands, you helped one, how many can you help?"

Li Yinyuan's words seemed to have something else in it. Xu Mo didn't understand it very clearly. There was a feeling as if she had experienced the same before, that's why she said this.

Of course, what she said did make sense, and Xu Mo understood and felt regretful, but at least he saw this case, so if you can help, please help.

Li Yinyuan has this special job and this talent. She can see ghosts communicating with ghosts, but she can’t. Without her, she wouldn’t be able to get in touch with them. Therefore, she helped once or twice when she met. Can it?

Xu Mo thought so in his heart, but didn't say it.

"Heh." Li Yinyuan suddenly snorted coldly for some reason.

"At this time, there is a ghost from the United States right in front of you. He said that his name is Joe Undead. He wants to go to the press conference of the hammer phone. He heard what you said in your heart and wants to say that since you are so generous and sincere, it is just right. I asked you to borrow hundreds of billions of tolls to take a Didi Underworld, and let you burn him on the spot quickly, or curse you to death."

"Oh!? Why is he here? Really? And why would he be interested in hammer phones? Isn't he selling fruit phones there anymore!?"

"He said that he had already made Fruit 27 in the underworld, and he was very interested in my country's hammer mobile phone. He wanted to go to the press conference to extract the inspiration of Fruit 28. He was urging you to burn him for money, and he said, definitely If it’s from Tiandi Bank, and other banks don’t have UnionPay, he can’t withdraw cash from an American account."

What she said is too... too funny, right?Xu Mo didn't know whether it was real or fake.

But looking at Li Yinyuan's serious and indifferent attitude, he would not be the kind of person who would joke at all, so he believed it again.

"Let you hurry up, I'm urging again, otherwise I will curse you and dig out your kidneys."

"Don't rush, don't rush, you were a billionaire when you were alive, and after you die, you won't show up a bit! It's so late, how can I find you hundreds of billions of coins! Can I buy more now? Can I send it to you when it arrives?"

"There is a ghost at your feet, saying that he died young and was lonely for a lifetime. I heard your voice just now. Since you intend to help them with these ghosts, I will get rid of you and burn a few pieces of paper with his wife in the underground. , It’s not so lonely anymore. Oh, yes, he said it must be a starry SSR."

"What the hell??"

"At this time, a ghost also came behind you, and heard what you said just now. His only remnant in the world is to see the finale of One Piece and Conan. Please burn him right now. Or burning these two authors to him is also excellent."

"I want to see it too!"

"Then, there is a woman in your direction at three o'clock. She said that she called Ruhua and heard your heart. I hope you will burn your first kiss to her and satisfy her."

"My first kiss is long gone! And how to burn it!"

One after another, Li Yinyuan has counted dozens of ghosts with Xu Mo in a short period of time. Although Xu Mo can't see anything by his side now, if you can understand it with Li Yinyuan's words, his side has already been taken up at this moment. The small and large ghosts were surrounded by Tuantuan.

These ghosts, without exception, all heard Xu Mo's heartfelt voice, and then said that he wanted Xu Mo to help them fulfill some wishes.

There are so many requests, Xu Mo really can’t hear them, and there are even a lot of very outrageous requests, so outrageous to say that Sanqueyi is very anxious and wants Xu Mo to burn himself and join them for a mahjong table. of!

And the most important thing is that Li Yinyuan is really a strange woman. With so many ghosts talking by her side, she can tell the plural clearly, and the effect is not worse than the effect of a group of people talking in her own ear.

My head is big just by listening to her.

"Your ghost at six o'clock said you will really curse you if you don't burn it. The ghost at seven o'clock will reconsider. The ghost on your head is about to become a ghost and attack you. The ghost in front of you is now I’m writing your birthday horoscope, the ghost under your feet is crying to you with a tragic cry, and cursing you by the way, and then..."

"Alright, alright!" If he was sweating profusely, he immediately interrupted Li Yinyuan.

"My big brothers, it's my fault and my fault. I shouldn't have thought of that kind of thing in my heart. Please don't think you have heard all of you, OK?"

"That can't be done! How can it be! You lie to the ghosts! Are you making us happy? These are the words of six ghosts, and then the ghosts on your head let you die, the ghosts under your feet scold you & #@...... =*! Then..."

"My God! Li Yinyuan, please help, let them stop talking, don't you..." Xu Mo was really crazy when he heard these words, although he could not hear or see, but there is With Li Yinyuan, a super competent live broadcaster, he is so immersive!

It was exactly the same as on the scene, he could really feel the despair.

The said brain hurts.

Unexpectedly, it was just a word from my heart that attracted so many ghosts to haunt me.

Li Yinyuan may have achieved what he wanted Xu Mo to know. He took the inseparable red oil-paper umbrella from behind and held it in his hand, but did not open it, just like going back and forth next to Xu Mo. After making a few laps with this umbrella, he put the umbrella back on his back again, and took a flat breath: "Okay, they are gone, now there are no ghosts around you. By the way, they said that you are big con man."

"Thank you... I don't know how many ghosts will come all at once... I was kind... but..." Xu Mo was very embarrassed. He still thought that way. He didn't agree with Li Yinyuan's words, but was beaten instantly. Face up.

"There are more ghosts than people. The other world you can't see is very crowded. It's just that there are some regrets when you become a ghost. Regrets are common to everyone. How many ghosts can make up for regrets and reincarnate smoothly? It is a good thing to have such an idea, but it is also unrealistic, because you have no idea what the world you can't see is like."

This time Xu Mo accepted what Li Yinyuan had said in his heart, but he didn't understand too much, and he pondered silently in his heart.

I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think it through.

Sure enough, it is not so easy to understand a different world. It is a world, with such a large scope. It is not something that can be understood thoroughly in a few words and personal imagination, right?

Having said that, the big bag of warding off evil spirits that I have prepared before is useless at all!And what's the use of this mahogany sword?Fake and shoddy products?Putian goods are not available?I was surrounded by a group of ghosts just now?Looking at Li Yinyuan's umbrella, it was much better than the tattered ones on his body. Just a light wave of it, the ghosts didn't dare to come closer, and I don't know what the mystery of the umbrella was.

The group of attracted ghosts opened their mouths and closed their mouths to curse you to death. If Li Yinyuan didn't help him just now, maybe he would really be killed by a group of ghosts.

"Ghosts are just ghosts. It's just that people die and become ghosts. They were once humans. They died. Of course, they continue to live where they arrived, just like people. There is actually no difference between them. I can't see it."

I always feel that Li Yinyuan can read people's minds just like ghosts. Although it is convenient to communicate, this feeling always makes Xu Mo a little uncomfortable.

She didn't ask every time, she would answer for herself.

Forget it, it's all about understanding her, understanding another world that I can't see.

"I don't quite understand why ordinary people are so afraid of ghosts. It is obvious that ghosts are the same as people regardless of their convenience or lifestyle. They used to be human. And people are afraid of encountering ghosts, but ghosts are by their side every day. Yes, in an ordinary family, there may be 20 or 30 ghosts. This is normal. Moreover, cursing death and the like are all popular jokes recently. Ghosts cannot affect Humans, people can’t influence ghosts. Everyone can’t see and interfere with each other. Why should we be so afraid?"

Xu Mo heard that she had such doubts. In fact, he himself had asked himself this question. Perhaps it was a concept or culture that he had accepted since he was a child. He was born to think that ghosts are very scary and scary things. No matter how you don't care about the ideas you have accepted, you still feel a little flustered.

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