My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 620

And Li Yinyuan is still alive, which in itself is already very unscientific.

It's incredible.

These dark circles are really not for nothing, and...why on earth does she not want to sleep?There must be some reason for this.

But when Xu Mo asked her, she just faintly replied: "I'm used to it" and nothing else.

On the contrary, the TV was unexpectedly watched very vigorously. It just so happened that Lin Zhengying had many zombie TVs, so she could continue watching.

Xu Mo looked at the time, it was almost dawn, and Li Yinyuan was not sleeping, but he was too sleepy. He would fall asleep on the sofa at any time, so he stood up, yawned, and stared at the TV. Li Yinyuan, who was motionless, said: "Then... if you are not sleepy, I will go upstairs to sleep for a while. Fruit snacks can be eaten casually. Xiao Jiu will wake up in a while. She wakes up very early and should make breakfast for you."

I thought she would not get an answer from Li Yinyuan, who was addicted to TV dramas, but she didn't expect that as soon as she finished speaking, she put down the remote control in her hand and looked at Xu Mo with a very surprised look: "What are you talking about? "

"Yeah... what's wrong?"

Xu Mo looked at the time, and it was almost six o'clock at five now, and now it will be winter, and it will be late, almost at seven o'clock, so it's almost too soon, just over an hour.

"not good."

Li Yinyuan's face suddenly became serious, as if something serious had happened, and Xu Mo, who was confused and worried, hurriedly asked, "What happened!?"

Wouldn't there be any other messy things to cause trouble?Xu Moke wanted to have a good night's sleep. Recently, he was getting mentally ill by these ghosts and gods.

"Didn't you be possessed by that ghost at night!?" Li Yinyuan turned off the TV a little reluctantly, and then suddenly came to Xu Mo.


"I watched TV when I came back. I was going to help you deal with it when I came back here, but now it's a bit too late. I have to deal with it before dawn."

She seems to be a little flustered now, who has always been calm.

"Wait, wait... I'm a little confused, what should I do? What the hell is going on?" Xu Mo didn't even know what was going on, what exactly was Li Yinyuan talking about.

"It's too late to explain!" Li Yinyuan reached out and pushed Xu Mo directly, pushed Xu Mo back to the sofa and sat down, and began to pull Xu Mo's pants.

"What are you...what are you doing!" Xu Mo's pants have been pulled down halfway, but the dignity of a man is placed here, and his strength is greater than that of Li Yinyuan. She can't pull it down for a while. So stalemate.

"You've been possessed by a ghost... That harsh ghost has too much resentment, and the yin qi absorbed is too heavy. Although it leaves your body, a lot of yin qi will remain in your body. You are a man and belong to Yang. There can be no yin qi in the body! If you wait until dawn, the yin qi will be completely absorbed by your body, and it will be too late to clear it out for you at that time!"

"Wait... Then... Isn't it good to use your talisman? Isn't it used to clear the yin air? What is the matter of taking off my pants..."

Xu Mo, who knew the truth, fell into tears. It turned out to be so, so she forgot to watch TV. She knew she would not show her suspense movies.

Li Yinyuan explained very solemnly: "This is different! The body-clearing charm removes the normal residual yin qi from the human body! Ghosts are extremely yin, and when they are possessed, they will be attached to the man's body, especially when they are possessed by men. The place where the yang energy is the heaviest and the most concentrated is of course what remains when you leave. The body-clearing talisman cannot be cleared away! If it is an ordinary ghost, it will be fine! There will be no effect, the ghost yin at night The anger is too heavy, there is too much left, it must be cleaned!"

Xu Mo was almost crying and fainting in the toilet, how he unfolded like this again, he really took it.

He understood Li Yinyuan's words, the place where the yang energy is the heaviest... Isn't that the place where he is the most proud of being a man?No wonder she has to take off her pants...

"I... I want to ask how you can help me clean up the yin qi!" Xu Mo is particularly concerned about this issue now. It doesn't matter if you take off your pants. No one will see it at night. Although it's a bit strange, it's not bad. A big girl, still a student of her own, can't... but also know how to measure!I'm not the kind of ghost teacher who would attack students, right?

Li Yinyuan sighed, and helplessly took out a steel ball from the pile of cleaning props he brought with him... Yes, it was the steel ball!The kind of dish washing at home!

"This is what I usually use when doing loneliness cleaning services. It can effectively get rid of the yin inside the body. Originally, if there is enough time, just use this to brush a few on the place where your yang is the heaviest. It can be completely cleaned in a few hours, but now there is not enough time so it is not useful."

Xu Mo was frightened when he heard it just now. He almost fainted when he heard that he was going to use this thing to brush the thing for a few hours. Fortunately, in the end Li Yinyuan said he didn't need this, and he was finally relieved.

What's the use?

"Time is tight, and the soft method is not enough, so you can only come to the hard. Now you have to expel the yin qi remaining in your body as soon as possible, and concentrate the yin qi remaining in your possession on the two most important things of your yang qi. Among them, as long as you excrete the essence of Yuanyang accumulated here with you, you will be fine."

This is really the most shocking thing Xu Mo has heard in so many years. He didn't expect that the ghost possessed, actually actually possessed in the egg... And now in order to clear the remaining Yin Qi, it is still Need to... shoot out... take it.

"Don't worry, my master has shown me a book before, and I understand everything on it. I'll help you." Li Yinyuan wanted to pull Xu Mo's pants again.

What kind of book is that...Spring X pictures...

Xu Mo wanted to cry without tears, but he still didn't let Li Yinyuan successfully pull off his pants. It was natural for him to do what Li Yinyuan wanted to do, but it was still a bit...

I'm a teacher!I'm a teacher!

The point is that Xu Mo really has no desire at all now, and he is in danger, where is that kind of thought?Therefore, Li Yinyuan will not come.

If it's just... to discharge that kind of thing, you can do it yourself without help. This is a skill that every man has.

She shouldn't know Li Yinyuan, right?After all, there is always no picture of a man generating electricity in the Spring X picture.

PS: I don’t know if it can be sent out smoothly in the next chapter.

Chapter 658: Time is too late

" need...I can also come by myself...I just do it myself...this kind of thing...I used to do it often!" Xu Mo hurriedly stopped, and stood up while lifting his pants.

Li Yinyuan looked puzzled: "Can you do it yourself? You have to expel the Yuanyang essence from your body, but you can't combine the yin and yang, otherwise the yin qi left in you will be passed on to the wife, so you need to It can be done in a special way."

Sure enough, Li Yinyuan was still too young to look at Xu Mo too underestimated. Xu Mo knew much more about this knowledge than she did.

Although she was talking about special civilization, Xu Mo could understand what she meant.

To put it bluntly, just let yourself be shot once... but you can't use the sex-snap method.

Even if you can't have sex, there must be a way by herself, but she doesn't know it.

"Don't worry... I understand, I will go to the bathroom myself..."

Although Li Yinyuan looked a little worried, he did not continue to stop him, but he still reminded him: "You must remember to be as fast as possible. It will be too late after dawn."

"Okay... I will try my best! But if I haven't discharged before dawn... what will happen?"

"Men are yang. If you don’t expel those yin qi from the body through the essence of yang before dawn, it will merge with your body, and it will be too late to get rid of it. The yang qi in your body will weaken... the characteristics of men will weaken. Become a person with a mixture of yin and yang, and have no yin and yang ability."

"Pop!" As soon as Li Yinyuan's words fell, Xu Mo rushed into the bathroom to solve his own problems and couldn't wait for a second.

Are the consequences so serious!

It was not until the consequences that Xu Mo realized the seriousness of the matter!

This is too serious!

Will become a ladyboy!?Impotence!?I don't want it!My sexual happiness!

This is just over an hour!

My God...

TV hurts...


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