My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 621

15 minutes later, Xu Mo rushed out of the bathroom.

It's not that he has solved the problem, just look at his bitter face to know that the problem has not been solved.

He didn't feel it at all!

There may be many reasons. It is important to know that when boys are self-generating, getting into the state is a very important step, but at such a tense moment in front of Xu Mo, the nervous nerves are tense, how could he relax and devote himself to that kind of In the process, I can't help but check the time after a while, watching the time go by little by little, it is even more anxious, even if I have opened a newly downloaded small movie in the phone, I can't bring up the interest at all.

Also, it may have been a long time since I solved this problem by myself, my body has been accustomed to it, and I have completely lost any feeling and impulse to the left-handed girl. It has been a long time since I solved it by myself... Not always... Aren't they all Nanbing?No need to do it yourself.

It’s as if you usually eat meat, and you suddenly become a vegetarian. For a while, you won’t be able to adapt at all, right?

Under all these circumstances, Xu Mo's hand was almost broken, and it really didn't feel at all. There would be ghosts if he could come out, and there was no hope at all.

After 15 minutes, Xu Mo resolutely chose to give up. Now that time is running out, there is no room for waste. He has to think of a way and quickly get it out... otherwise he will be finished!

It is impossible for Li Yinyuan to help. With this kind of thing, Xu Mo's mind immediately thought of someone's figure. Before he could even mention his pants, he rushed to a certain room on the second floor with a weapon.

Nan Bing slept soundly in her own room. The style of her room was designed according to her own preferences. The furnishings were all made by herself. It was not the cute girlish style of her age, but the whole room. It is full of romance and fun, coupled with the dim pink lighting, and the smell of incense in the room, it really makes the whole environment feel especially like going in, and it has the kind of environment feeling of a lover's tryst.

Even, in her room there are many large props for love between lovers, such as yoga balls, sex chairs and other things that can only be seen in love hotels. Every time Xu Mo comes, you can see a lot. New things not seen before.

She wouldn't lock the door, wishing Xu Mo would attack her at night, although Xu Mo had never done so once, but seems to be the first night attack.

Nan Bing slept very heavily and did not feel that Xu Mo had broken into her room. She was lying on the bed like this. The heating was on in the room. She did not cover the quilt, and was wearing a pyjama that she usually uses. The black lace sexy underwear that she wore was no different from not wearing it. She was not honest in sleeping and had a weird posture. She fell asleep now but she was topless. She didn’t hide anything. I have seen everything that should be seen.

It's an old husband and wife, and Xu Mo is not polite. Now that time is running out, it is too late to explain to her!

"Huhuhu...huhu...huhuhu..." When Nan Bing was sleeping, there was a very light cry.

"Whirring call ...... ...... ...... Well Well Well ah ...... ...... ...... Well AIDS slide ...... Well ......" sleeping Southern simply did not think, sleep half the time to go into the mouth and face suddenly A strange thing is that she is very familiar and familiar, even if she does not wake up, she can instinctively respond instinctively in her sleep.

But this still doesn't work... Although this feeling is of course much stronger than that of his left-handed girl, Xu Mo's feeling is still not obvious, so he has to wake Nan Bing.

"Hey... Nan Bing, wake up quickly, wake up quickly..." Xu Mo shook her body, trying to wake her up from her sleep.

But Nan Bing always sleeps more deadly. He likes to stay in bed, but he can't get up in a daze.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .

Xu Mo still knows her very well, knowing how to wake her up quickly, and lie in her ear and say, "Come and do it."

In an instant, Nan Bing's sleepy eyes were completely energetic: "Woo...uh... come and do it? I sit up and do it by myself! Uh...hmm? Has a dream come true?"

After Nan Bing was completely awake, he discovered the situation in his mouth, and then realized that the dream he had just had was actually true!

The cute thing that I dream of is actually in my mouth.

You know, Xu Mo's nightmares for the past few days really hurt her!

My body is so lonely, I can't stand it anymore.

Now that your dream comes true?

The six hundred and fifty-ninth chapter is exhausted

"You...use those messy props and get them out for me!" Xu Mo was anxious. Seeing that Nan Bing was finally awake, he quickly said to her, opening the drawer of her bedside table by the way and putting it there. All of his messy things were thrown on the bed.

These are the little props that Nan Bing likes to use when doing this kind of thing. She likes to try many new tricks with Xu Mo, and every time it is different, it also makes Xu Mo never tired and enjoy it. .

"Why do you take the initiative today? This is the first time to attack others at night, hehe~ um~ I will sit up and move on my own~ OK~" Nan Bing acted like a baby in Xu Mo's arms skillfully, while acting like a baby With a superb technique, they took off the clothes of the two at the same time, wishing to ride on Xu Mo right away.

She was completely in the state, she didn't need to do anything by Xu Mo, she was already like the snowman, you know how many snowmen there are.

Seeing her acting coquettishly, Xu Mo finally had a little interest. As expected, Nan Bing had found the right person.

However, he must not sit up and move on his own. Didn't Li Yinyuan say that he shouldn't have sex, otherwise it would be passed to Nan Bing.

" can get it out for me quickly, just use can use it anywhere...better hurry up, worry!"

Nan Bing was obviously disappointed. She especially liked the posture of sitting on her own and she was also very confident.

"It's so selfish, people want to be more comfortable... How can you just take care of yourself? Besides, let's do it quickly, let's take it slowly." Nan Bing grumbled slightly, but he Still very honest and skillful, he started to operate according to Xu Mo's requirements.

Her skills didn’t say that Xu Mo might never find a second girl with better skills than her. The main reason was that she was willing to do everything for Xu Mo without any scruples. It was like, Some girls can't accept biting for a lifetime, nor can they accept any posture except normal position, while some girls can accept attempts.

Nan Bing is almighty.

And in terms of skills, they are all very good, the kind with full points, no one can compare.

Xu Mo was not at all enjoying himself. For him, time was too tight. I was afraid that everything would be over when the day broke. Today may be the last time I have done this kind of thing with Nan Bing, and he may also change. Become a terrible gunshot.

" work harder, let me come out quickly...I today...this...I think my body is a bit strange today, as if I can't get out! So I have to verify it quickly!" Xu Mo didn't know How to explain to Nan Bing is better, so I can only tell her like this.

Nan Bing stopped a bit, looked up at Xu Mo, and licked her lips charmingly with her tongue out: "Hmm, there is such a thing? Then don't worry, I don't believe you can hold on to my tricks. Don’t take twenty minutes, you are guaranteed to surrender!"

Ever since, Xu Mo experienced in the next time... many, many experiences that many men may not experience in their lifetimes. How do you say the process... Very cool!However, there is really no feeling of wanting to come out at all!Xu Mo almost cried.

Thirty minutes passed.

Nan Bing was also tired and sweating profusely.

In order to make Xu Mo come out quickly, she tried her best to use all the hidden big tricks here. What kind of popping candy, jelly, and tea... It has already been spilled on a bed, completely. It's useless.The frequency is also much faster than usual, but Xu Mo is... still proud and unyielding.

Nan Bing's strength was almost exhausted, she was too tired, it was more tiring than real sex, she fell on the bed at once: "My God... my mouth... My mouth is swollen... my tongue is about to cramp... you... what happened to you today... so... is it spicy?"

Her mouth is indeed swollen, and her tongue is cramped, and her speech is not very clear.

Xu Mo was almost crying, looking desperately at the remaining time: "I really want to know what happened today!"

Indeed, today is too weird, more than usual.

Nan Bing suddenly panting as if thinking of something, hurriedly asked: "You didn't drink the glass of water I put on the table in the living room!"

Xu Mo suddenly said, "I...I drank it! What is that!? Not water?"

"That's the delay agent I just came back from India today! Add it to the water, it's colorless and tasteless, it can make you stand up for 300 rounds in one night. I wanted to give you a try when you come back. It feels like I fell asleep when you came back too late. I didn't expect you to drink it all by yourself. I said why you are so good today. From now on we can play all night~"

Xu Mo really wanted to hit his head on the wall to death, crying and crying: "Don't just leave this kind of thing on the table in the future! Time... is over... Time is too late! You... there is still half an hour left. It's dawn before dawn, so come on!"

"Ah? Do you want to get it? You drank that thing... Within half an hour, even if I gave birth to two more mouths and four hands, I couldn't help you get it out... and their mouths were numb... …Do you feel bad about others... I hate it... Why, I sit up and move by myself?

This cannot be blamed on her, Xu Mo didn't tell her the true situation and seriousness of the matter at all, so she didn't realize anything.

There is no time to explain, there is not much time left.

Xu Mo had to lift Nan Bing directly from the bed, and then hugged her directly into Ye Diane's room.

After a while--

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