My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 658

We don't know when it will happen in the future, but we must all know that Xu Mo will definitely say the word "true fragrance" in the future.

Then, during the lunch break three days later, President Yan personally brought good news to Xu Mo.

Called Xu Mo to her office, and said to Xu Mo with a kind smile: "Mr. Xu, you are worthy of it. I recently returned from a business trip. Your reputation has improved a lot, even the school manager. , I have praised you more than once. The persons in charge of those well-known music academies have found me, and I hope to visit the music club of our school more directly. I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future. As the principal, I am really proud of having such an excellent teacher as you in the school."

"This...thank you for the compliment from Principal Yan. This is what I should do. The children in the music club have worked very hard. I also want them to show their abilities and strive for a better environment for themselves. "

"Don't worry, I will let you cut the ribbon after the concert hall is built."

"Thank you, Principal Yan."

"I have good news to tell you. Yuelong has officially returned today. I arrived at the airport this afternoon. I remember Mr. Xu, you seem to have no class this afternoon. Why don't you go to the airport to pick her up? The child will meet you and pick her up. I will definitely be very happy.” Principal Yan took paper and pen from his side and wrote the flight number and arrival time to Xu Mo.

"Huh? Qiu Yuelong is back today?"

"Yes, congratulations, Mr. Xu. There is one more student in Class A. Now the distance is getting closer and closer. You also did a good job in this job. The honor of outstanding teachers at the end of the semester may no longer be It's you."

For Xu Mo, this is really good news. If Qiu Yuelong comes back, she will finally be able to officially return to Class A.

Speaking of it, it's been a while since we met last time. It's a bit weird to miss her. She usually only uses social software to contact her, and I don't know if everything is okay.

"After the child came back, I would trouble Teacher Xu to take more care of her. I can feel that after being in contact with you, the child has really become better and more energetic. As the principal, I want to Thank you, as that child’s aunt, I must thank you even more, Teacher Xu."

"No need, because I am her teacher!"

Principal Yan smiled. She has a great temperament, gentle and elegant, and she is very comfortable speaking: "Thank you. Also, next week's inter-school competition is really looking forward to the performance of Class A."

"Inter-school competition?"

"Yes, there will probably be a written notice tomorrow."

"Oh... OK, then I will go to the airport to pick up classmate Qiu Yuelong."

Qingye Academy is rich in wealth, and if teachers travel on official business, they will be picked up by the school's private car. Although this trip is not considered official, it is also considered the principal’s personal business. Of course, there is a car available.

The airport is in the suburbs, and it took a little time on the road, but there is still plenty of time.

Because Qiu Yuelong's flight back from Japan was scheduled to arrive at 5 o'clock, it is only just 4 o'clock, and there is more than enough time.

Xu Mo happily waited for Qiu Yuelong to come back. The child has really recovered to the best condition at the beginning. After returning to Japan, she released a new work under the name of Shui Longyue. This time The sales volume was unprecedented, breaking all her previous records and causing a lot of craze. For a time, many people who didn't read 18X comics at all were even discussing her new work.

18X works with "love" and soul.

It is a new work that she and Xu Mo have drawn together.

Qiu Yuelong, who has regained her self-confidence and state, and has a new level, can be regarded as a great success. Of course, Xu Mo also learned the news for the first time. Unfortunately, she can't buy her works in China, so she can only see it online, otherwise she will definitely Also support it.

That's how it is said, but even if Xu Mo is in Japan, I am afraid that he can't buy it. After printing it three times, it is all sold out.

With all these honors, Qiu Yuelong returned so quickly, which Xu Mo had never expected.

PS: There are many foreshadowings in this chapter, including important plots later.

Today, I will send out two updates for the time being. There is a problem with my circuit, and the air conditioner and fan can’t be used... This chapter was sent out using the laptop code reluctantly and then connected to the computer through the mobile phone network. Now the laptop is almost out of power, Snowman It's heating up too.

After the circuit is repaired tomorrow, we will make another six changes.

Find the blade, the distance from 2000 is still about 400~

Chapter 708 Qiu Yuelong's Sweetheart (1 more)

Reluctantly, Qiu Yuelong’s flight should have been delayed. Xu Mo waited for a long time at the exit after the time was up and did not see her. After checking the flight information again, she realized that her flight was about two hours late. .

However, it is common for planes to be late. Xu Mo didn't care too much. He sat down in a cafe at the airport and wrote the lesson plans that he needed to use in class while waiting for Qiu Yuelong.

Almost waiting for the time to come, Xu Mo packed up his things and returned to the vicinity of the exit again.

But it may be because I drank too much coffee when I was in the cafe just now, and suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. Xu Mo went to the men's toilet first, and explained it in front of the urinal.

This process is actually a very enjoyable experience for boys, and the feeling of release will be very pleasant.Of course, except for prostate patients.

Xu Mo devoted himself and released it wholeheartedly.

I didn't care at all that someone had followed into the men's room.

But this is originally a public toilet. Isn't it normal that someone will come in one after another?

However, what Xu Mo didn't notice at all was that the person who came in actually stopped by his side, and he was still staring at a certain place of him without intending to let go.

After noticing the sight of the people behind him, Xu Mo couldn't even urinate a little bit. What's the situation?Did he encounter a pervert?

Turning around in amazement, he didn't see the perverted brawny man with a coquettish face and a big beard as he imagined. Instead, a slender girl, dressed in cute style clothes, was looking at Xu Mo with relish .

The biggest problem is that the girl stared at Xu Mo's thing, and her face was full of love. It seemed to be the same expression that a couple who had been separated for a long time when they met again.

She couldn't help saying: "You are still so handsome..."

If there are usually girls who praise Mo for being handsome, Xu Mo will be very happy and even a little swollen.

But this time it was different. It was not Xu Mo that people praised, but something under Xu Mo's body... handsome.

"Yue! Yuelong!"

Xu Mo almost urinated his hands. The tiger's body shook, and he quickly lifted his pants. Although the girl next to him wore sunglasses and made a new hairstyle, she can tell from her behavior. Of her identity.

Isn’t that Qiu Yuelong!Only she in this world would do this kind of bereavement!Because it was not because she saw this thing about herself at the beginning, that the girl fell in love in an instant, and thus also fell in love with Xu Mo who carried that thing...

This is a very strange feeling.

She really fell in love with Xu Mo's place.

Is this a kind of fetish?

"Why are you here! This is the men's room!" Xu Mo put on his pants with an embarrassment, and said to her quickly.

"Hee hee, teacher, I didn't just come out and saw you go into the toilet, I can't wait to see...I saw you, so I followed in." Although Qiu Yuelong almost missed her words, But Xu Mo still understood her intentions.

I want to see that I am fake, I want to see my clone is true.

"Female! Woman!?" At this moment, Xu Mo heard a terrified voice in the compartment behind him, followed by the sound of losing his balance and accidentally falling into the pit.

Then there was a wailing sound from inside, which was terrible.

Upon seeing this, Xu Mo quickly pulled Qiu Yuelong out of the men's room, and ran for a long time before stopping.

This kid really...he didn't worry about himself when he came back. What is the operation of entering the men's bathroom?

Looking at Qiu Yuelong again, I can hardly recognize it after months of absence.

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