My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 659

The whole person is completely renewed, with a new hairstyle, and the style of wearing clothes is different from before. This is the confidence that she has completely recovered, and she is much better than before.

During this period of time, Xu Mo has seen the results of her new works. It can be said that it has completely reached a new height, and Qiu Yuelong has completely returned.

"I did this kind of thing as soon as I came back. It's really..." Xu Mo said, but he still took the initiative to reach out and help her carry the suitcase.

"Hehehe, Teacher Xu, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you?"

"It's okay, but are you already busy with your outside affairs? I thought you would be back in a few months? I just watched the news a few days ago. You won several awards and are going to receive them. There are some situations where new works are being adapted one after another. Is it really okay to come back now?"

Qiu Yuelong didn’t feel tired after taking the plane just when she came back. On the contrary, maybe it was because she saw Xu Mo and she was in a good mood. She seemed more and more active. She took off her sunglasses and jumped to the ground. Xu Mo replied with a smile: "Mr. Xu, it seems that you are really paying attention to my affairs! Don't worry, I don't have to go out for the time being. Someone will accept the award for me. As for the adaptation, I also give the responsible company full responsibility. Right now, I just want to go back to school and rest for a while. During this time, I took a small domestic serial, weekly, and workload. I’m relatively young, so I’m pretty relaxed, so I won’t be born."

"It turned out to be like this, but it's good to be like this. It's not a way to always run outside. It's also very good to develop and develop in China. Anyway, if you have your ability, you can play it everywhere."

"Then it is better to be by the teacher's side~ Teacher is my source of inspiration. All the materials I collected with my teacher during the time in Thailand have been almost used by me. I am now exhausted. Status, just waiting for the teacher, you can help me find more inspiration, hehe."

She seemed to say this on purpose, and Xu Mo couldn't help thinking of the various ambiguous "collecting materials" between two people during that period. Now that she thinks about it, she feels a little ashamed. How did she do it in the first place? That kind of thing...

To avoid embarrassment, Xu Mo quickly changed the subject and asked her: "Well... where do you live when you come back? I'll take you back now."

"Ah, it’s fine to go back to school. I don’t want to live at home when I come back this time. The third aunt helped me prepare a special dormitory in the school, which is also my studio. It's more convenient."

It's not a bad thing to be a related household, a huge campus, and only she has this privilege to stay overnight in the school.

Chapter 709 is drawn again (2 more)

"Okay, I'll send you back to school." Xu Mo was originally tasked to pick her up, but of course he wanted to send her back.

"Teacher Xu, don’t worry, isn’t it already over seven o’clock? My plane was late, which made you wait for me for so long. You must be very hungry? Why, I’ll treat you to a meal. Thank you for your help in Thailand.” Just as he walked out of the airport to stop the car, Qiu Yuelong suggested to Xu Mo to eat together.

Indeed, it’s already time for dinner, and Xu Mo is really a bit hungry. He told Xiao Jiu not to cook his own food at night, so Xu Mo originally planned to find a small shop to solve dinner after sending Qiu Yuelong. questionable.

Since she has this intention, it is also very good. You can also talk to her about her affairs during this period of time while eating, so Xu Mo didn't think much about it, so he agreed.

Qiu Yuelong happily gave Xu Mo a big hug at the time, and she didn't know why she suddenly became so happy.

Could it be that there is something hidden in this meal?

Probably not?Isn't this kid just coming back?

Xu Mo just felt that he should have been thinking too much, but Qiu Yuelong's state was indeed a little bit abnormal for a moment.

After getting on the bus, Qiu Yuelong directly reported to the driver an address: "Master, take us to the Honor International Hotel."

"Where to eat?" Xu Mo was suddenly surprised.

Qiu Yuelong nodded: "Yes, let's go there and eat something casually."


The Honor International Hotel can be said to be the most luxurious five-star hotel in the city. Going there to eat Qiu Yuelong actually said that it was just a bite to eat.

Xu Mo originally thought that Qiu Yuelong had said that he wanted to invite himself to dinner. Maybe it was just going to a common restaurant on Qianda Square with an average cost of 70 or 80 yuan, but he didn't expect to come here directly.

Still ignoring this, ignoring that Qiu Yuelong was born as a wealthy daughter, this level of consumption is just a matter of course for her, just like Xu Mo, who was still a young master.Besides, even if Qiu Yuelong is not born as a eldest lady, with her current ability, eating a meal here may mean she draws a straight line of money.

As a teacher, it is really shameful to ask the school to pay for a meal in this kind of place...

I didn't expect that she would come here for dinner before, and she said she would have a treat if she knew, say AA.

No matter what, there are already people here. Qiu Yuelong took Xu Mo directly to the hotel restaurant on the second floor. He ordered a private room and ordered a table of good dishes. The two had a good meal. pause.

During the period, of course, I also talked a lot about what happened when she went to Japan and the strong response brought by the new work they created together.

"This time the response was too strong, so my identity as a Huaxia was quickly exposed, but it didn’t make much difference. It just made those Japanese people admire that Huaxia people can paint so well. 18X works. And because I know that Shui Longyue is actually from Huaxia, many domestic companies have found me one after another, hoping to publish works in China."

"In China...Although the environment is getting better now, 18X works still can't..." Xu Mo is also serious about her. Although it is a good thing to decide to develop in China for the time being, the country will definitely not allow Qiu Yuelong painted the 18X comics like before.

"Teacher Xu, don't worry, I will go ashore in China. I have drawn pure 18X comics for so many years. I also want to try to draw a little bit of the subject of the edge ball. It is also an attempt to myself, so I just agreed to a comic company to start a serialization test, but although it is not 18X, it must be 15X with an ambiguous theme. Teacher, you must know it." Qiu Yuelong said his thoughts, and from I opened a comic app on my phone and handed it to Xu Mo.

Xu Mo took a look, isn't this manga app the largest manga company in China, Polar Bear Animation?

It turns out that Qiu Yuelong is going to start a serial on this.

Indeed, as she said, although domestic 18X comics cannot be drawn, if it is an ambiguous one, there is no problem at all!And that kind of theme is actually very popular!

In the rankings of Polar Bear Anime, the first place is the manga "My Big Boss" and the second place is "My Student Is Not a Problem Young Woman". Both works are novels with the same name. It was adapted, and now it has been adapted into a manga and is particularly popular.

Shui Yuelong, a well-known 18X comics writer, announced his new work after landing in China!

Xu Mo had already thought of the gimmick in his mind, and this alone could really attract the attention of many people.

And to be honest, with Qiu Yuelong's painterly skills and ability to control the story, as well as her love for the work, this new work will be very successful. Even if the 18X label is abandoned, I believe it will be completely fine.

And they said that, it's just that I went ashore temporarily while studying at school, and I can go back and paint 18X whenever I want, and I believe my grades will be better.

Xu Mo is absolutely confident of Qiu Yuelong.

"But you have to come on, have you already thought about the story to be serialized?" Xu Mo is really concerned about this, after all, he is also a fan of her.

"Well, I almost have an idea, but the specific idea has not been perfected yet and needs to be drawn. Then I will have to trouble Teacher Xu to help me."

"Okay, I will definitely help you." Xu Mo immediately agreed, without thinking about it.

His first reaction thought it was to help her look at the work in the future and give her advice.

But as soon as I promised, I immediately reacted as if things were a little bit wrong!Qiu Yuelong's so-called selection of materials does not seem to be that simple!

But it was too late for Xu Mo to react. Looking at Qiu Yuelong, it was already a plan, with a proud look on his face that said, "You are finally hooked." He smiled and got up from the chair, holding her. The suitcase went behind the screen of the box: "Teacher Xu has agreed, but you said it yourself. It's better to choose a day than hit the sun. We happen to be here. Let me go with me right away to get the material. This is the best Where to collect the material."

"Huh? What? Wait... I mean..."

Qiu Yuelong didn't give Xu Mo any opportunity to explain at all. After the screen, it seemed that the voice of changing clothes was heard: "Teacher Xu, I need to prepare. You will wait for me for a while, we will immediately Just set off to collect materials."

Chapter 710 Foot Soaking (3 more)

During the time Qiu Yuelong was preparing, Xu Mo had been thinking about how and what kind of materials Qiu Yuelong would use.

This is the Honor International Hotel.

She said that this place is suitable for collecting materials?

In other words, from the beginning, I said that I had to invite myself to eat here for the purpose of collecting materials?It's really one link after another, I was recruited...

But where can this five-star luxury hotel let her draw materials?Xu Mo really didn't understand.

Could it be that Qiu Yuelong is going to run to see other people's room?

First of all, this should be suspected of being a crime... Moreover, there is no need to come to such a place to peep. If you really want to do this, it is better to go to an unsafe small hotel.

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