My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 684

"This guy has fainted, what should I do? Wake her up and try to force a confession?" Nan Bing has really learned a lot of professional methods of forcing a confession from her past experience. A person and a pig will confess in a short time, but this method is obviously not suitable for women.

"Take her back, let the teacher take a look first." Ye Diange suggested.

"Okay, that's okay. By the way, why are you still calling his teacher? I told you all. Just call him dear in private. I didn't stop you from shouting like this, and I called the teacher privately. How strange."

"But, I like to call him that way." Ye Diange smiled slightly, and when he mentioned the person he loved, his eyes were full of tenderness of love.

PS: Recently, there is something wrong with my body. I try to rest early and adjust my work and rest, so I always keep 2 shifts, not 5 shifts.

Tomorrow morning, the National Day holiday is over and the hospital goes to work. I’m going to the hospital for a check. If it’s OK, I’ll continue to get up again soon. Please be safe~ I hope there is nothing serious.

Chapter 742: You have the ability to grab a man

So the two of them carried Qi Mengmiao back, and Xu Mo was surprised to learn that someone had been peeping at his home just now.

At first glance, it turned out to be a "female fan" who wanted to take the initiative to ask for her fanfare on the road. Xu Mo really didn't know what to say. He could only explain clearly to the two of them and explain what happened when the passerby met this woman. Not bad all explained.

He didn't do anything wrong, this "female fan" took the initiative to seduce, she was upright, didn't even mention a trace of sexual interest, and there was nothing to tell them both.

Of course, Xu Mo said this. Elegy definitely believed in Xu Mo. No matter what Xu Mo said, she would believe it unconditionally, because her personality was like this.

As for Nan Bing, who is often jealous, she doesn't have any small emotions now. This woman is so ugly, she doesn't believe that Xu Mo's eyesight is so bad that she will be worthy of her. If you change to a more beautiful woman, She must be jealous and go to heaven.

Faced with the doubts of Nan Bing and Ye Elegy, Xu Mo was also a little dazed: "When I came back, I obviously walked very fast on purpose. There were a few roads that were less crowded and even strode directly over with light effort. She is just an ordinary person. How can you catch up with me and come back with me?"

Nan Bing gave Xu Mo a little white, and leaned over to check Xu Mo up and down. He quickly took out the positioning device that Qi Mengmiao had secretly put in from Xu Mo's pocket, and held it in his hand disgustingly. "I said you, this kind of pediatrics can be hooked, and it’s becoming more and more careless. Look, it’s shoddy, it’s estimated to be sold for less than two hundred yuan on a certain treasure, compared to what I used to you before. That set of professional equipment is too far behind. Really, you must pay attention to it in the future."

After she finished speaking, she squeezed the positioning device in half in her hand.

Xu Mo was also a little embarrassed. It was true that he was too negligent to cause this to happen. This female fan is too crazy. I have heard in the news before how crazy fans of a certain celebrity are doing. Absurd things, even chasing to the celebrity's home to commit suicide, and will not leave unless they meet.

Unexpectedly, a teacher who teaches myself can encounter this kind of thing.

In the face of fans who were crazy chasing home, Xu Mo suddenly had no way to deal with it, and he didn't know how to deal with it best.

Forget it, after all, she did this because she liked herself and was a fan of herself, but she did it too much...

In the end Xu Mo decided to use hypnotic hints to wash away her address about her home and Nan Bing's elegy and their looks, and then don't like herself anymore.

After doing this easily, Xu Mo was ready to send out the "female fan" who broke in suddenly.

While she is still in a coma, send it to a safer place, for example... the entrance of the police station?

Xu Mo was about to carry her out, so Nan Bing stopped him: "Hey! I don't want you to hug other women to go out at night. I'll send her out. I'll stop by at the side of Yuanjiao Park. Buy a cup of milk tea at the milk tea shop and just throw her on the bench in the round corner park."

"You send...? Seriously?" Xu Mo felt a little flustered, and Nan Bing always felt a little unstable when he sent it.

"You're starting to distrust me? Um... Are you tired of me and don't love me anymore? Don't you believe that I can do it well if you send someone who is insignificant?" Nan Bing pretended to be there. With a sad look, Xu Mo didn't say that, and he couldn't stop her from going.

So this job was handed over to Nan Bing.

So, Nan Bing carried the "female fan" and really came to the round corner park, but instead of rushing to the park bench, she turned and went into the female toilet in the park.

He said angrily, "Hmph, according to my original temper, I should have stripped you naked and put you in the men’s room and tied it up, but now I have a loved one, so I don’t want to do things like that. Excessive. However, how bold are you to seduce my man? Tired of life? Although you don’t throw you into the men’s room as a transfiguration, but you still have to punish you! See if you dare to dare anymore! If you have the ability to grab a man, don't let me punish you if you don't have the ability."

Nan Bing got it into the cubicle of the women's toilet, and it took a full half an hour to get out of the toilet and went home happily.

When he got home, Xu Mote asked specifically: "You sent her to the park well, right?"

Nan Bing looked good, and smiled and replied: "Well, you ordered it, of course I delivered it. I even think it’s a bit unsafe to leave her on a park bench at night, and it’s easy to catch a cold. , So I took her to the cubicle of the women’s bathroom, how about it? Well done, right? You don’t trust me.”

"Well, well, I was wrong... Come and eat cream sandwich cookies."

Nan Bing smiled slightly and threw himself into Xu Mo's arms: "I want to eat a cream filled... hot dog..."


Five hours later, Qi Mengmiao slowly woke up from her coma, feeling that her brain hurts a if she had forgotten many things at once.

The hints Xu Mo gave her before made her forget the things she shouldn't remember, and made her no longer like him so much.

The second point has no effect at all, but Xu Mo doesn't know it. Qi Mengmiao has never liked him, let alone his so-called female fan. It is too late to hate him, so this hint will of course not have any effect.

Qi Mengmiao tried hard to recall...Yes, she found Shui Longyue himself at the gate of Qingye Academy, and followed him all the way, tempting him to refuse to accept, and then... and then he followed, right?What happened after that?

Why can't I remember anything?

There are only fragments in the memory. She remembers that she met two strange women who looked very beautiful, but she didn't remember exactly what she did and what they looked like.

This is where?The toilet cubicle?Why would I be in such a place?I don't remember...

Wait... Why can't you move?

The groggy Qi Mengmiao tried to stand up, but found that her body seemed to be restrained by something.

Under him, there seems to be the sound of some machine turning...

When she looked down, she was so scared that she was completely awake, and her whole person was not well.

At this moment, Qi Mengmiao didn't know who was stripped all over, and her five flowers were tied up. This method of tying... is still the most erotic ~ passionate one!

Her body reacted quickly, very...uncomfortable.

Not only that, but a lot of words have been written on her body, such as'public toilet', written with a marker, and it is even difficult to clean it.

Another rope tied her posture, and she was tied in a posture of squatting on the toilet.

Moreover, she can only squat in such a tired posture all the time!

Because as long as she sits down a little bit longer!

There was something on the toilet aimed at her vital part.

That is a vibrating stick.

Yep?How it feels... It's a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, there is still a lot of dust on it, it seems to have fallen on the ground, and it has not been cleaned!

Qi Mengmiao is desperate. She can only squat all the time, unable to break free, unable to move, and she can't even sit down. The thing below is just waiting for her!

Who the hell is it!

Despair... Qi Mengmao's heart is full of despair, she wants to cry... but she dare not speak...

I'm afraid that this is a men's room. If you make any movement, you will provoke a strange man... Seeing your posture like this, you can't... become Li~fan?

The seven hundred and forty-third chapter is the state of dementia (two in one)

It's hard to imagine how Qi Mengmiao finally escaped from the women's toilet in that situation... how she did it... I am afraid only she herself knows.

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