My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 685

All I know is that when she crawled out of the toilet..., she was already embarrassed as if she was splashed by water, from start to finish... and her legs were constantly twitching, and she was weak. What happened?

Qi Mengmiao completely didn't want to recall such things.

She lay in the hotel, with only greater resentment in her heart. This resentment had made her determined to completely destroy Shui Longyue, otherwise, even if she really died, she would definitely become a ghost to seek revenge. of.

Although she didn’t know why she forgot so many things, she didn’t know which perverted guy had tied herself to the women’s bathroom... and set up the shameless mechanism to prank herself, but she only remembered all this. She decided to follow what happened after Shui Longyue got the information...

Qi Mengmiao can feel vaguely, this must have something to do with Shui Longyue, anyway, it is him, it is him, it is all because of him that it became like this!If you really have the courage to kill, then Qi Mengmiao believes that she will do it now, but it is a pity that this kind of courage is not available to everyone, although she is really angry and violent on her forehead. There was no sign that the veins had disappeared. The blood had already been bitten out of his mouth, and his hands also smashed the bed board, causing pain.

Isn’t it a good thing to say?When you hate a guy to the extreme, you will feel that it’s that person’s pot even if you stuff your teeth while eating, and everything will leave the pot on that person by default.

But... this time she did hate the right person.

Qi Mengmiao can no longer sit and wait for death like this. She has mixed feelings and is exhausted. Her body is about to reach the extreme, and she will soon be unable to support this feeling of continuous collapse. In a few days, the book "My Secret" The book will be updated with the third chapter. Before the update...Shui Longyue must be... drag the nasty guy to hell...

Maybe it’s because of this strong resentment in my heart that Qi Mengmiao can’t stay in the hotel, and those who are at night don’t know where to go. Although this strange city has a rich nightlife, there are also all kinds of things. Snacks are for friends from other places to choose, but now how can Qi Mengmiao feel in the mood to do these things, even if she can’t eat anymore, she feels appetite when she sees everything, walking around in the street like headless flies, No purpose, I didn't eat anything all day today. I just bought a pear to cushion my stomach at a new fruit shop called Jiujiujia on the side of the road.

Qi Meng Meow was confused, but when she recovered, she had already walked to the door of Aoba Academy. Perhaps it was because of the appearance of the man she hated and hated constantly flashed in her mind...

It was getting late now, and it was about twelve o'clock. The school was silent at this time, and obviously there would be no trace of anyone.

As she thought of this, she suddenly noticed that a shadow in the gloomy academy seemed to be hurriedly walking inside, just entering the gate.

The Aoba Academy is rich in wealth, and the street lights in this academy are all bright and transparent, but for a moment, Qi Mengmeow recognized that the man who hurriedly entered the academy late at night was the man!Shui Longyue!

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity!Qi Mengmiao doesn't want to let it go again, as if it was her last straw!

Entering the academy late at night with a sneaky look of anxiety, he...he must have some unspeakable secret!

Steal the inside of the schoolgirl!?Or...doing disgusting things in a female student seat!?

Qi Mengmiao can't take care of that much anymore. Her will to revenge has reached the peak, so that she is completely free from it. Even the five-meter-high Aoba Academy wall was climbed up. Before that, Qi Mengmiao But the skill of not climbing walls at all is completely forced out.

She climbed up, and jumped into the academy at a distance of more than five meters. She was even more embarrassed at this time. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured. She was really lucky, but she received a slight injury. The ground rolled several times, and was even more embarrassed. What I didn't know was that I had just fled from war-torn African countries.

She jumped down from a height of more than five meters, and even the breasts in front of her who had gone to Bangzi Guolong last year were blown open by her...It was terrible.

But Qi Mengmiao did not give up. Instead, she got up from the ground with the fastest speed and followed the direction where "Shui Longyue" disappeared.


Xu Mo was going to go to bed tonight. Before going to bed, he swiped his phone and opened the Polar Bear app to look at the book review section of "My Secret". However, the book review section seemed to have something important. Everyone is still discussing.

The first book review is: Teacher Shui Longyue has a mentality problem. The third chapter is probably not updated in time. If you don't believe me, go to the P station.

And go to P station to see, really, Qiu Yuelong sent a very scribbled sketch tonight, there are a lot of pigeons on it, it feels like a messy mood, can’t draw, suggesting that you want pigeons .

Qiu Yuelong has just returned. Xu Mo will worry that she will not be able to adapt to school life in many places, so she will be particularly concerned about her during this time. Now she suspects something is wrong, of course Xu Mo has to call immediately. Ask.

Although it was almost twelve o'clock, this point...for Qiu Yuelong, she should have not slept yet.

It’s really weird. She was dragged to the second place by changing the rules before, or she was deliberately brought into rhythm by others. It was very good. She didn’t have to worry about her at all, but now she did it because of something. Has the mentality collapsed again?

No one answered the phone for a long time. Xu Mo was really a little worried. He left for the school overnight to find her to see what was going on. Only then could he rest assured.

As an excellent teachers of the people, not only in school, but also in daily life for students.

Xu Mo rushed to the school as quickly as possible and came to Qiu Yuelong’s dormitory. Because Xu Mo was afraid that Qiu Yuelong would not be able to get up in the morning for class during this period, he would often come by to call her to get up when she went to work in the morning. Therefore, Qiu Yuelong gave Xu Mo the key directly so that he could come in by himself at any time without disturbing her to sleep. Of course, this must also come from 100% trust in Xu Mo, otherwise it would not be possible The key to his room was handed to him.

Opening the door of the dormitory, Qiu Yuelong was not found, so it must be in the studio, right?

Sure enough, Xu Mo found Qiu Yuelong's figure in the next studio. There was a mess in the studio. Various drawings and scraps of paper were randomly discarded on the ground, as well as various mysterious props that "you know". , This scene always feels a bit familiar.

Of course, not only the environment, but the state of Qiu Yuelong in front of Xu Mo at this time also made Xu Mo extremely familiar.

It seems to be back a few months ago.

Qiu Yuelong was curled up in the corner of the studio at this time, her eyes were absent, she curled up like a robot and stared at the drawing in her hand, and her hand painted on the drawing at a nearly crazy speed. ……Then, it was crumpled into a ball and discarded, and it was completely scrapped.

Oh my God, why is she in this state again!

Xu Mo had seen this scene a long time ago, and was too familiar with it.

Once Qiu Yuelong falls into the bottleneck period of her creation, she will definitely appear in this state of passive conceit. Now she can hear nothing and see nothing, she will only continue to paint crazy, and then continue to destroy the original painting. Repeat this behavior repeatedly.

This terrifying speed of painting and the posture of the whole person curled up in a ball will bring a great burden to her body and spirit, unable to support it much, and over time, it will definitely cause very dangerous damage to her body.

Lost his wit, this is mad again.

Didn’t they all paint well before?From returning to Japan to returning, Qiu Yuelong's state has always been at its peak, and her whole person's spirit is very good, and her mood is quite happy. How can she suddenly become like this again?

The content of the third chapter...With such difficulties, she has fallen into a long-lost bottleneck period?

Qiu Yuelong has completely lost her consciousness and five senses. Now she is just an artist dedicated to creation.

It is said that artists are all lunatics, and she may have some such potential.

In this state of selflessness, Qiu Yuelong can even draw without seeing.

But it's not that this state is good, but it's very bad and dangerous. The reasons are already mentioned above.

Fortunately, Xu Mo seems to have arrived a little earlier. Her body can still bear such a high-intensity load, but it may not work after a while.

The last time Qiu Yuelong entered this state, Xu Mo had successfully liberated her from this state.

He knew very well how to help Qiu Yuelong to wake her up. her something that can attract her attention, but this is not a simple thing. How would you say Qiu Yuelong is a great cartoonist who has seen the world, ordinary things are fundamental There is no effect, even if it is something that can be very interesting in the eyes of normal people, it has no effect on Qiu Yuelong.

In fact, Xu Mo was really clear in his heart that he only needed such a work to help Qiu Yuelong with no effort.


Oh, forget it, no ink.

Haven't you done it once anyway?

With the first time, this second time there will be less psychological burden.

Although... As a teacher, Xu Mo still feels a bit weird and bitter... can't tell.

Xu Mo pulled off his waistband and stood in front of Qiu Yuelong.

Taking a deep breath, he bravely stepped across the bottom line of morality, abandoned the dignity of the teacher, took off his pants, and showed Qiu Yuelong's "dream lover" in front of her.

Xu Mo didn't dare to look at this picture. It was the same as covering his face with his hands, showing a crying without tears, silently reminding himself: I am not a perverted teacher...I am not a perverted teacher... I did it for my students...for my students!The god of education will forgive me!

This was the way she was successfully awakened last time, and I believe it will definitely work this time.

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