My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 703

"Young man, are you a repeater?" The doctor also found it strange. Nowadays, young people seem to like to start repeating like this at every turn. It's strange that each repeater becomes a human form.


And now this repetition is not what Xu Mo said, but after Xu Mo finished speaking, the two voices behind Xu Mo repeated the same words again in unison.

It was Ye Diele and Nan Bing who came in a hurry now.

They were just behind Xu Mo, and then they heard very incredible words.

"Impossible... It's absolutely impossible. Doctor Huang, are you taking your pulse wrong? My goodness, how could she be pregnant! She obviously... or... are you kidding me?"

The attitude of the emergency doctor immediately became indifferent: "What do you say? Our doctor can still lie to you? Doctor Huang is notoriously accurate in getting the pulse. You can basically confirm the result without a B-ultrasound. You really don't believe it. , You go upstairs to get a B ultrasound? Huh, really, young people nowadays..."

The doctor didn't bother to continue to care about Xu Mo's bed, and after shaking his head, he went to take care of other emergency patients.

In front of Xiao Jiu's bed, only three people with the same expression were left.

You look at me... I look at you...

Then Ye Diang and Nan Bing looked at Xu Mo together.

Xu Mo was almost crying. Of course he knew what they meant when they knew the result, but Xu Mo was innocent, innocent!

Although he did think Xiao Jiu was pretty good, but...he never touched Xiao Jiu before.

"You... a beast! You have to wear a condom even if you are doing it with me, why don't you wear it with Xiao Jiu?" Nan Bing was almost mad at Xu Mo, not because he and Xiao Jiu had a leg. From Nan Bing's point of view, Xiao Jiu had already admitted that it didn't matter if he had one leg, but it was Xu Mohui's Xiao Jiu who was pregnant, which she couldn't bear.

"I... I was wronged! Xiao Jiu is still a virgin! You can see it, I haven't touched it!"

"What if you just didn't get in, you ended up in it!? Beast, honestly explain your crime!"

"????? I really haven't done anything like that! And... and this is not sure yet? The pulse is inaccurate! Go, let's do a B ultrasound, do it right away! How can Xiao Jiu get pregnant! "

"No need to do it." Under the noisy noise, an unhurried voice came.

It is the voice of elegy.

Nan Bing and Xu Mo turned around and saw that she had placed their hands in the lower part of Xiao Jiu's abdomen.

In other words, she has already...

Xu Mo's expression was stiff all over.

Ye Elegy nodded with certainty: "Xiao Jiu is pregnant."

The sky is falling.

The world fell apart.


Xu Mo, stupid.

Nan Bing was angry.

Reader, lost.

Snowman, fell asleep.

Chapter 763 The Causes of Pregnancy (1)

Even if Xu Mo still didn't believe it in the end, he went to do all the checks, including the B-ultrasound, everything that could be confirmed was confirmed.

Xiao Jiu is indeed pregnant, and it is about eleven weeks of pregnancy now, that is, she has been pregnant for about 3 months.

3 months... has it been so long?

Pregnant in October, it will be born in more than half a year!?

Xiao Jiu has been transferred to a quiet single ward. The atmosphere in the ward is deathly quiet. Xu Mo, Nan Bing, and Elegy are sitting beside Xiao Jiu's bed, each silent and silent.

Everyone must be shocked by this incident.

It's as if the three views are all ruined.

It's unbelievable in itself, isn't it?Xiao Jiu is pregnant?And it has been 3 months?What a joke.

Xu Mo is sitting in a chair now, holding his head in his hands... I can't believe this is true, but the inspection report has already explained everything...

Is this a dream?Where could this happen?

The realization of Nan Bing and Ye Elegy kept throwing towards Xu Mo. Of course Xu Mo knew what they were thinking. It was normal to think that way, because there was only Xu Mo in the family, the one who had the most contact with Xiao Jiu. The man was also Xu Mo, Xiao Jiu suddenly became pregnant, isn't Xu Mo the most suspected person?

Even Xu Mo himself is starting to wonder if he was drunk some day three months ago...or did he do something to Xiao Jiu that he shouldn't do in a hazy situation?

No... shouldn't be.

Xu Mo held his head, carefully recalling every day in the past, especially the period three months ago... I didn't have any thoughts about breaking his head.

Obviously... everything is normal, nothing happened.

Besides, Xiao Jiu is a virgin, a virgin!The three people present could see this. Xu Mo just asked Ye Diele to confirm that Xiao Jiu was still innocent, but what happened to the child in her stomach?

Could it be that, as Nan Bing said, this beast just didn't get in, trying to get that damn thing into Xiao Jiu's body, causing her to become pregnant?How is that possible!I would never do that kind of thing.

But he is the most suspicious person, Xu Mo really has no clues at all, and that feeling... I don’t know if anyone can understand it, it’s like you did a terribly bad thing, but you don’t know at all. Without this memory, I desperately tried to recall it but I didn't have any clues. My heart was full of inexplicable guilt, as if I had done something wrong.

"What do you do now, you are really... Xiao Jiu will be yours sooner or later, why are you so eager to get pregnant now? How old is this? To get pregnant, I also get pregnant first. In terms of age, I am better than Xiao Jiu. One year older." Nan Bing sat beside Xu Mo, while looking at Xiao Jiu on the hospital bed with very concerned eyes, while whispering to Xu Mo.

Even the elegy, after being silent, she looked at Xiao Jiu who was lying on the hospital bed, then looked down at her abdomen, and said to herself: "I too..."

Okay, they all believed that the child was Xu Mo's anyway.

And Xu Mo himself really wanted to believe it soon.

Although it is really surprising that Xiao Jiu was pregnant, his jaw was dislocated, but... one thing must also be determined, and that is who the child's father is!

If the father of the real child is Xu Mo...Xu Mo...I really don’t know what to do. Although he doesn’t seem to be a father for the first time, the feeling is still unprepared. With a little defense, everything is accidental, disrupting all rhythms.

The child has not been born yet, only three months old. The best way to know who the child’s father is is, of course, to ask Xiao Jiu himself.

By the way, Xiao Jiu.

I have never said that Xiao Jiu’s reaction on the surface is actually more calm than everyone in the room. When I went upstairs to go for a B-ultrasound examination, I was silent and very cooperative until I got a certain result and learned that I was pregnant. It had been 3 months since she had been in the news, she had been lying on the bed so honestly, without saying a word, looking at the white walls of the ward, not knowing what she was thinking.

After the doctor Huang helped her say that Ximai was pregnant, Xiao Jiu didn't say a word and made any noise.

The whole person also seems to have no soul, just like a puppet with a blank face and no thought.

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