My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 704

She couldn't hear it at all when she talked to her, there was no expression or emotion on her face, just lying there quietly.

After all... Such a thing, Xiao Jiu himself can't accept it, right?

Suddenly she learned that she was pregnant, and it had been 3 months, it was too early for her to experience this kind of thing.

Whoever changes is the same.

Even if Xiao Jiu is so optimistic and cheerful, the same is true of children who can be brilliant and infect people with a smile.

Suddenly I became pregnant, and the blow was too great.

She may not be able to accept this reality herself, so she has not made any response, calmly a little scary.

Xu Mo and Nan Bing's Elegy were very worried about Xiao Jiu's state, but no matter how she spoke in her ear, she didn't respond at all. She only knew that she was looking at what was in front of her blankly, and her consciousness might not be here anymore.

Xiao Jiu now is just a body.

But in fact, for Xiao Jiu, this is indeed the case.

She really never thought about pregnancy.

She also didn't know what happened. Although she was already fascinated by Xu Mo, and Xu Yan assisted, she had never had any physical contact with Xu Mo, not even once.

She didn't know what kind of feeling it was for Xu Mo. She wanted to be the young master's woman?She really hadn’t thought about this kind of thing, and didn’t dare to think about it. She was just a maid, and she would only want to be a maid for the rest of her life. Just like this, she stayed with the young master to take care of him. With him, Xiao Jiu felt that Very happy and contented, she only wants so much.

When she learned the news of her pregnancy, she completely crushed her small body as if the sky had collapsed, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Xiao Jiu couldn't breathe out of this reality. She was scared, horrified, at a loss, and wanted to cry, but because she was too frightened, she had lost the consciousness of crying.

For Xiao Jiu, it was as if her world had suddenly become blank, and she couldn't see the future at all.

She was really scared... very scared, very scared... Such a blow was really terrible.

Under the most feared emotion, people have forgotten the expression of emotion.

Xiao Jiu was also reminiscing about what happened in the past three months. She couldn't remember, she couldn't remember at all, as if nothing strange had really happened.

Am I... pregnant?

Three months?

I... Am I going to be a mother?Is it a boy or a girl?Would she be willing to accept that her mother is just a maid... and... this child... does not have a father...

For Xiao Jiu, it was undoubtedly painful. The reality was too cruel. He became pregnant somehow, and he didn't even know who the child's father was. There was no clue.

For a girl, pregnancy and childbirth are such an important thing, and it is related to the whole life. This point does not need to be explained.

Is there any girl who doesn't want to marry the perfect prince charming in her heart?Is there any girl who doesn't want to have a little life with the most beloved?

But now, she doesn't even know who the child's father is.

Xiao Jiu felt that he was the stupidest person in the world.

No wonder I have always felt a strange feeling in my stomach during the recent period. I thought I was eating too much... the waist became thicker. The original skirt seemed a little tight, and I thought it was just fat...

Even her breasts have grown a little bigger, and she thought...just a bit bigger normally, she was even a little happy.

The eldest aunt hasn’t been here for two months, and Xiao Jiu didn’t pay much attention. It’s easy for girls not to come to the aunt for other reasons, such as being too tired or getting cold or sick. I won't come, so I won't pay attention at all. How can a virgin think about whether she is pregnant or not?

Since Xiao Jiu had no thoughts and Xu Mo couldn't think of anything, he had to use another angle to expose the truth of the matter.

----split line----

Three months ago, one day early in the morning.

As usual, Xiao Jiu wakes up when it's just dark. After a simple wash, he will start to clean up the kitchen and prepare for the family's breakfast.

Purple potato polenta is fragrant and nutritious. It is now the most popular breakfast staple at home. Xiao Jiu makes very good. Especially today, she also specially added a little dried seafood to the purple potato polenta. The fusion of the flavours in the fragrance of the plants is more intense and not greasy. The whole home can't help exuding such a scent during the cooking process in the casserole.

Soon, the sound of footsteps coming downstairs from upstairs was Nan Bing. She couldn't help sniffing her nose with happiness before she reached the first floor, and praised Xiao Jiu who was preparing in the kitchen: "Wow. , Xiao Jiu, the porridge cooked today? It's so fresh. I smelled the fragrance as soon as I opened the door."

She walked to Xiao Jiu's side quickly, and touched Xiao Jiu's face as usual. They had a good relationship, and Nan Bing also liked her very much, so she often touched her like this, and Xiao Jiu didn't mind Nan Bing at all. this way.

"Yes, it's the usual purple potato polenta, but today I added some scallops and dried shrimps. It tastes a lot more delicious at once. The taste should be okay. Miss Nanbing, would you like to try a bowl first? Look? It should be all right now. It's rare that you started the earliest one today." Xiao Jiu smiled sweetly. Her smile is so beautiful and makes people feel particularly comfortable after watching it.

In the past, Nan Bing was often the family's favorite to stay in bed. Today, it is indeed rare to get up first.

"Ahahaha, okay, okay, wait, I'll wash up first, and I'll come right away. Well... I explored some more esoteric problems with him last night, and I was too excited to fall asleep. I was thinking about eating breakfast and then going to bed. Fortunately, I didn't miss the breakfast you made Xiao Jiu, so I didn't want to regret it."

Xiao Jiu didn't understand the other meaning of Nan Bing's words. Innocent, she thought she was really discussing something with Xu Mo about studying and discussing things late, and she was so excited that she never slept, and she was still concerned. She asked her like this: "Is this really okay? I can't stand it if I stay up late."

Seeing Xiao Jiu so innocent, Nan Bing couldn't help but touched Xiao Jiu's face with a look of affection: "It's okay, today is the weekend! Okay, I'm going to wash!"

After washing up, Nan Bing first served a bowl of porridge and took a few sips. She couldn't help but admire the taste. She ate very delicious and satisfied.

Seeing that breakfast is almost ready, Xiao Jiu wiped his hands and prepared to go upstairs, and said to Nan Bing who was sitting at the table: "Miss Nan Bing, then you should eat first. I'll go upstairs and ask Master to get up for breakfast. "

But Nan Bing got up from the dining table with him, holding the bowl of porridge in his hand, and was eating and preparing to go with Xiao Jiu to call Xu Mo to get up: "I'll go with you, well, it's so fragrant. ,good to eat!"

In this way, Xu Mo, who fell asleep in a daze, was awakened by two little fairies who were like flowers and jade. When Xu Mo woke up in a daze, he smelled a special fragrance, and his empty stomach was ashamed. the sound of.

"What did you cook today, Xiao Jiu? It smells so good."

Before Xiao Jiu answered, Nan Bing ate and stuck out his tongue at Xu Mo cutely, and said jokingly: "Xiao Jiu’s secret new formula is delicious~ It’s a pity that you have to get up and wash. I can't taste it for a while."

"Oh, I can't help it anymore. The taste is so tempting. Don't you have a bowl? Let me taste it first." Xu Mo got up from the bed and reached out to take Nan Bing's hand. Bowl of porridge.

Nan Bing suddenly got into a joke, deliberately wanting to play a joke with Xu Mo, between lovers, there is occasionally this sweet atmosphere of slapstick, deliberately attracting Xu Mo glutton, but immediately in front of Xu Mo's noodles ate the last bite of porridge in the bowl into his mouth.

"Eh~ hee hee, if you don't give it or not, you get up quickly, get up and wash yourself and go downstairs to eat!"

"Really..." Xu Mo showed a regretful expression, and could only obediently walk to the bathroom to wash first.

But Nan Bing was just in the mood. Just joking directly made her more active. Suddenly a bold idea came into her mind. She ignored Xiao Jiu and watched, so she threw herself into her arms and bury her skillfully. Into Xu Mo's arms, he hooked Xu Mo's neck with both hands, staring at him with ambiguous eyes.

PS: After watching the game today, I can't write it at all... Let's update it.

Chapter 764 The Cause of Pregnancy (2)

Nan Bing smiled ambiguously and hugged Xu Mo's neck with both hands: "However, I have other ways to let you taste Xiao Jiu's porridge in advance~ I just finished drinking it just now, and now... It's all the smell of that bowl of porridge."

As soon as Xu Mo woke up, he was a little hazy, and Nan Bing took the initiative to stick it up without responding, and he opened his mouth and kissed him forcefully.

Her kissing skills are too superb, and Xu Mo will never be her opponent when he is in good condition. Her sweet little tongue has completely penetrated Xu Mo's mouth.

It is warm and sweet, with an intoxicating taste, combined with her powerful kissing skills, it is indeed a kind of enjoyment...but...

Xu Mo knows that Xiao Jiu is still next to her!

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