My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 718

Xiao Jiu completely left everything behind. With the help of Wu Ge Meng and Xu Yan, she was no longer confused, and she had only the most sincere belief in her heart. She wanted to face her feelings directly.

I want to tell him everything in my heart.

Xu Yan sat by the hotel bed, opened the curtains, and was able to see the girl in maid costume running under the dim street lamp.

Although her face is still full of tears, the corners of her mouth are raised, revealing the most beautiful smile, and the figure of her favorite daughter appeared in front of her, and she said to herself: "Three thousand, it seems, Maybe you will have a lovely sister soon... Um? Strange? Why do I think the child in Xiao Jiu's belly must be a girl? Oh, no matter what, so... What kind of thing should I think of for her? Is the name better?"

----split line----

Xiao Jiu didn't know when he had subconsciously started running with all his strength, and when he got home, he could not wait to open the door.

But from the moment I wanted to open the door of the house, the door opened from the inside.

Xu Mo opened the door, looking at the girl in the maid costume who was panting at the door, her face flushed, but her eyes looked extra firm.

Both seem to be surprised that each other will suddenly appear.

"Xiao Jiu, where have you been... I'm worried about breaking down, and I'm about to go out to find you." After Xu Mo was surprised, he walked towards Xiao Jiu with a worried expression, squatting gently in front of her. Watching Xiao Jiu's situation carefully, she is now pregnant with a child, for fear that she will have some bad physical condition when she goes out most of the night.

Just after he returned home from Xu Yan, he also wanted to have a good talk with Xiao Jiu. From Xu Yan, Xu Mo was also told by Xu Yan that he was sober, and he clearly saw the thoughts in his heart, and was thinking about meeting Xiao Nine have a good talk.

At first I knocked on Xiao Jiu’s door, but there was no response. I thought she was asleep, so Xu Mo just sat in the living room and waited quietly, because since Xiao Jiu was asleep, then It's hard to disturb her to rest, because pregnant people can take care of everything.

But maybe it was too anxious in his heart. Xu Mo waited for about 20 minutes, and still got up from the sofa a little restlessly, and kept turning around in front of Xiao Jiu's room. Finally, he couldn't help it. , Gently pushed her room away, only to realize that Xiao Jiu was not in the room.

I continued to find the whole family, but Xiao Jiu was not seen.

Xu Mo felt anxious at once, thinking that Xiao Jiu was doing something stupid because he was too shocked by the pregnancy, and ran away from home to do something stupid. Isn't there a case of this in many news?What underage girl unexpectedly became pregnant, her boyfriend ran away again, and finally couldn’t think about it, and then...

Xu Mo fell into a cold sweat, and Xiao Jiu's blow was not small. Whoever changed it... who would collapse, let alone a girl that young.

Then, he hurriedly prepared to go out to find Xiao Jiu, didn't he just meet him?

After taking a good look at Xiao Jiu's body, everything seemed to be normal, and Xu Mo finally let out a long breath: "Fortunately, fortunately, you are fine, that's great..."

Seeing that Xiao Jiu was okay, Xu Mo felt a lot more comfortable, and couldn't help but laugh, just looking at Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu looked at Xu Mo in a daze.

In the middle of the night, the temperature is relatively low, and now it is winter again, this time it actually started to snow.

Crystal clear snowflakes slowly fell from the air, and more and more, soon covering the ground with a layer of shallow white.

"Come on, let's go to the house. It's snowing. Be careful of catching a cold. You can't catch a cold now. Pay more attention to your body." When Xu Mo saw it was snowing, he subconsciously took Xiao Jiu's hand and thought Take her into the house.

However, Xiao Jiu remained motionless all the time, as if she suddenly slammed on the ground, but her eyes were always looking at Xu Mo, and her eyes were only Xu Mo.

"Xiao Jiu?" Xu Mo looked at her, as if Xiao Jiu had something to say, so he squatted in front of her again.

"Young Master." Xiao Jiu called Xu Mo softly.

Snow fell on her body piece by piece. Xiao Jiu’s black hair was covered with snow. Xu Mo looked at the sky, took off his coat directly from her body, and covered her head. In this way, the generous men's jacket can cover her body.

"Eh, you say."

Xiao Jiu pursed her mouth, and put her little hand on the coat Xu Mo covered her with a few lightly.

This may be the first time she talks to others with this kind of soul-conscious feeling.

And she only wants to talk to one person in this way in her life.

That person is Xu Mo.

Standing in front of her, treating her man so tenderly.

"Master, I like you."

Xu Mo didn't hesitate at all, and immediately nodded and replied: "Well, I know."



"I want to give birth to this child."

"Well, I don't want you to knock him off. Give birth. Let's take care of her together. I will be good to her."

Xiao Jiu was silent, and Xu Mo felt that as a man, he should take the initiative to stand up when he was talking about this.

"Xiao Jiu, don't be a maid from now on."

"Master, stop being a maid, then I..."

"This kid, it's mine."

" know?"

"Although I don't know what's going on, but how much... can I feel it, because I really want you to be born and I don't want to be killed. So, is it true?"

Xiao Jiu was a little bit lost: "Master, sorry, it's my fault..."

"What about the young master?"


Xu Mo looked at the snow in the sky, although he had a lot to say in his heart, but now he didn't know why, he just wanted to say a word to Xiao Jiu.

"Little nine."


"Let's warm up."

"Okay... eh!????"

PS: There will be no deletions.

Chapter 778 I will make you happy

(Friendly reminder: From a scientific point of view, the first 3 months and the last 3 months of pregnancy are when you need to pay attention to protection. Generally speaking, it is not allowed to do intense exercises, or those you know Things. After 3 months, as long as it is not too intense and the movements are gentler, there will be no much impact. Above, Xiao Jiu is currently pregnant for more than 11 weeks, which is about 3 months, but it has not yet arrived. But because of the need of the plot, there will be such a plot. If it is really necessary to explain, in fact, everyone can use "Because Xu Mo has been tempered by the double cultivation method in this respect, it is different from ordinary people, so even at this time. It won’t hurt the other party’s reason to explain the past, so it doesn’t hinder reading.)

When Xu Mo suddenly said such a sentence very gently, Xiao Jiu just subconsciously agreed in this atmosphere.

Originally, shouldn't it be something like "I like you, stay with me"?

But Xu Mo's words were amazing, and he suffocated such a sentence for a long time.

'Let's do warming.'

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