My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 719

It's not even his style.

But at that instant, and under the atmosphere of Xiao Jiu's confession, Xu Mo subconsciously said it.

And after Xiao Jiu recovered and realized that she seemed to have promised something terrible, she blushed and became hot, and the snowflakes flying around her seemed to be melted by the heat.

Suddenly he began to be at a loss, and his body couldn't help but began to sway, as if he was a little unsteady, and would fall to the ground at any time. Fortunately, Xu Mo quickly stepped forward and hugged her. The waist held her body.

It's just that this action is really intimate. It is not so much that Xu Mo's hand is supporting Xiao Jiu's waist. It is better to say that Xu Mo's big hand has completely covered Xiao Jiu's buttocks... It doesn't feel good!Of course, this is obviously not the point.

With such an intimate action, the distance between the two people has become much closer. Xu Mo's hot eyes looked directly at Xiao Jiu, and for the first time he was embraced by the person he liked with this look. Looking at Xiao Jiu, although his eyes were extremely shy, they were also affectionate.

Obviously, Xiao Jiu's current state, no matter what Xu Mo said, she would be at the mercy of her. She turned out to be such a person.

This is the first time in a girl's life that she has plucked up the courage to face her feelings, no longer confused, no longer hesitating.

Because she knows that she really likes this man.

Xu Mo also wanted to respond positively to her.

Not only that, the reason Xu Mo suddenly said such words was because Xiao Jiu's confession also directly awakened him.

In any case, Xiao Jiu is already pregnant and still his child.

Moreover, Xu Mo did have the feeling of liking Xiao Jiu. At the moment when Xiao Jiu confessed, this feeling became clearer. At least for the rest of his life, he was not willing to let her leave her, just thinking Let her be by your side and work hard to give her happiness.

Then, as a man, you must stand up and be responsible for her.

She is such a small body, absolutely cannot let her bear so much.

Everything, I want to help her cover the past and give her a perfect answer.

Xu Mo didn't know what he could give her now. He just hoped that now that he has his own flesh and blood and the two like each other, then...I can't let Xiao Jiu continue to be a maid by his side like this.

Then... Since this is already the case, let it become a fait accompli.

As long as it is done, whether it is Xiaojiu's pregnancy or her official confidante, she will have a formal and unambiguous status in the future, it becomes a reasonable thing.

And now she, after doing that, is just a maid who is obviously a damsel of Huanghua but is pregnant... it doesn’t sound good to say it, even if she goes to the hospital for an examination, she may be laughed at by experienced doctors (doing Gynecological examination doctors are all women), causing unnecessary misunderstanding.

It is because of this strong idea.

I want to give her a name to Xiao Jiu that she likes, so that she can feel at ease, let her return to her original appearance, and no longer worry about being pregnant.

In the future, I will be there, stay with her, and give her happiness.

As long as it is done, everything has a reasonable explanation and result.

Therefore, Xu Mo just said something like that, even he himself felt a little surprised.

But he didn't regret it, even if he looked at Xiao Jiu with such hot eyes now, Xu Mo rarely became very active.

How can a shy girl who hasn't been personally able to withstand the affectionate offensive of Xu Mo's old rivers and lakes. Just such a look makes Xiao Jiu a little unbearable, and her body is getting hotter, especially because her hips are now Being pressed by Xu Mo's big hand...Between her legs, there was an inexplicable feeling rising constantly, making her state more and more strange.

This feeling is like... like the state that suddenly appeared in the bathroom three months ago.

Her head was burning and she lost her mind.

He was dizzy, and there was only Xu Mo in his mind.

The whole world is still, only him.

Xu Mo knew that he had to take the initiative at this time.

Xiao Jiu's expression has said everything, but the inexperienced girl doesn't know what to do now.

Xu Mo felt the flame in his chest, anxiously already out of control, he couldn't help but hugged Xiao Jiu tightly again, feeling her tender and soft body.


Xiao Jiu was already a little confused, shouting Xu Mo's name indiscriminately, and subconsciously raised his head and closed his eyes. This was the girl's instinctive reaction.

Xiao Jiu's gentleness and purity made Xu Mo feel even more uncontrollable.

"Little nine, I... will make you happy."

It's been a long time since Xu Mo felt this way. Xu Mo was so speechless that he didn't know what to say to comfort Xiao Jiu, who would be a little nervous. After thinking about it for a long time, he said something like this.

Although a bit abrupt, it is absolutely sincere.

If it wasn't for Xiao Jiu's happiness, Xu Mo would never make such a request with her.

From then on, Xiao Jiu, the maid, was no longer there.

"Master...I...I don't know...what to do..." Xiao Jiuyue said in a panic. In fact, he is constantly stimulating the blood in Xu Mo's body step by step, making the atmosphere between men and women ambiguity The affection becomes more growing.

Xiao Jiu was like a kid who had done a bad thing and was spotted on the spot. She was ashamed and uneasy, and she wanted to find a hole in her heart.

She has lost her will to resist and is unable to disobey, who has never experienced a kiss before, but she can only whisper like a dream: "Young Master..."

The seven hundred and seventieth chapter is really anxious to death me!

Xiao Jiu, who had this feeling for the first time, suddenly gave birth to an unfamiliar feeling, crystal clear tears came out, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in the confusion and shyness, his lips slightly opened and trembled. Tears rolled around, even though he was burning with emotion, he didn't dare to let it go~ Lang Xinghai, his eyes radiated begging anxious eyes, blushing with shame, and did not dare to move.

Standing in the snow, at the mercy of Xu Mo.

At this time, Xu Mo didn't say anything else. He gently kissed the crystal tears on her face and hugged her body tightly. The soft and small body was full of vitality, which made people love it.What makes her heart tremble even more is the fact that her innocent and lovely face is constantly rising up with the kind of emotional eyes at this time, which is really tempting to the extreme.

It's like a tempting apple candy. At this moment, you really want to eat it well, and taste it carefully.

Xiao Jiu looked at Xu Mo shyly, Xu Mo also looked at Xiao Jiu affectionately, with his eyes facing each other, and his brows were expressing affection. Xu Mo slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Jiu’s Qianqianyu hand, five fingers entangled her. The five Qianqian jade fingers of Xu Mo were crossed and tightly clasped together, Xu Mo's other hand gently stroked Xiao Jiu's white and tender cheek.Xiao Jiu's snow-white lotus root-like jade arms, set off in that maid costume, are beautiful and delicious, and the smooth skin is as white as pure jade fine porcelain, gliding with light, and will not lose to the surrounding snowflakes.

Xu Mo couldn't help her heart beating faster. He lowered his head and kissed Xiao Jiu's bright and bright cherry lips. Her lips were so soft that it was heartbreaking. This was Xiao Jiu's first kiss, but she was very lucky. At this moment, Xiao Jiu really feels very happy to be able to give a man who depends on each other for a lifetime.

Turns out... Is this the feeling of a kiss?

Before seeing Miss Nan Bing and the young master kissing, she blushed and didn't dare to watch any more. My heart was full of envy...

Although Xu Mo was enjoying Xiao Jiu’s first kiss, she also controlled her to become as gentle as possible. She hadn’t experienced this, everything, Xu Mo didn’t dare to move too much, she slowly guided her step by step. Not too anxious.

And Xiao Jiu is also working hard to adapt slowly.

At least, she likes this feeling now.

Being kissed... Being kissed by someone you like, being able to feel his strong feelings for yourself, this feeling is undoubtedly happy.

Slowly, Xu Mo's movements began to move further, tentatively leaning toward her teeth. At first, Xiao Jiu's teeth closed tightly. He didn't know how to cooperate and was ashamed to open his mouth, but soon his lips looked like Like a collapsed embankment, I can’t resist, at the mercy, I can only let Xu Mo’s tongue touch gently in her mouth, licking every corner of her little cherry mouth, and her shyness The little tongue that keeps running away.

Soon, Xiao Jiu was completely indulged in the love and lingering of the hot kiss, his little tongue was no longer under his own control, and he actively stretched out and entangled Xu Mo tightly, and his little hand took the initiative to wrap Xu Mo's neck, and his body was paralyzed. Weak, but it is extremely hot.

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