My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 769

Meat rabbits, their destiny is to become a fragrant dish. This is the true meaning of its rabbit life. If it were a pet rabbit, Xu Mo would not have such thoughts.

Xu Mo had been thinking about this rabbit for a long time.

Of course...if it's not Xiao Jiu's pet.

Xiao Jiu’s mood is different from that of Xu Mo. This rabbit has always been raised by her as a beloved pet. More importantly, she knows that Xu Mo secretly bought it to her, but this little secret has never been there. Just say it.

Now I saw this rabbit look like this, a look that might burp at any time, his calves were twitching, Xiao Jiu's whole body was about to faint, so he just screamed like that.

Nan Bing did the same. Hearing Xiao Jiu's screams and hurriedly ran down from the second floor, he immediately saw Xu Mo standing here naked, and Xiao Jiu's expression was awkward. I got up and immediately wanted to close the door: "Ah! You have to close the door too! Xiao Jiu is a pregnant woman! Why are you playing so exciting, making her scream so loud... I made a note when I watched the show yesterday and took notes. There are a lot of recommendations for postures when you are pregnant, do you need to take a look?"

"Eh! It's not what you think! It's Xiao Jiu's rabbit that seems to have passed out and pumped, Xiao Jiu was frightened...I also rushed over after hearing the sound, so I didn't even put on my clothes." Xu Mo quickly explained.

"Ah? Then we can eat spicy rabbit head at night?...Ah no, no, no, no... Xiao Jiu...I mean I went outside to buy spicy rabbit head to eat... Well, why did this rabbit faint suddenly? What?" Nan Bing almost exposed his all-time attempts, perhaps only Xiao Jiu in this family didn't use the rabbit as food reserve.

Of course Xu Mo didn’t want to see Xiao Jiu sad. If this rabbit really hangs up, then Xiao Jiu will definitely be sad for a long time. Pregnant women themselves are not very irritated. They must be emotionally stable. This can't go wrong. .

Since it is saved once, it can be saved a second time.

Xu Mo wanted to find Lori upstairs and immediately tried it, but no matter how Xu Mo tried, he still couldn't walk to the door of the room, and kept calling Wu Ge Meng's name in his heart, let her hurry up Appeared, even the few nicknames that Wu Ge Meng didn’t like to hear were spoken, and there was still no feedback. When Xu Mo was a student, he only wanted to call those nicknames. Ge Meng would give Xu Mo a severe lesson, but she didn't like others calling her like that.

She's all done this way... There is no response, what the hell is Wuge Meng doing?

The rabbit looked dying, and it is estimated that it won't last long. If the gods can't save them, they have to quickly consider mortal methods.

Before it becomes a good dish, please send it to the pet hospital...

The pet hospital, there is no need to subconsciously think that it is Tang Xi's pet hospital. In his memory, Xu Mo's impression of her is definitely not erased, because she looks exactly like Xia!Because she seemed to kiss herself that night!Because she looks exactly the same as Xia Xia, but has a completely different personality from Xia Mo. When Xu Mo went to her house for dinner before, she saw it with his own eyes. Before that, there was a glimmer of hope, thinking that she might be summer. Sex, but seeing her parents and seeing the scene of having dinner together that night, Xu Mo's hope was completely extinguished.Of course... Besides, it was also because Tang Xi's pet hospital was the closest to Xu Mo's.

After the rabbit's life was off, Xu Mo asked Nan Bing to stay with Xiao Jiu. Although she wanted to go with him, she was emotionally unstable now and it was not convenient to go out in such a hurry.

Xu Mo himself rushed out of the house holding the dying rabbit and went to Tang Xi's pet hospital.

It was still a while before the evening, and the sky was still bright. This seemed to be the first time Xu Mo went to Tang Xi's pet hospital during the day. It was night without exception.

This road is only familiar, but I have walked many times before...Because the weird phenomenon appeared at this intersection, every time I went to find Tang Xi, I had to go around for a long time. After I met Li Yinyuan, I learned about the yin at this intersection. The qi is too heavy, and too many unclean things have gathered, which will lead to such a spiritual phenomenon. After the event is over, the thick yin qi here has dissipated. I don’t know if Tang Xi has been affected in any way, because it is far away from her. The pet hospital is really close, just around the corner.

After passing through here this time, there was no such phenomenon that the endless loop could not find a way again, but after the corner of this crossroad, you should have seen Tang Xi’s pet hospital as soon as you looked up... But strangely, in a hurry The busy Xu Mo didn't see anything when he looked up.

strange?What about the pet hospital?The supernatural phenomenon has appeared again?That's not right, didn't Li Yinyuan mean that... all the yin qi here has disappeared?

But after Xu Mo took a closer look, he found that the pet hospital was clearly here, and it didn't disappear at all.


It should be dazzled...

Xu Mo thinks this way. He was too hurried to see it at first sight. He didn't see it clearly when he ran and looked at it. Wouldn't he already see it if he looked closely?There was less than one second in between.

Xu Mo didn't pay much attention to this situation. What was anxious now was the dying rabbit in his hand, holding the rabbit, and walking to the door of the pet hospital.

Here is still the same as before. If you look at it during the day, the shop is very clean and tidy. The glass doors are bright and clean, but it's still the same... There is no pet in the pet hospital.

This business is really worrying...

But when Xu Mo arrived at the door of the pet shop, Tang Xi seemed to have been standing here waiting for him, his expression was a little flustered, and he looked panting, his breath had not been followed.

Especially when she saw Xu Mo coming over, her eyes seemed to be deliberately evading, but she had to face it again... she was reluctant to do something.

PS: Adjust the status these days, and then there should be a lot of updates, so please be mentally prepared!

Chapter 830 Lollipop

There was something wrong with Tang Xi's appearance, especially the look she was deliberately escaping from made Xu Mo a little concerned. Perhaps it was because she looked so much like Xia, exactly the same, even her voice was exactly the same, even if she knew her now. It is not summer, Xu Mo will be attracted by her all the attention and emotions.

Not to talk about the rabbit first, but to ask her first: "Doctor Tang, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

Tang Xi looked at Xu Mo's eyes becoming more complicated, she adjusted her breathing hard, her breathing still a little quick: "'s okay, just remembered that something was not done, so I just ran for a while... "

Even though she said that, Xu Mo felt that she was not as simple as she said.

But it was only Xu Mo's feeling, and he couldn't directly explain his thoughts.

Tang Xi's strange behavior only made Xu Mo feel a little puzzled.

"You... suddenly came to me, what's the matter?" Tang Xi stood at the door of the pet hospital, and didn't mean to let Xu Mo come in. He just stood outside the door and asked.

"Oh, it's because the rabbit in my house suddenly fainted and kept vomiting. It seems to be dying. I want to trouble you to show it." Although there are doubts in my mind, the rabbit matter is also very important. If it is true Xiao Jiu was really going to be sad, so Xu Mo quickly handed the rabbit to Tang Xi.

The rabbit's condition still didn't get better, and even when Xu Mo brought it to the veterinary hospital, he vomited something up, and his condition became weaker.

The whole rabbit was paralyzed there.

Tang Xi took the rabbit carefully and looked at it in his arms.

Xu Mo used this time to observe Tang Xi again... it was really strange.

Why didn't she go in?

If you want to check the situation of the rabbit, shouldn't you go in and look at the professional diagnosis and treatment table?

Tang Xi was standing at the door holding the rabbit and checking the situation, which was really strange.

It doesn't matter if she didn't let herself in, she herself didn't look like she was going to enter the house.

Especially in the winter, standing outside the house like this, cold, freezing, and without heating, is really strange. It's not good for small animals, right?

What happened to Tang Xi today?I thought she was weird from the beginning.

Especially the eyes.

It's not just those abnormal actions and behaviors.

Even the eyes were flickering, and he didn't dare to look at him.

What is she avoiding?In the previous contact with her, she was not like this. She looked at each other, contacted, nothing was wrong, and she could not see any drawbacks.

But this time... different!

totally different!

Her eyes were running away.

It seems that his hands are shaking.

Could it be...

When that thought arose in Xu Mo's heart, he just listened to the rabbit in Tang Xi's hand making a weird cry, and then started vomiting a few more times, but this vomiting did not know what happened. After vomiting, I became alive and energetic again.

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