My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 770

He was completely rejuvenated, and he never looked like he was going to die at any time.

Tang Xi finally felt a hint of joy on his face. After gently stroking the rabbit a few times, he safely handed the rabbit back into Xu Mo's hands, and said, "It's okay, this kid is just too simple. I'm greedy, there is too much food stuffed in my stomach, and it lasts until it's so that's why it's like that. Now it's all right when I vomit it all out.

She leaned close to the rabbit in Xu Mo’s arms, smiled affectionately at it, and touched the rabbit’s nose with her fingertips: "You kid is too greedy, even if the carrots and vegetables are delicious, you can’t Eating too much at one time is not good for your health. Even rabbits will get obesity diseases. You can't do this again."

Xu Mo watched Tang Xi's actions...heart...has been completely screwed together.


This familiar smile... familiar scene...

It seems that the "Tang Xi" who had been in contact before did not show it at all... This is the first time Xu Mo has discovered...

Memories all emerged all at once.

Especially when Tang Xi approached the little rabbit and said those words softly and kindly to the rabbit, Xu Mo's mouth was already trembling.

Obviously this person is not summer.

Obviously this person has let himself see all the evidence that she is not summer.

Obviously he has given up his heart...I know that this person is not summer.

but why……

Now, at this moment... Still have such an urge?

This was a subconscious behavior. Xu Mo's eyes were a little moist. Looking at Tang Xi like this, he couldn't help but said something like this: "You know what? Many years ago, when I was a student, When my teacher and I met for the first time, she also said similar things to me..."

Tang Xi's body seemed to tremble, she seemed to want to look up at Xu Mo, but she was holding that she would not react in any way, but she subconsciously bit her lips and seemed to have betrayed her.

What she said to Xu Mo had feelings.

Otherwise...she won't...

Xu Mo will never forget the fond memories of that day.

"That was her first day as a teacher. In order to extinguish my cigarettes, she drenched herself like a soup chicken. All the teachers did not care about me. After she knew it, she approached me with a smile and replaced the cigarette in my mouth with Lollipop, and tell me—'I will take care of you from now on'."

"Since that day, I have never smoked again, and I am still not. Even the people closest to me do not know that I have always had a hobby. When I was in the lowest mood, when I was most restless... When I miss her the most, I always eat lollipops, a lot, a lot, a lot..."

"I really... miss her!"

Xu Mo said these words just to see Tang Xi's reaction again.

He tried it once, but Tang Xi didn't show any touching reaction.

And this time, he actually felt... it seemed very promising.

Today's Tang Xi's various actions are very strange, and Xu Mo's heart also inexplicably reproduced such an impulse.

After speaking, he was waiting for Tang Xi's answer.

Tang Xi never raised her head. She bit her lip and just made a voice: " many times do I have to tell you... I said, I'm really not her, and I never knew the one you said. summer."

When she finished speaking, she stood up.

Although she didn't look at each other with Xu Mo, Xu Mo couldn't see any expression he wanted to see from her face...Everything was so indifferent, nothing happened.

As everyone knows, Tang Xi's nails are completely sunken in the flesh of his palms at this moment...just hiding his hands behind him, Xu Mo didn't notice it.

Chapter 831: Inside the House

Tang Xi's reaction caused Xu Mo's expectations to fall into disappointment again. The person standing in front of him clearly looked exactly like Xia...Why...

At this moment, Xu Mo wanted to rush forward to hug Tang Xi hard, hug her tightly, and ask again with his eyes looking at her closer.

But at this moment, a figure fell lightly behind Xu Mo, and the elegy flew over from mid-air with light power, and found Xu Mo. Seeing her appearance, it seemed that there was something urgent, so I hurriedly used light power. Rushed over.

The sudden appearance of the elegy also interrupted Xu Mo's emotions just now.

After Ye Elegy fell down and saw Xu Mo, he hurriedly pulled Xu Mo up, looking like he was about to fly away with ease: "Teacher, soon... something happened at home."

"At home? What happened at home?" Xu Mo felt a little flustered when he saw the elegy like this. Even the elegy had such a reaction. It must be a small matter.

Everyone in the family is a very important existence to oneself, and one is indispensable.

"Shortly after you left, it suddenly seemed like it was dark. The whole house was shaking violently. We all thought it was an earthquake. We ran out together with Xiao Jiu, but only afterwards found out... The feeling of strong earthquake only appeared in our house. We tried to enter the door and take a look. It was clearly daytime outside, but the room was dim as if the sun was setting. Turning on the lights and lights were constantly flashing, and we stayed in the room. I can still hear a voice like I am constantly saying something, but no one can hear what it is... Anyway, go back and have a look, now the house can’t be entered!” Elegy described, see Her expression seemed to have some bad memories.

Unexpectedly, such a weird thing would really happen, a good house, is it suddenly a haunted house?

Xu Mo was worried about whether Xiao Jiu and the child in her belly were frightened, so he immediately decided to rush home with Elegy before talking.

And here, Tang Xi...Xu Mo just clenched the crown of her teeth, turned around and said to her: "Sorry...Doctor Tang, something happened in my house. I must go back and solve it now...bye. ..."

And when I was about to leave, I couldn't help but say something like this: "I really miss that person..."

Without waiting for Tang Xi's answer, Xu Mo and Elegy hurried home together. Now the sudden situation at home needs Xu Mo to resolve.

Seeing the figure of Xu Mo leaving far away, Tang Xi's mind still echoed the words Xu Mo said just now. Xu Mo just now, even every word he uttered, was like piercing her heart.

Tang Xi was finally able to raise his head and make the expression he should have frankly.

Her eyes were red, she was trying not to cry.

My heart hurts...

The hand is too, just for patience, to prevent Xu Mo from seeing any drawbacks, the nails were deeply sunk in the flesh, and the wounds were already being made.

Xu Mo was uncomfortable, but Tang Xi...actually, it was the same.

If it weren't for those reasons, why should she be so.

She wiped her tears with her arm a little, glanced at the pet hospital behind her, waved her hand, the pet hospital disappeared in an instant, this was a clearing, there was nothing.

Tang Xi's expression was very complicated, and he seemed to be thinking about something in his heart.

She remembered the description of Ye Elegy when Xu Mo had just left. She seemed to have thought of something. Suddenly her pupils shrank slightly, and she said to herself in an incredible way: "Could it be because..."

----split line-----

It’s not an exaggeration to come back from the pet hospital all the way. Xu Mo still remembered that it was awful if he didn’t see the situation with his own eyes. The big rock in my heart fell completely.

The first thing is to confirm Xiao Jiu's situation, after all, she is now the key protection object.

"Xiao Jiu, are you okay?"

The expression on Xiao Jiu's face seemed a little confused, dumbfounded, and a little scared, but after seeing Xu Mo's return, the anxiety dissipated, and it was the same for Nan Bing. of.

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