My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 798

Chapter 856 The Last Time

Let me not talk about what happened on this stormy night.

I only knew that after this night, there was another broken red oiled paper umbrella in this room.

It was supposed to have beautiful colors, and it suddenly became dilapidated and worn out, and a big hole can definitely be touched with a light touch.

This umbrella has a resounding name, called Red God.

Everyone will not be unfamiliar anymore. It is the same as the one that Li Yinyuan has been holding, and Xu Mo has used it, but what she used for Xu Mo is the low-profile version she made, and this evening her master The "Red God" used is genuine and genuine.

It is made with a real eighty-six horror process. At the joint of the umbrella handle, there is a red date soaked in blood for seven or forty-nine days...

Such a high-profile genuine red god has a real power that is almost terrifying. When the umbrella is opened, it can withstand the deadly mission and continue its life forcibly for a period of time...

When Li Yinyuan opened her eyes again, she saw her master at first glance.

The master sat quietly by the bed and looked at her. Perhaps this was the first time the master was so close to her.

In the past, the master would never sit on the bed and look at himself like this.

And the eyes of the master looking at him seem to be weird...Huh?Although he couldn't see dimly, he always felt that the master was staring at him with a strange look.


Li Yinyuan was in a daze, and suddenly he couldn't react.

But after recalling what happened, he stretched out his hand and touched the place of his heart, and raised his head to look at the master sitting on the head of her bed. The corners of her mouth trembled more and more, her face was sad, and tears fell directly again. Stopped and said: "Master... Are you... Are you dead too? How... How could this be... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

In Li Yinyuan’s understanding, she was already dead. She still remembered that she cut her heart open with a knife, and then died. When she wakes up now, it must be in another world... It is extremely smooth, just like nothing, even if it is healed, it will definitely leave scars. This is obviously impossible, so it is even more confirmed that this is the idea of ​​another world.

The first thing she woke up was not caring about herself at all, but still caring about her master. This kind of feeling really can’t be played out. She had no hesitation in cutting out her heart for her. The master's actions are enough to tell.

After waking up, the first reaction was the "disciple" old Daoist who cried like this... The old Daoist was also a little unaccustomed.

These things were really things she hadn't done at all when she lived for hundreds of years, and it was the first time that she wanted to treat Li Yinyuan as her apprentice.

She really didn't know how to do it, how to get along with her, and how to treat her.

This is the first time...

The old aunt thought for a long time and hesitated for a long time.

What a joke, I... how could I do such a thing?Am I the one who does this kind of thing?If it spreads out, can't make people laugh at it?

Although the old aunt still thinks this way, her body is very honest.

She has completely changed, because of Li Yinyuan, she also understands that perhaps for her, there are some more meaningful things to do in life, and she has already made a choice. Said it is the beginning of a new life.

I was so reluctant in my heart, but he still stretched out his hand to get close to Li Yinyuan, hugged Li Yinyuan into his arms, and gave a hug.

This is the first time Purple Satin has made such an action in her life.

She didn't know why, but subconsciously felt that this might be able to soothe Li Yinyuan and stop her crying so sadly.

"You... don't cry, I'm not dead!"

Of course, she still has to learn to control her tone. Although she wants to be gentle with Li Yinyuan, but she doesn't know how to be gentle, her tone will look a little stronger now.

"Wow? Really...really? It's so good... so good... ooh..."

The purple satin face holding Li Yinyuan was a little panicked. She didn't understand why she should be happy after telling her the truth. Why should we cry when we are sad and cry when we are happy?

These emotions are also completely foreign to her and seem incomprehensible.

But watching Li Yinyuan cry, her heart will feel bitter, and a new and inexplicable feeling has appeared.

After I made a decision, my heart has always been so chaotic...

"Don't cry, you are not dead, I am not dead, it's true."

"That...that's great...Master, thank you for saving me..." Li Yinyuan was very happy, and she was able to continue to accompany the master again.

And needless to say, she also understood that it was the master who saved her, and she was very grateful.

In her eyes, the master seems to be omnipotent, and these are not difficult for her master.

Holding Li Yinyuan, who was still sobbing softly in her arms, crying and laughing, the old aunt of Zi Daan also felt a little complicated.

Thank me?

The person who should say thank you...It's me...


From that day on, the old Taoist aunt seemed to have completely changed. She really started to learn how to be a real good master. She also started to treat Li Yinyuan as a real apprentice, and worked hard to be nice to her. What the master should do.

If the old Taoist aunt treated Li Yinyuan the way before, Li Yinyuan felt that the old Taoist aunt was treating her well... Now she was a little flattered and not used to it. At first, I saw the master silently and actively give it to her while eating She served the meal and asked her if she was cold when she was going to bed at night... She thought if she did something wrong, the master was deliberately waking her up.

It was only a few days later that the master seemed to have really...changed.

Although the attitude of the master has always been cold, but now it is cold and passionate.

Yes, that's right, the old aunt Zidan really doesn't understand. These are all she is learning now. She can't control her emotions, expressions, and tone of voice to become "kind". She is silently treating Li Yin and she is true. It’s hard work.

Of course, the young Li Yinyuan was very happy with this change.

When the master treats her well, she is already very good to the master.

Now that the master is very kind to her, Li Yinyuan wants to treat her very well.

Of course, the relationship between the two masters and disciples who have become masters and disciples in the true sense is getting better and better.

From that day on, of course, the old Taoist aunt would never let Li Yinyuan go to the blood pool anymore. The old Taoist aunt personally destroyed the blood pool on the same day, and there will be no need to soak again in the future.

Moreover, she decided to take Li Yinyuan seriously and start teaching what she knows.

Whether it was Dao Fa or Head Dropping Gu technique... or all kinds of knowledge that is difficult for ordinary people to touch, it can only be taught to Li Yinyuan, and she did her best to teach her.

She has all learned and understood all these hundreds of years, and there will be no more reservations.

It’s just that what I’m most worried about right now may be a matter of time...

If this goes on, it will definitely be endless. Zidan has traveled all over the world in her life and has learned too much. In the limited time, she does not know how much she can teach Li Yinyuan.

Of course, Li Yinyuan is also studying very seriously. She learns what the master teaches her, without any opinions, and sincerely accepts that she wants to learn from the master. If this is the case, she can help the master in the future.

Those things are very time-consuming and energy-consuming to learn, especially in Taoism, which consumes vital energy. Once this vitality is cleaned up, it will be the next day to practice. Moreover, after the vitality is exhausted, people's essence The spirit of anger will become very bad and quite tired.

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