My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 799

However, Li Yinyuan didn't stop to rest because of this. There was no way to learn Dao Fa today, so she continued to study the Gu technique and descending technique, or profound technique taught to her by the master.

She has worked hard enough, so of course she learns very quickly, but this terrible learning speed does not mean that she can do it with hard work or something, even the old lady Zidan felt a little surprised.

Sure enough, because of such a physique, is it more talented than ordinary people to learn these things?

Therefore, she also accelerated the pace and taught Li Yinyuan more.

In this way, after almost half a year, Li Yinyuan has learned a lot and has mastered various abilities very well, which has been affirmed by the old aunt.

At present, Li Yinyuan has almost learned two-thirds of the old Taoist aunt.

Although I am very satisfied with Li Yinyuan’s results, the old Taoist aunt knows that she has less and less time. Now Li Yinyuan has indeed learned all that should be learned, and has learned two-thirds of what she has learned...but the rest is The old Taoist aunt no longer intends to teach her one third of her.

It wasn't because of reluctance, or because of the reason why the master had taught the apprentice to starve to death, but because she couldn't, she couldn't teach.

I can't teach Li Yinyuan those things, absolutely not...For her, those things that can't be said are good things. Once taught to her, maybe she will go the same way.

Because of Li Yin's fate, the old Taoist aunt Zidan finally enlightened her.

She wouldn't want Li Yinyuan to follow the old paths she took and do those things.

She knows very well that Li Yinyuan is a kind and good child. She only hopes that Li Yinyuan can continue to be a kind person, use the things she teaches to protect her safety, and at the same time do some more meaningful things and use her rationally. Good nature.

This more in line with the character of this child.

The old Taoist aunt taught her that, too.

Time is running out, and she has to consider Li Yinyuan's future.

She was afraid that Li Yinyuan's kind-hearted nature could not be maintained, so the last third of it could never be taught to her...

And also think of a way to maintain her kindness, let her do the kind and good things that should be done, don't do that like yourself...

Don't use these abilities to do the things you do.

In this way, the apprentice can be regarded as atonement for his life.

It's ridiculous, I even teach people to do things like kindness... Alas...

Yinyuan, you must not go the wrong way.

Master... I can only teach you this.

For Li Yinyuan, the old Taoist aunt really thought a lot.

Every day.

Especially now half a year later...

In fact, starting from half a year ago, if you observe carefully, the old Taoist aunt's body is not as good as before, and it is getting worse and worse. Li Yinyuan asked, she also excuses that because she is old, her body becomes weak and normal.

In the past, the old aunt liked to bask in the sun very much. She went to the mountains to bask in the sun almost every day, but in the past six months, she became more and more afraid of the sun, as if she was deliberately hiding from the sun, so she just stayed in the house every day. I don’t come out, I only go out at night, and there is very little activity. I either sit or lie on the bed. Every day I eat with Li Yinyuan, it seems that I can barely eat, and I eat every day. less.

The mental state is also...

The only thing that interests her to be fully involved is probably in the teaching of Li Yinyuan.

About a month or so later, one day, the old Taoist aunt called Li Yinyuan to her bedside and told her a story earnestly.

It doesn't matter how this story is, because it was made up by the old Taoist aunt.

The purpose, of course, is to hope that Li Yinyuan can use these abilities to do good things with her instincts, so as not to let her have the opportunity to go wrong.

She understood that Li Yinyuan listened to her very much, and the silly boy believed everything she said.

That's why this made up a story specifically to tell her.

The general content is that I have seen too many poor people in this world because they have not fulfilled their last wish for the world after they died, so they have not reincarnation, and over time they may become wronged souls. She couldn't reincarnate, and hoped that Li Yinyuan could help those poor souls in the future, so that they could fulfill their wish as soon as possible and reincarnate.

Li Yinyuan immediately agreed, but she was a little puzzled. Why did the master suddenly tell herself about this today?

She vaguely felt something wrong in her heart.

"Master, you..."

"Stupid boy, I'm okay...what can I do...what I said to you, you must hear clearly, and you must keep it in your heart...Although some of the methods I taught you are insidious to others Something, but if you are kind, you only need to use it for the right things..." The old aunt stroked Li Yinyuan's head a few times and said softly.

I don’t know why, Li Yinyuan wanted to cry very much. The corners of her eyes were indeed moist, and she quickly agreed: "I know, I know, I will do it like this..."

"Okay, go back to your room and rest, I also want to rest..."

"Okay..." Just when Li Yinyuan turned around to close the door for the master and leave, the old Taoist aunt called back again.

"Today... is your birthday. If I remember correctly, it is today. When I took you up the mountain, I calculated your birthday. You...birthday...Happy..."


"You go out... Master is tired..."

"Ok... Ok..."

Li Yinyuan has a lot of thoughts, always feel that today's master is very strange, and his heart is also very confused, as if something big is about to happen.

When Li Yinyuan woke up the next day, her vision had returned to normal.

Visual impairment is a disease that she was born with. She hasn't seen the world clearly for a day, even the appearance of her master.

She was so happy, she didn't know why her vision suddenly improved!

This world is like this!?

She couldn't wait to walk out of the room, not to see the scenery, but to see her master in a hurry.

Tell the master this good thing...

But after pushing the door open, the master's room was already empty.

Thinking that the master was out, Li Yinyuan was sitting here waiting for the master to come back, waiting to tell her the good news, she wanted to see... what her master was like.

Master, she must be very nice!

She waited and waited...

From sunrise to sunset, to the next sunrise and sunset.

This wait is half a year.

Until the fire in the orphanage at the foot of the mountain aroused the attention from above, and Li Yinyuan, who had been taken away illegally in the past, was discovered. When the rescuers went up the mountain to find her——

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