My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 800

Only Li Yinyuan was found, staring blankly at the gate of the Taoist temple, not knowing what he was waiting for...

Chapter 857 Looks exactly the same

The story of the master and apprentice actually ended like this.

Although it is a pity, it is a fact.

Of course, Li Yinyuan could not accept the fact that her master had left. In fact, just like Xu Mo, she actually saw all the signs in her heart and was able to guess it... However, she hid this in the deepest part of her heart. Not willing to think about it, but still willing to keep a little hope for myself.

In the past six months, she has not really accepted the facts. She has cried, but she still sits here every day waiting for her master to come back... She believes that the master must have gone out because of something, so she hastily rushed. I didn't tell myself, because I was too I never came must be the case.

Later, she was found in the mountain by the people she was rescued, and she was taken down from the mountain according to relevant regulations and arranged to study at the Aoba Academy in the city.

But Li Yinyuan didn't go to school, and didn't go to school for a day. She knew she had more important things to do.She escaped, disappeared from everyone's sight, and returned to the Taoist temple where she had lived with her master before, took out some things, and left some things.

As long as her master returns here, she will immediately know that she will be inspired.

The master will also see the message she left.

She now has what she has learned from her master. In the past six months, she has been thinking about what she said, what she said, and what she taught herself the night before the master left. Ideas and ideas...

Of course, Li Yinyuan hopes that she can do those things according to the teacher's teaching. First, to listen to the master's words, second, to divert her impetuous heart as much as possible, and third, because she wants to To find the master in this way.

Although I don’t know what the master’s identity is, it’s definitely more than just a Taoist priest. The master will definitely appear in places where spiritual events happen, so Li Yinyuan began this daily routine——

According to the teacher's teaching, she started to clean up the lonely death, and began to help those lonely wild ghosts who still had regrets after their lonely death, and used her own ability to help them fulfill their wishes and reincarnate.By the way, I also came to feed my own life.

At the same time, she also followed the traces of the supernatural event. As long as there was any news, she would personally go to the past to see what happened.

As time passed a little bit, Li Yinyuan's daily routine became fixed like this, and each time ended in regret.

Although I do such things every day according to what the master said, there is no news about the master.

Her character is the same, returning to the state it was at the beginning.

Her cheerfulness and outgoing are only in front of her master. Now her eyes can see clearly. Everyone is different in her eyes, and everyone can clearly see that it is not her master. The clarity of the world is so much clearer than before... It even made her a little scared. She was not used to this. Every stranger made her feel uneasy.

So she covered her face with too long hair, so that she could block her vision, and she couldn't see clearly, which made her feel a lot at ease.

But she still couldn't talk to strangers, very shy...not good at communicating with people.

It wasn't until Xu Mo appeared that some new emotions appeared in her heart.

Apart from her master, it was the first time that she was able to communicate with Xu Mo in an "other state" that is not shy. I don't know why I can trust Xu Mo, perhaps because of Xu Morang. She felt the feeling of being treated tenderly, and that time when he cut her hair for herself... it felt the same to her as the previous master had treated herself.

Although it still needs a little bit of the power of the night (because Li Yinyuan is not so shy to see at night compared to the day), in front of Xu Mo, he can become that shy state to communicate with him, but it is also Xu Mo is the only one.

The feeling of trust has been quietly established, otherwise he would not go to Xu Mo's house to watch TV every day.

When she was in crisis, she naturally thought of Xu Mo for the first time, and then sent Xu Mo a message for help.

Fortunately, she didn't disappoint, Xu Mo rushed over immediately.

----split line----

The situation at this moment can be said to be quite a crisis. Li Yinyuan passed out again in a coma, while Qing Niangniang smiled hideously, letting the scarlet plant roots sticking out of the clay pot entangled Li Yinyuan's arm.

Don’t forget, there are sharp spikes on it. Of course, those spikes hurt Li Yinyuan’s arm and stabbed her, and all of Li Yinyuan’s blood was absorbed by the stem, which became stronger and stronger. The root tentacles continued to extend, trying to tie Li Yinyuan's body.

Qing Niangniang waved her big hand, and a big hole abruptly appeared on the ground. She threw the clay pot into it. From the pot, thick blood began to flow continuously. It was very strange and the speed was quite high. Quickly, such a deep pit was completely filled with blood from the clay pot in less than a minute.

Qing Niang Niang gave a wicked smile, and directly threw Li Yinyuan, who could not resist, into the blood pool.

The moment his body was immersed in the blood pool, Li Yinyuan woke up again.

Not because of the unbearable pain in the body, but because of the familiar feeling that has reappeared after many, many years...

Li Yinyuan opened his eyes and realized that he was already in the blood pool.

The constant tingling sensation from the skin...

This blood pool is exactly the same as the one where the master let himself soak for a year...

Why... why can this woman named Qingniang make this blood pool?Obviously, this is something that the master can only...

It was also what the master had never taught her...So far, Li Yinyuan didn't know what role this blood pool had.

Moreover, the tall and strange woman in front of me not only knows the master’s abilities, but also what she says from her mouth... seems to be very familiar with the master...

It's like... knowing?

Qing Niangniang looked at Li Yinyuan who was immersed in the blood pool with playful eyes, and said to her in her mysterious and sharp voice: "Is it surprising? were used by your master now. Have you ever treated her in the same way? Did the thunder continually fall one day, and then her appearance became abnormally weak? Jie Jie Jie...You are really naive."

After catching Li Yinyuan, Qing Niangniang probably discovered the identity of Li Yinyuan. Li Yinyuan was exactly what she couldn’t want. In order to confirm, she had already used a method to spy on Li Yinyuan’s memory, and of course she knew that she and her The things experienced by her master confirmed her thoughts. Yes, Li Yinyuan was the important thing she wanted!

Because I have spied on the memory, I will of course know these things, especially after I know it, I am more joking about Zi Daan and Li Yinyuan, the pair of masters. In the eyes of Qing Niang, this is simply the best in the world. One thing is funny, completely incomprehensible.

These two are simply stupid fools.

However, it is precisely because these are two fools that they can make themselves cheap, otherwise the purple satin would have already got Li Yinyuan, in fact, it should have been used by itself, no one can get it in turn.

It's ridiculous, ridiculous.

"You...Who are you... Why do you know about my master... Is it... Is it you... You give my master... to..." Li Yinyuan, who was soaked in the pool of blood, had no more The power of resistance, even the current questioning Qing Niang Niang is extremely weak, it is simply that she is acting with the kind of willpower that is attached to the whereabouts of her master.

"Me? Jie Jie Jie... Little Wawa, did you make a mistake? But what did I do to your master? If you say it, you should kill your master, right? Oh right Yes, yes, purple satin is dead. It's a shame you have found a dead person for so many years."

Qing Niangniang said this deliberately. Her heart was twisted and she knew that Li Yinyuan was in her own pocket, and she had a deep relationship with the purple satin. The purple satin made up stories and concealed it, just to prevent Li Yinyuan from knowing the truth. And she just wanted to see what kind of expression Li Yinyuan would look like when she knew the truth.

Just looking at the desperate and painful expression will make her extremely happy and satisfied.

Jie Jie Jie... purple satin, take a look, your beloved apprentice, you will know the truth soon, if you don’t want to tell her, I will tell her all for you... Jie Jie...

"You nonsense!...Master...Master is still alive! She is not dead!" Li Yinyuan's reaction was very strong, she opened her eyes wide, trying hard to refute.

Qing Niang Niang raised her mouth and smiled contemptuously: "In fact, you have already found a used and broken'Red God' in your master's room? The role of the Red God in your heart Isn't it clear? Don't lie to yourself, the truth is just as you think, little baby."

Li Yinyuan opened her eyes wide and the corners of her mouth were constantly trembling. Her face was pale and weak, unable to refute any word...

Qingniangniang poked the most fragile side of her heart every word, yes...she did find a used red god after that, in the master's room.

"Well, the Red God, when people are dying, if they hold on to the Red God’s words, the power of the Red God can forcibly retain the souls of the dead. Do you think your master used the Red God on you? No, she used it on her body."

"Originally, the person who should die that night was you. That was when your master was ready to take your life on that day from the first day he saw you, but a sudden accident made her the last step. She changed her mind and didn’t use you to save herself. Instead, she tried her best to save you, but she died. Before she died, she opened up the Red God and barely kept her soul in her body. In fact, she is already a living dead."

"Since then, your master has become unable to bask in the sun, and your body is getting weaker every day, right? Although the Red God can keep her soul and barely survive, it consumes her essence, the essence of this body. Once consumed..."

"You... don't... stop talking!" Li Yinyuan painfully covered her ears, she didn't want to listen anymore...

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