My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 801

Qing Niangniang was not so kind, the more pain Li Yinyuan showed, the happier she was.

"Before the essence was consumed, it was that night, right? Did she talk a lot to you? It's really rare. In the past, she was a dull gourd, who didn't say a few words all year. Disappeared, it means that the essence is exhausted and completely dead. You must know that after the essence is exhausted, there will be no corpse left. It is already dead. If the essence is exhausted, it will only It becomes the air and disappears completely, nothing will be left behind, tut tut, it's a shame that you have been looking for her for so long and you don't know her—"

"Don't say it! Don't say it!" Li Yinyuan was very painful, she didn't want to hear the facts about this...

Even more unacceptable, the fact that the master died in order to save her.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Did the death of Zi Dan make you so painful? Little baby, it seems that you really don’t know that Zi Dan is not such a good person as you imagined. She treated you at first Bringing it back is purely wanting to use you, wanting to kill you for her use. For her, you are simply a rare and precious material. Do you think it's worth it? It's not sincere at all to replace one Treat you well, just to hurt the person who killed you? Hmm?"

Li Yinyuan lay in pain in the blood pool, all the things about the master came to mind one by one, no matter what kind of picture it was, she was extremely painful.

"I know... I knew from the beginning that I was the master's material... but I am willing... I am willing... If I can help the master, I can do anything... I am willing... "

Li Yinyuan is not stupid. Although she was young, she could feel it to some extent, but she was willing to do it like this, even if it was just material, even if the master would kill her and use her sooner or later, but the master would never die. She was rescued from the abyss, allowing her to see the outside world... In return, she was very grateful to the master and was willing to do anything, otherwise, that day, she would not cut her heart personally without hesitation.

"Very good, very good! You little baby, it's no wonder that Purple Satin will like you, that indecisive guy, like what she would do! As a reward, ah... By the way, you don't always think about it Do you want to know what your master looks like? Jie Jie Jie...Come on, look, look at me, purple satin looks exactly the same as me, now, do you know what your master looks like? Jie Jie Jie ..."

PS: Qing Niang Niang is related to the final main storyline, so it is very important.

Chapter VIII Two Sisters

Li Yinyuan looked at the Qing Niang in front of him in astonishment, and at the pretty strange-looking face, but he didn't feel a touch of kindness.

What's even more incredible is that she actually said that she looks exactly like her master?

how can that be?


"There is nothing impossible. I do look exactly like your master, without any difference. If you must say, your master and I are twin sisters, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"Twin... Sisters!?"

Qing Niangniang raised her eyebrows, and she felt comfortable looking at Li Yinyuan's surprised little face. This kind of game of joking about others is really fun.

"Yeah, twin sisters, your master is Zidan, and my name is Qingdan. We used to be a double-ringed leaf snake. From the beginning of our birth, we were two small snakes entangled, until the first cultivation in a hundred years. I separated after being born in a human form, because I was born together, so even if I separated later, I could still feel Zidan’s emotions and thoughts. I could understand the things she learned without a teacher. Of course, yes. It’s the same for her. So our Shuanghuan Yehe Python’s cultivation speed is very fast, each of which has different abilities. In the end, two people can master each other’s abilities and combine them together. What a shame, what a shame, the purple satin guy finally He still betrayed me."

The amount of information contained in Qing Niang Niang's sentence is really too great. Xu Mo, who was observing on the side, couldn't turn his mind after listening. If it wasn't Qing Niang Niang who was talking crazy, what she said was true. That... That Xu Mo's three views is about to collapse again.

What practice?Into human form?

Suddenly cultivated?

Wait, in other words, Qing Niangniang mean they are snake spirits?Indeed, he looks a bit like a fairy. By the way, when it comes to fairy, Xu Mo can’t help but think of the Journey to the West co-produced by China and the United States in the second half of this year. Teacher Zhang will continue to play the role of Monkey King and inherit the spirit of Journey to the West. Promoting Chinese culture, both style and sports, spread positive energy, please support me.

It’s a long way off, but it’s like what Qing Niang said, if they came from snake cultivation, Xu Mo was indeed a bit shocked. Although they were exposed to too many incredible things, they had to accept the world at once. There are also monsters that can even cultivate into a human form... This feels a little incredible. Doesn't it mean that you can't become a spirit after the founding of the country?Are they two foreign fairies?

This is a real wonder... it looks like a fairy face, who can be a normal person?Only those Internet celebrity "snake spirit" faces with excessive plastic surgery can achieve this effect.

But this seems to make sense. Li Yinyuan's ability stems from her master. Her master not only masters Taoism, it is extremely complicated, and it seems to know everything.And since Qing Niangniang is her master's twin sister, and her looks and abilities are the same, then Li Yin's fate is justified.

However, this Qing Niangniang was very vicious. Although she was Li Yinyuan's uncle, she didn't care about friendship at all. She seemed to have a very deep feast with Purple Satin, and she was cruel to Li Yinyuan.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, don't you believe that your master is a fairy? Jie Jie Jie...I like to look at your expression. If you don't believe it, then I will let you see the evidence... "Qing Niang Niang smiled coldly, and gently put her long skirt into one body, and suddenly a thick, big and hard...tail stretched out from below.

It turned out that the tail has been hidden under the long skirt without being pulled out. Now seeing this tail really makes all men feel ashamed, not only from the upper level, but also from the hardness, and even the degree of flexibility. Say, they have already lost.

And Qing Niang Niang's body also swelled, and the skin outside her body began to give birth to some cyan scales, and her eyes became slender and seductive, just like the eyes of a snake, opening her mouth, and her long tongue even more so. At this moment, the whole person looked like a snake spirit, no, no... she was a snake spirit, she was genuine.

Her voice became more gloomy and dull, smiling weirdly, standing in front of Li Yinyuan, pointing to her current appearance and said: "Did you see it? Is it familiar? On the night of thunder, your master also became In this way, although you can't see it, you can feel it, can you? You touched the snake scales on her body, and you also felt that her figure has become different, but you selectively forgot. You I've never seen the real appearance of your master. If you can see it, you will never feel unfamiliar or panicked when you see my appearance. Jie Jie Jie...It's so fun..."

"As your uncle, since it's all here, before you die, I will tell you everything you want to know. Look at your confused little eyes, no wonder Zidan likes you so much. Now, Jie Jie Jie... come... Master uncle will explain to you, and you will know what kind of person your master is... Why did she take you back in the first place..."

After a sly smile, Qing Niang Niang also told the truth about everything.

During this process, not only Li Yinyuan, but also Xu Mo and Xia Tian were shocked.

The Shuanghuan Yehe Python is born to be two pythons entangled together. The cyan one is called green satin and the purple one is called purple satin. The relationship between the two sisters was actually very good at the beginning, until they practiced together for a hundred years. , Successfully transformed into a human form, and successfully separated. After they were no longer connected, the relationship gradually deteriorated.

There are two reasons. The first reason is that the two people have different ideas and the abilities they want to cultivate are different. Because of the special abilities of the Shuanghuan Yehe Python, they need to practice different abilities separately after they are separated, and the other party can also obtain them at the same time Cultivation greatly saves the time of cultivation, so it is very important to decide what ability to cultivate, but the two of them never seem to have reached a tacit understanding, and stumbling and quarreling are common.

In fact, there is another most important reason. After Shuanghuan Yehe became a human form, a competition has already begun invisibly.

Snakes have the habit of shed their skins. When they shed their skins for the thousandth time after they have shed their skins 999 times, they will usher in a catastrophe. The strong sky thunder cannot stop them and will directly fall on them, because Born at the same time, so the time of molting is the same, and of course the time of the thousandth molting.

According to the history of Shuanghuan Yehebo, this sky thunder will surely smash one of its sisters. This is the destiny of the Shuanghuan Yehebo clan since birth. Tianlei will fall when it sheds its skin for the thousandth time. , Smash one of them to death, and the other will inherit all the abilities of the other person, strengthen oneself, not only will not be injured by the sky thunder, but also make the strength increase by leaps and bounds, the life span can also be doubled, and there is no need to worry about anything. problem.

And of course, they actually lived in another world at the beginning.

There are monsters and monsters in that world, and there are many incredible things, Taoism, and ghost skills. Although it is like a parallel world, it is still different.

Year after year, the strength of the two sisters has also risen a lot, and because of their special talent, no matter how hard they practice, they will become each other's. The strength of the two has always been the same.

The closer they are to a thousand molting days, the more nervous they are.

No one wants to be the dead one among the sky thunder.

They all hope that it is their sister and each other who die.

Therefore, they separated and went to different places.

I don't know why, shortly after they separated, the natural connection between the two of them seemed to be severed, and they could no longer feel each other's traces, nor would they comprehend what the other party was practicing.

Each conceived a ghost, all for the thousandth molting time, it was the other person who died and allowed himself to survive.

And indeed, the two sisters, Cyan Satin and Purple Satin, did use two different ways to face the thousandth shed.

Let's talk about Qingsatin first, that is, Qing Niang Niang.

After she separated from Zidan, she also looked for many ways to deal with the sky thunder, finally let her find a suitable method.

This method is very insidious, but she doesn't care.

As it was just shown in front of Li Yinyuan, the plant with red rhizomes is actually a kind of flower that was specially cultivated by sucking human blood called the ghost flower.

The cultivation process is very cumbersome. It requires a living person as a vessel to swallow the red rhizomes abruptly, destroy the body, and then add ghosts, grievances, ghosts... as nourishment, and packed with shredded vessels. Into the clay pot, thus nurturing a ghost flower.

This ghost flower may be a highly toxic poison to others. After all, it is a terrible thing cultivated in this way, but for the fairy double-ringed leaf constrictor, it is a good thing to avoid molting.

Every time she shed her skin, her skin would become more and more dry, as if she was tens of years old at once, and she would return to her youthful and beautiful appearance after she shed her skin.

And after eating this ghost flower, it will be able to recover directly from the dry state about to molting to the new molting state.

Just now she used the clay pot to make a ghost flower in front of Li Yinyuan and swallowed it in her abdomen, instantly turning her wrinkled face into a strange and beautiful face.

This method does not count the number of sheddings, it just prolongs the period of shedding, cheating her body, and can continue to maintain for a period of time to extend the time of the thousandth shed. Every time she wants to shed, the maiden will try to kill. Several people cultivated a ghost flower in this terrifying way to delay time.

This is a way to delay time, delay the time of Tianlei.

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