My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 815

"What are you still looking for? It will be dangerous to stay longer. I will help you with what you are looking for."

Nan Bing rummaged through his room a few more times, as if he was confirming something, still with some doubts in his eyes, but still shook his head, pulled the elegy and walked out of the room together: "It's okay, forget it, let us Go out first, the more you wait, the more dizzy your head..."

"What are you looking for? A very important thing? If yes, go out first. I can hold on for a while, and I will help you find it." The elegy is still an elegy, with a kind heart, and there is no gap between Nan Bing and Nan Bing. After all got the ring, the relationship with Nan Bing was more like a family.

"It's not that important. I just bought a toy before and came back to play with it. Now when I look for it, I can't find it. I'm afraid it will be bad if you don't know it."

"Oops? What toy?"

"Ah, ah, it's a toy stick toy made by a small foreign manufacturer. Although it is a stick stick, it is completely different from other stick sticks. It has the highest frequency and the most power than the current market. A strong method of wearing a rod is several times stronger, and it is super powerful. No one can survive for a few minutes under its power. It is extremely powerful."

"But just because it is done too hard, all the indicators and specifications are seriously inconsistent with the relevant product regulations, and the work is too strong, so that the human body is prone to various safety hazards and risks when it is actually used. It’s dangerous. If someone doesn’t know it and puts that thing into their body, they may faint and have an accident. This toy was banned before it went on the market. This thing is considered a dangerous contraband, boss I was also arrested and the factory closed, so this toy suddenly became an out-of-print rare thing. In some small circles, the price is very expensive... I also managed to get it through some special channels. But it’s just a fresh picture, and I don’t dare to use it again after trying it. This thing is not suitable for human use...too strong, hahaha, it is probably for monsters, and there is no human can control it. It."

"This thing is really dangerous, and no one can stand it. You and Xiao Jiu are so bored, I'm really afraid that if you two are really lonely and intolerable, come and secretly take my toy to play with, etc. I couldn't deal with Xu Mo after something happened."

Nan Bing also said everything in his heart without reservation.

"I won't get it..."

Elegy actually tried Nan Bing's toys once, but it was not active, nor was it the dangerous goods that Nan Bing said had been banned. It was just that Xu Moshun once took a small toy and tried it on Elegy. As a result, her reaction was stronger... Elegy is still not suitable for this kind of thing, and has never tried it again since then.

"It won’t be good, and most importantly, the thing itself is dangerous, and the quality is very poor! I really regret it. I deserve the company to close down! As a law-dressing stick, and as a non-compliant It’s not waterproof because of the standard method of wearing a stick! It’s easy to leak! With such a high specification, the electric capacity is several times that of the electric capacity. This leakage is really serious. Fortunately, I used it for a while... But it scared me to death... There is a sister in our circle who wanted to wash before use, but she was immediately electrocuted. Alas, I want to find out the one that was lost..."

With that said, maybe this thing is not a magic stick at all, it's just an electric shock stick with a vibration function...

As a method of wearing a stick, it is not waterproof, which is really unexpected.

Although the elegy was not very clear, I knew it was a very dangerous thing, so I quickly asked, "Is it okay to put this thing at home without finding it out now?"

"It's okay! I remember where I put that thing."


Having said this, Nan Bing had a long-lost state, and said with a sneer: "It was put in the bag he took out, and he took it away."

Ye Elegy was startled after hearing this: "Wouldn't something happen to him with that dangerous thing!?"

"Don't worry, what can happen? Can he still use that method to wear a stick to himself? You think, if he cheats, find another wild woman outside, and then use the method in the bag to wear a stick to her ...Hehehehe... the wild woman is not going to end well..."

"Teacher... I wouldn't just look for any woman outside..." Although the elegy said so, the idea of ​​agreeing with Nan Bing really emerged in my heart.


Prohibited dangerous goods, excessive power and specifications, poor quality, not waterproof, and leakage...

Xu Mo didn't know this at all!

He is not Nan Bing, and he doesn't have so much research on Dhamma.

In Xu Mo's view, it is actually just a very ordinary electric wearing rod.

But in fact... this method of wearing a stick, it is no longer a pure method of wearing a stick.

If used on humans, it may be a murder weapon.

But if you use it against a demon, it... is a divine weapon!

It is equivalent to the holy sword of the brave.

Qing Niangniang twitches like this, quickly loses consciousness and so on... It is not something that an ordinary method of wearing a stick can do.

It happened to be because of the special nature of this method to wear a stick that it played such a big role on the young lady who was a monster.

Its power is invincible, and for two hours, the young women are beginning to get dehydrated!


Here comes the point...

Two hours later, Xu Mo and Xia Xia were a little tired. During these two hours, they were also highly concentrated, watching the Qing Niang Niang pumping desperately on the ground. Now two hours have passed. Is she really exhausted and unconscious?

But the appearance of summer seems to be unable to hold on anymore, Xu Mo also hurriedly said: “Summer, if you can’t hold on, stop...I think it’s almost the same. She has already lost consciousness. After stopping, I will Carrying Li Yinyuan, we ran from the left together."

Xu Mo didn't want to face up with Qing Niangniang, only wanted to delay time to get them out of danger temporarily.

Keep Li Yinyuan safe.

But the scarlet plant rhizomes on her body still couldn't be lifted, and Li Yinyuan had been repeatedly in a groggy state, unable to communicate clearly.

The scarlet plant rhizomes should have caused a lot of influence on her, so she was in this state.

"I... I'll hold on for a while..." Xia Xia is really holding on, looking at her own situation is not good.

For boys, don’t go ahead and watch the entire two-hour love story~ Action movies are a tough thing, not to mention that she is an unmanned woman who looks at the terrible Xu Xian and Qing from this perspective. All kinds of toss, the empress is really suffering.

She herself...

In summer, I wear blue pants.

If you stop like this, stand up in front of Xu Mo.

Her pants are obvious... there will be marks.

Xia Xia could feel that it was a mess now, and if Xu Mo were to find out, she would really want to die.

And it was the few minutes that Xia last persisted... Qing Niangniang was a complete tragedy.

If Xia can stop a few minutes ago as Xu Mo said, maybe Qing Niang Niang will not be able to rush to the street.

But in these few minutes--

That method wears a stick... leaks...

Even if it is a demon, then she is a woman.

If she is a woman, there will be a place where she is the most vulnerable, and the same goes for men.

Wherever it leaks, it’s okay, where it’s leaking, it’s really... terrible.

The leak is not even a little bit. After the power of this thing was originally made, the electric capacity would be larger, and the twitching young lady who was already twitching suddenly became more powerful.

The illusion controlled by Xia was also forced to end at once, because Qing Niang had already jumped out and was no longer in the illusion.

Qing Niang Niang's situation is obviously wrong, and the voice from her mouth has also turned into a twitching wailing...

Her appearance completely changed to the appearance of a giant python, lying on the ground in pain and twisting her body continuously.

The scales of the snake's body began to corrode rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye...zoom...and hurt her body.

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