My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 816

This feeling...this look...

It's like having experienced the sky thunder and being struck by thunder...

Tianlei is her fate.

She tried her best to hide, but she couldn't escape after all.

This way of wearing a stick... was actually the sky thunder in her fate...

Who can think of it?

PS: The two chapters of this chapter are unified.

Chapter 872 The Perfect Flower

As a Shuanghuan Yehe Python, Tianlei's fate was set when he was born.

No matter how to delay using the ghost world flower method, it is not the best way. Fate is really hard to say. The more you escape, the more likely the fate will be presented in another way.

Perhaps this is the case, Li Yinyuan's master Zidan didn't want to use this method of Qing Niangniang, but chose to use Li Yinyuan's body as a container to reincarnate after he had endured the sky thunder.

The greedy young lady couldn't think of her ending like this.

In terms of strength, she is a monster who has been cultivating for many years.

Unfortunately, everyone has weaknesses, and the same is true for demons.

She was unpredictable, but she was defeated by an electric piercing rod with a quality problem. It was really hard to tell.

But to be honest... Leaking electricity in that place is really... painful and happy. It is definitely an unprecedented experience.

Going back to the topic of the Eight Classics, the Shuanghuan Yehe Python is not so much destined to have a sky thunder, but rather that their race is naturally very sensitive to thunder and lightning, and is extremely vulnerable to thunder and lightning, like Now that the leaked method is electrically charged, the whole body will be in this state of being charged outside and tender inside.

For them, getting an electric shock is really fatal.

Qing Niangniang struggled. The fear of death and the pain caused by the electric shock made her burn the last moment of her life. She is now completely awake from the hallucinations. Looking at Xu Mo and Xia Tian in front of her, she seems to be finally Knowing something, she wanted to do something, howling desperately for revenge before dying.

But there is no way, this is fate, the law of fate still leaks electricity in her body... Qing Niangniang is completely finished.

She is so powerful and so careful in doing things, it is hard to imagine that she lost so inexplicably.

The most terrifying thing is that to death, she didn't know what was the thing that killed her.

What kind of artifact... can she...

Unfortunately, before she came up with a result, Qing Niang Niang's body had been completely annihilated, and her years of practice were only destroyed by greedy lust.

In the end, there was only one snake corpse that had been scorched.

There is also the method of wearing a stick that is still "buzzing".

This scene happened so suddenly that Xu Mo and the others didn’t even react to what was going on. They wanted to drive off as soon as the Qing Niang's body was weak and she lost consciousness. Suddenly died?

The leakage of the law-piercing rod is not visible to the naked eye.

Even if people are killed by high-voltage electric leakage, they can't be seen.

Xu Mo didn't know that Qing Niangniang was electrocuted. From his point of view, it seemed that Qing Niangniang suddenly became like this. She died with howling a few times, and she was still scorched.

This...what's the situation!?

So cool!?

This is so cool!?

Nan Bing's thing is too cruel...

The situation on the scene suddenly changed so much that everyone was confused, not knowing what to do next.

It doesn't seem to be so anxious to escape.

Standing in a daze for a while, Xu Mo finally reacted and woke up in the same stunned summer: "I... first try to figure out a way to solve the thing on Li Yinyuan."

But the voice just fell off, perhaps because the Qing Niang Niang has already died, and the black magic she used during her lifetime has also failed... No, it is not as simple as failure. The scarlet plant roots on Li Yinyuan could not be solved. , Now as if he had a life, he slowly fell from Li Yinyuan's body and crawled on the ground in the direction of Qing Niangniang's body.

And the dozen scarlet rhizomes that were originally intended to be used as the material of the ghost world flower have also moved over from the other side of the river.

Xu Mo held Li Yinyuan, who was no longer entangled with the scarlet plant rhizomes, and vigilantly pulled away through the summer together.

The situation seems a bit wrong, what do those scarlet plant roots do?

They got together, and they all began to wrap themselves around the dead young lady, layer after layer...

The snake corpses are now densely covered by the scarlet plant rhizomes, and the scarlet plant rhizomes seem to be desperately using the sharp thorns on their bodies to absorb the remains of the snake corpses What's going on.

At the same time, the nearly a thousand resentful souls that were originally controlled by Qing Niang also started to move to the snake corpse of Qing Niang. They don’t seem to have regained consciousness yet, but there seems to be something on Qing Niang’s body. It continues to attract them as in the past.


Xu Mohu's body shook, and he hurriedly covered her eyes after pulling Xiatian.

Li Yinyuan is still sleeping, so don't cover it...

The reason why I have to cover it is because the picture at this moment is too scary...

The big man Xu Mo felt panicked when he looked at it.

Qing Niang Niang's snake corpse is being eaten away by the countless resentful souls, and the resentful souls continue to flock together, biting the snake corpse with their mouths and enjoying its meat...

And the resentful souls who have eaten the snake corpse all uttered the most tragic ghost howls, painful, and only howling... their souls are also burning...

One after another... One after another...

This is how the same thing?I don't know... I just know that these resentful souls have all become like this... The scene is also extremely terrifying.

The wailing wraiths burned their souls, and the scarlet plant roots absorbed all this, including these wraiths, and gradually expanded——

It was as if a small flame gradually grew larger, burning the scarlet plant rhizomes, the resentful souls, and the snake corpses of the young lady...and also integrated them into one.

Everything that happened in front of me was incredible. In this way, countless grievances, together with the scarlet plant rhizomes and the maidens, turned into a golden ghost flower, even more devastating than diamonds. Kind of gold.

Perhaps it was because of the process of formation... Now looking at this little flower, I also feel very strange.

So many things were all turned into nothingness in an instant, and only this golden ghost world flower remained in place.

It absorbed all of the three and was eventually conceived in a world that did not originally belong to it.

This ghost world flower may be the'perfect ghost world flower' that Qing Niang said.

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