My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 823

Obviously... before Wu Ge Meng hadn't appeared, he even yelled at her a lot of disagreement, but now he appeared but was completely confused.

Besides, isn't she still the leader of Wu Ge Meng...

Wu Ge Meng squinted her eyes and turned to the Virgo on the other side with a smile, and approached her step by step. The sound of step by step approaching was like a torture to Virgo like a knife cutting meat. It was uncomfortable... ...Increasing fear...

She sat down on the ground, and backed away a few steps in a panic: "Henxian...Don't get close to me...I...Don't get close to me! Be careful with me...I deal with you! I'm...but this The space-time zone is long! You must listen to me anyway!"

Wu Ge Meng paid no attention to this weak threat, her face narrowed and smiled even more.

"You... don't come here ah ah ah ah... wow..."

A few minutes ago, the virgin who threatened Xu Mo with the same aura, she cried...cried...

Scared to cry by Wu Ge Meng...

Obviously Wu Ge Meng didn't do anything, just squatting in front of her with squinting smiles...

Just cried...

Tears were rushing and I couldn't control it.

Chapter VIII The Truth

"Why are you crying? I haven't seen each other for so many years. I didn't expect you to shed such excitement when we meet again."

Wu Ge Meng squatted in front of the Virgo and said with a smile, squinting, but there are some tears of excitement, Virgo is obviously scared, and the whole person is about to be stunned by Wu Ge Passed, fluttering and twitching on the ground.

This is where the boss meets the subordinate, this is clearly the mouse meeting the cat.

However, considering Wu Gemeng's personality, it didn't feel strange at all.

"You... don't come close to me..." The Virgo struggling to squeeze a word out of her mouth, and she curled up defensively, not daring to look at Wu Ge Meng at all.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, don't be so indifferent, I will be sad. Besides, you are so afraid of what I do? I won't do strange things to you, right?"


When Wu Ge Meng squinted and said this sentence with a smile, Virgo's heart was extremely complicated!

If she can make complaints, she really wants to make complaints.

Strange thing?Have you done less to me?

The Virgo was still extremely frightened of Wu Ge Meng, shivering and afraid to speak, and when Wu Ge Meng appeared, she knew that her original plan had been messed up.

Nothing has developed according to the script she originally wanted.

"However, no matter what, you shouldn't attack my important successor, and use that kind of crappy reason to threaten him, hahahaha, it's not like you."

The Virgo's face turned pale for a while and flushed for a while, faster than the traffic lights.

Her resistance to Wu Ge Meng was completely zero, which was the case from the beginning, and of course it is still the same now.

Wu Ge Meng smiled again and walked to Xu Mo with a light pace, leaning to Xu Mo’s ear, but did not deliberately lower her voice. In this environment, no matter what she said, everyone could actually hear it. Clearly: "Don't be afraid. Her true face is like this. She dares to scare people when others are away. She will not dare to show her true appearance when I come."

Virgo is like the kind of bragging to brag when facing strangers, but if she is recognized by her acquaintances, she can be pierced in a second, she has now completely exposed herself.

However, despite saying this, Xu Mo still didn't understand the meaning of Wu Ge Meng: "So, after all... which ones are true and which are false? Why am I so dizzy?"

"She is false to threaten you. Virgo is a hard-working person and has great ability to deal with business, but her ability is not what she is good at. Originally, what she did was not a supervisor's job, so her ability was right. It is not too important for her, at most, she can only temporarily possess her body for a while, and the principle is also carried out by using mental power, which is completely useless for some high mental targets. This is also a kind of'hypnosis', I taught her back then, she should only be able to use this trick after these years."

The Virgo's ability to'possess' onto others was also what Wu Ge Meng taught her back then?

It’s no wonder that the virgin said that the original position of the regional chief was taken by Wu Ge Meng, but Wu Ge Meng inexplicably appointed her to do it for some reason, making her very depressed, and she could not find a reason. .

"Actually, she has no ability to threaten you. She said that to deal with you is to scare you. If you really want to fight, ordinary people are fine, but how can she beat you now? She is here to reclaim those This time and space shouldn’t exist, things that would affect the stability of time and space, but the ability itself is insufficient, so I did this. You think, if she is really so powerful, she can deal with you all in minutes, She will spend such a big round to guide you to beat the Qing Niang Niang to reclaim her? She has the ability to defeat the Qing Niang Niang and reclaim her, not to mention that?"

"Three thousand things are the same. I guess she knew that I was by your side a long time ago, and that three thousand is still able to survive now because of my reasons, afraid of exposing herself, so she brought you here, taking advantage When you were far away from me, you took the opportunity to show your identity to threaten you, and asked you to hand over three thousand personally so that she could achieve her goal. If she really got people head-on, she couldn't help it, hehehe."

"But Xia Xia... didn't she give Xia Xia the ability? She can do this, but she...?"

"Xiamen’s abilities were not given by her, but because as a person in this time and space, Xia Xia accidentally went to the world over there. The special abilities generated by the influence are just like the so-called'qi' in your body. Didn’t it also happen after I stumbled into another world under the cliff?"

Virgo collapsed completely to the ground, like a salted fish that had lost her dream, but she was a paper tiger.

What Wu Ge Meng said was completely correct, and all her secrets were ruthlessly exposed in public.

That’s right, as Wu Ge Meng said, she was not good at these things at first, and the so-called ability was only taught to her by Wu Ge Meng. Her identity as the head of the district is nameless, but she doesn’t. It’s so powerful, it’s a layout that can only be exhausted, it is to guide Xia Tian to help herself, and it is to guide Xu Mo to come to Qing Niang Niang step by step to defeat Qing Niang Niang... But who knows, when it’s the last step, Xu Mo But he didn't compromise like he imagined. Instead, he wanted to be the enemy of his daughter and the whole world.

Obviously, from the analysis of Xu Mo's behavior that I learned from Xia Xia, he should be a kind person who is easy to feel soft in heart. Why is that?

After all, she is not a human being, and the definition of "good people" may be somewhat insufficient. People can be kind, but when true relatives are in crisis, no matter how kind people are, they will also be willing to become evil devil.

Hearing Wu Ge Meng say this, Xu Mo was already half relieved, but he quickly realized that things didn't seem to be a relief.

"Wait, then... Then she threatened me to be false, which means that everything else is real? Three thousand she...really so serious? Because of the existence of three thousand... collapsed?"

Wu Ge Meng paused for a while, and even opened her eyes a little bit. She glanced at Xu Mo with a look she had never done before: "Yes, what she just explained to you is true. There was no way for time and space to merge with each other. Now that there are more and more cracks, I can only recover the most influential points as much as possible to bring them away from this time and space. There is no Qing Niang, and the purple satin is gone. Only three thousand, her existence is also the most influential."

Chapter VIII First-line Opportunity

"...What will happen? Does everyone really...will die? The world just doesn't exist? Just because three thousand exist in this world?"

At this time, the virgin who had been silent just now suddenly said pitifully: "Yes...Yes...I didn't lie to you... It's because the existence of Three Thousands affects this time and space. The impact is really too great. No matter what she does, it will bring unprecedented pressure to this time and space... The time and space have become more and more cracks, to the point where it is completely impossible to end... If this continues, it will not take long... This time and space It will be completely one can stop...I am just the person responsible for supervising and managing time and space, not a god...At that time, the entire time and space will be reset, everything that affects the state of time and space will disappear, everything will be Back to this world when it hasn't been affected... As for when the reset will happen... Nobody knows... This is an extraordinary method that will only work after the collapse of time and space... It cannot be stopped..."

"And I... I must carry a big pot... be dismissed... even exiled... Wow... I'm going to finish... I'm going to be sent to dig coal in a deserted time and space..."

No wonder she is so obsessed with this, the state of the entire time and space is abnormally bad now, and the cracks in time and space have inadvertently increased and reached the point where it cannot be closed. The complete collapse of time and space is only a matter of time.

And once it really collapses, it will be exactly what she said-everything is reset and the return begins.

It's like playing a game, if the save is broken, then read the save and start again.

Xu Mo didn't know this at all before, and the world collapsed when the world collapsed. How could there be a reset back?

Looking at Wu Ge Meng to confirm her eyes, she also nodded, confirming what the virgin said.

"But don’t worry, you are the supervisor now. The supervisor will not be affected by the reset. Your memory, your consciousness, including your body, exist in this time and space. All of your It won't change." Wu Ge Meng turned into that squinted expression again, and she didn't panic at all.

But Xu Mo couldn't be as indifferent as her, his expression was extremely serious, even with a hint of fear: "But...that is, everyone except me...will be reset, right? Time will return. Until nothing happened, nothing happened, three thousand will disappear, they... all of them don’t know where... don’t even remember who I am... because everything is reset, they are completely ..."

For Xu Mo, this is the most important thing. Whether he can survive the collapse of the world is not important... The important thing is that after resetting, he will lose everything that is most precious to him... Even if he survives What's the point?What was even more cruel was that he had to experience that kind of pain.

This incident was far more cruel than the direct destruction of the world. During this time, Xu Mo experienced a lot and gained the most important relationships and some of the most important confidantes in life. They are now Xu Mo. The most precious wealth is more important than everything.

Without them, everything starts again...what's the point?

Elegy... Nanbing... Lemon...

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