My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 824

There are also Xiao Jiu... many of them... Xu Mo is unwilling to reset the relationship and life with them during this time.

Obviously, it is only necessary to wait more than half a year for the wedding to be the wedding. Obviously, they have agreed with Xu Yan... Obviously three thousand...

"Then... Xu Yan... Three Thousand... And Lemon... Elegy them? They will reset and lose their memory? Don't recognize me?"

Wu Gemeng told Xu Mo straightforwardly: "They are likely to disappear due to resetting. The resetting of time-space collapse is to reset all the factors that will affect the stability of time and space. They are with you. It does matter, it can be regarded as an unstable factor more or less. The resetting of time and space is very strict. Perhaps after resetting, they will no longer exist in the world."

This is undoubtedly the most broken thing.

It is even more unacceptable than all of them forgetting these memories and forgetting themselves.

Xu Mo couldn't bear it anymore, his body was shaky, and it was not that Xia Xia hurriedly supported him, perhaps he would have fallen down long ago.

Xia Xia was already crying, and she did it all for Xu Mo's good, and she also knew many things about Xu Mo... Xu Mo, a person with a lot of affection, would definitely be like this after knowing the end of things.

But seeing Xu Mo feel so uncomfortable, why is she not?

She will also disappear, like everyone else, leaving only Xu Mo alone in this world.

Obviously just reunited, obviously nothing started.

"Please...Is there any way to help Xu Mo? Please..." Xia Xia didn't know who Wu Ge Meng was, but at this time, she could only ask her for help. This is the last hope In addition to her, Xia Xia didn't know how to fight for an opportunity.

Wu Ge Meng, this fellow, always smiled, squinting, and rarely saw her open.

Just opened it once, just slightly.

But now she is completely opened. Compared with her who squinted her eyes, she who opened her eyes will show such a serious expression, but she still has such a gentle charm and no tone. As always with a little bit of teasing as before, he said smoothly: "Don't worry, it's not too late, there is still a way to save it, there is at least one last way before time and space are reset."

When Xu Mo heard Wu Ge Meng say this, he immediately shook his body and held her shoulder excitedly: "Really...really!? Is there a way!?"

Wu Gemeng’s face change is so fast. It’s rare to be serious just now, and now he squints his eyes again, playing with the taste: "Huh, what else am I doing here? Didn’t I think it was the Virgo who came here? I came here to help you. That’s great. What’s the home like? Is it a place where people stay? You spend all of them, leaving me and her locked up at home, almost to death. I'm so sad to be a teacher."

"Okay... Stop joking, whatever you do, tell me how to recover! Just don't let them disappear! No matter what I do!"



"Then it depends on your health."

"What do you mean!?"

Surprisingly, Xu Mo didn't quite understand what Wuge Meng meant.

What does saving the world have to do with my health?

Chapter VIII Repair

Xu Mo was a little confused...No, it should be said that he was confused from the beginning, because so many things happened in these short hours.

"What... method? What does it have to do with my health?"

"Well...I'm not kidding, I'm very serious about it, maybe it's the only way."

"Hurry up and tell me!" Xu Mo anxiously held Wu Ge Meng, but he didn't want to delay for a second. If things were really like what they said, they must use what she said before the tragedy happened. The way to recover.

"How can there be room for redemption... even you... it is impossible to do it, this time and space is about to collapse, reset is inevitable, we are not gods, how can there be any way to redeem?" Slowly got up from the ground, looked at Wu Ge Meng with an incredible expression, wondering what she meant.

In her opinion, everything is over.

This is about her identity and work. If she really messed up, she would lose everything and be sent to dig coal in a desolate time and space... So before coming here, she had studied all the methods... ...But it has no effect at all.

Is there a way for Wu Ge Meng?

If this is the case, she hopes it is true.Because if you can get it back...then you won't be punished for digging for coal and be miserable.

But under this expectation, the first words Wu Gemeng said completely poured cold water on her: "Explain in advance that the redemption I said is just another trick. Sooner or later, the world will be completely It was reset after a crash, this is completely unchangeable."

"In the end..." Xu Mo was even more panicked.

Wu Ge Meng squinted his eyes and smiled, and stretched out a finger to poke Xu Mo's forehead: "Listen to me and tell you. In the previous example, time and space reset has happened several times. According to the previous Judging from the case, everything in that time and space except the supervisor will be reset to a certain period of time before and forcibly resume normal operation, which can also be understood as a kind of time backwards."

"After all, the supervisor is the person responsible for managing the entire time and space, nor is it a human being, nor is it something that exists in that time and space. Therefore, the supervisor is naturally not resetting the influence. That is, if the world is really important Yes, only you, Loria, and Virgo, the three of you can escape. Everyone including me will be affected by the reset of time and space. I have given you the identity of the supervisor, I Now he's an ordinary person."

Although Wu Ge Meng said that'she is an ordinary person' had great objections, Xu Mo still listened very seriously.

Wu Gemeng is right, so...what does she mean?

"The time and space reset is not artificial, but the time and space is activated by itself after the crash. Then since the supervisors will not be affected by the reset, it is just a matter of speculation, so that when the time and space collapse, they think they are also supervisors. ?"

"Just conceal the time and space, and let the people you hope not to be affected by the reset become like you. This is my approach."

As soon as her voice fell, the Virgo lay down on the ground in frustration and said, "What kind of a solution are you... The supervisor is not Chinese cabbage. You passed it to him, and he can only pass it to one person at most. Wouldn't it be possible to expect him to pass on the identity of the supervisor to most people at the same time?"

Xu Mo was actually so confused after hearing this.

But Wu Gemeng’s squinted smile on his face was a little more meaningful, lowering his voice, and prolonging the ending: "I'm talking about hiding from time and space, not really making them a supervisor. As long as Space-Time'thinks' that they are also supervisors."

"This... how to hide it?"

"I have to ask you, you should be better than me, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is what's wrong with you. Obviously I have obtained such a precious thing, but I have never studied its mystery. It is your method of dual cultivation. If you move your little brain, think about it. Have you got the second half, has it become the full version? Have you never read the contents recorded in the second half?"

Xu Mo immediately recalled very carefully, the method of double cultivation?

Since getting the second half of the double cultivation method from Huali, it has indeed turned the double cultivation method into a full version... but Xu Mo has no intention of studying this. After all, there were a lot of things during that time and he had to be responsible for the school. Things, Xu Mo is not really interested in martial arts practice or something, to be honest, the "benefits" obtained from the double cultivation method are enough for him to be proud of being a man, and he doesn't want anything more, Wan Once it becomes those monsters like Yiye Manjiro in YY novels, it won't be bad. It's too exaggerated. It's better to be a little stronger. If you can deal with it, just meet each other.

So after getting the full version of the Double Cultivation Method, Xu Mo only read it roughly and didn't study it any more. She would be more interested in letting the elegy to study the mystery.

The superficial impression in his mind... The content recorded in the lower part of the double cultivation method makes Xu Mo a little confused, and the records are also something that looks more like something pursued in Taoism. It's not that the contents recorded in the first half are "what you know".

People will choose what they are interested in after all to remember. Xu Mo simply remembers that in the lower half, there is a very powerful "Three Peaks Art". Among them is the record of "First Peak, Beginning to Collect Women" Swallow it with body fluid in the mouth.The second mid-peak, re-harvesting female breast milk to swallow it.At the third lower peak, hold your breath and swallow your body like a tortoise, shrinking the lower part, picking its red lead from a few cents and transporting it to the top of Kunlun Mountain, scattered on the limbs, reversing the old and rejuvenating, and all diseases will not occur.'I don't know who invented this, it sounds pretty amazing.

But other than that, Xu Mo had no impression of the pursuit of the dual cultivation realm and the enlightenment.

But whether he remembers it or not... The double cultivation method is just a magical cultivation method, derived from the ancient martial arts of China. No matter how you think about it, it will not have anything to do with the supervisor of time and space and the resetting of time and space.

Can it be possible to hide the reset of time and space after double repair, and make time and space mistakenly believe that the other party is also a supervisor?

All this can only be answered by Wu Ge Meng.

PS: These days, the New Year’s activities have been busy, and I’m going all the way around, I’m sorry, everyone, the update is delivered, everyone should be on holiday too?It will be updated during the New Year, don't worry.

Chapter VIII

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