My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 840

But even though she didn't understand the reasons at all, the moment she saw Xu Mo, she knew that she was in a very happy that moment, she almost jumped with excitement.

Of course, the other six girls are more excited than her.

They also heard Xu Mo's call, calling San Qian's name, isn't it that San Qian's father is here?It's really here!I really came to rescue them!

Saved!It's saved now!

There was nothing more exciting than the hope of giving birth. The girls shouted out before Sanqian: "Uncle Xu! Uncle Xu! Here and here! Sanqian is here with us! Under the rocks and the table! Us! Can't get out! Save us! Save us!"

Because they were surrounded below, the voice was very weak, but Xu Mo could still hear their voices.

Of course I was wondering at that moment, uncle?I'm only in my early twenties, why call my uncle?Can you call Big Brother!

But as soon as I heard that Three Thousand was underneath, Xu Mo certainly didn't have time to care so much, so he just wanted to quickly rescue Three Thousand from below.

But since he first came in, he had been startled by the big tentacles surrounding the classroom. many octopus balls can be's too big.

Really looking up close is much more spectacular than looking far away.

And the most dangerous thing is that the tentacles just lie on the place where they are trapped and slowly creeping unwilling to leave. If you want to go directly to move the things buried on it, they will definitely touch the tentacles.

At that time, whether the octopus monster would attack Xu Mo and the others... was very uncertain.

It is definitely unnecessary to really do it. The octopus has such a terrible destructive power. If it really fights, its tentacles only need to touch this collapsing classroom a little, and it will completely collapse...At that time , There is really no way to save people, and the situation of a few thousand of them will become very dangerous.

The biggest enemy now is not the octopus monster, but the classroom and the whole teaching building that are about to collapse.

"I heard, calm down, don't panic, I will find a way to save you out!"

Xu Mo told them that the girls tried their best to calm down and restrain their excitement.

They did not realize that the situation had become worse, but only saw the hope of being rescued.

The emotion of joy has also overwhelmed the despair just now, thanks to the father of 3000...too reliable, no wonder people still have hope in their eyes at that time.

"Three thousand! Your father really came to save us! Great!"

"Yeah, yeah! Your father is so brave! He can come over at this time!"

"And the voice is so good! So gentle! He doesn't look like a father-level uncle at all! He must be super handsome!"

This doesn't ease the mood, do you start gossiping again?

Sanqian's mood is very complicated. She is very happy, but she doesn't know how to express it. Even if she talks to Xu Mo outside, she can't hear the noisy voices of the surrounding students at all. She is just alone. Watching Xu Mo in front of the gap, he didn't want to blink his eyes, the feeling of heartbeat became stronger and stronger... I could only keep holding my heart...

Xu Mo's situation here is a bit tricky. He doesn't know what to do. Fortunately, Lemon is constantly helping him.

"How? Did you find it?" Lemon's satellite picture can no longer see the situation inside the teaching building, but has been communicating with Xu Mo through voice, using this method to understand what is happening now.

"I found it, but the situation is a bit complicated. This classroom is about to collapse, and the entire teaching building is crumbling and won't last long. A few of them are buried under the ruins, and the octopus monster's tentacles are lying on their knees. On the ruins, I'm afraid that going directly to rescue them will disturb the octopus monster. If its big body moves, this building will collapse."

Xu Mo also deliberately lowered his voice when communicating with Lemon, not wanting the three thousand and the others to hear it, for fear that they would be more emotionally affected when they knew the situation.

Lemon was still very calm. After listening to Xu Mo's description, he immediately began to analyze: "I see, you can wait a while."

The process didn’t take long. Lemon’s reply came immediately: “That octopus seems to be guarding the three thousand of them, but I don’t know for what purpose. Now it seems that if you save people in the past, It has an over 80% chance of blocking resistance."

"What now?"

"You can only use a plan that is relatively safe, but it also requires you to concentrate. There is only one chance. You tell Sanqian, let her tear off the clothes she is wearing, and the girls who are with her Get closer to her. In order to prevent accidents, I added protective measures to all her clothes. As long as her clothes are torn apart by artificial violence, it will be activated instantly, and a small circular protection can be formed around her body in an instant. The hood, the pervert who tried to conspiracy against her was fiercely bombed out, the power is very powerful. You let her tear off the clothes and activate the protective cover, the things that are pressed on them will be bounced away, including the octopus. Tentacles, they can come out. This is the fastest way to get them out, and then it’s prime time. It is estimated that there will be a prime time of ten seconds for the collapse of the building. Within these ten seconds, you have to match the ability of summer Take them out. The third floor shouldn't be a difficult task for you, right?"

There is even this kind of protective measure, just on the clothes?

It's a lemon, and even this kind of protective measure can be thought of. For Xu Mo, a father, it is not too reassuring.

Such a good thing should be produced in batches!

But now is not the time to say such things, it is true to save talents quickly.

Xia Xia was right behind Xu Mo, and Xu Mo met her eyes: "Are you sure?"

Xia Tian is confident. After gaining abilities, she seems to be born to know how to use her abilities.

She nodded: "Yes, I will take them out with you."

"it is good."

Xu Mo held his breath, took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and said loudly to the direction of the ruins: "Three thousand, can you hear me?"

Three thousand in there was stunned. He didn't expect that elder brother would suddenly call her, and for a while, he didn't react enough to answer Xu Mo.

The girls around me were much more anxious than her, and came to touch Sanqian to remind her: "Sanqian, your father is calling you, answer him quickly! Let him take us out! Don't be surprised at this time! "

"Oh...well, well, I...I'm..." Sanqian was also in a daze after being reminded, but the answer was a little embarrassing.

"It's fine if you can hear it, you now listen carefully to what I say and do it step by step, know?


"On your clothes, there are special protective measures set by your lemon mother. You and your classmates stand up a little bit. I said to tear, you just tore your clothes a little to start the protective measures. Everything around you bounces away, including the tentacles of the big octopus, then close your eyes and I will save you out, trust me."

"I...I believe you." Sanqian looked at Xu Mo from the gap. He was obviously only a one-sided person, but trusted him 100%.

Believe in everything he said.

But why...this big brother would know Mama Lemon?

Is he very familiar with lemon?

Suddenly, San Qian's heart... felt a little sour.

I don't know why.

Chapter 899 Timing

There was no time to delay, Xu Mo saw the right time, and when he was ready, he shouted: "Three thousand! It's okay!"

Three thousand's reaction was also very quick. When Xu Mo's voice just fell, she also forcibly tore a piece of cloth on her arm.

Just like what Lemon said, in order to prevent the pervert’s emergency protection from being activated instantly, a circular protective cover was formed around Sanqian, and all the surrounding things were projected toward the surroundings, including Sanqian. A total of seven girls inside also suddenly saw the sky again and appeared in front of Xu Mo.

The octopus tentacles that were originally lying on the ruins they were pressing were also flew out fiercely at this time, and hit the already crumbling building fiercely. This was the last straw that crushed the camel. After this strong impact, the entire teaching building was already in a state of being about to collapse, what Lemon said, the prime time had already begun, only ten seconds.

Xia Xia, who had been watching here with all the attention from the side, quickly reacted, and now she has to play a key role in sending all three thousand and all of them out of this dangerous area without incident.

At the moment when the three thousand and three of them appeared, Xia Xia had already raised his hand and chanted two paragraphs of magic silently: "G=mg, V=S/t"

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