My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 841

How about summer is amazing? I have just borrowed this ability from Lori, but it seems to be more able to use it than the original owner. She is talking about the gravity formula and the speed formula separately, no one has ever told She can combine the two formulas into one to try to use a magic. She doesn't know so much, but she feels subconsciously... It seems that this can be done, so that they can be rescued from the danger. Place.

A flickering golden light shone on everyone, as if adding a BUFF to the collective, and in fact, it seems that it is true. In summer, this is to add a buff to everyone.

The reduced gravity makes their bodies lighter. This is only the third floor, and there is no problem even if they jump from here.Speed ​​up, make their movement speed become more agile, after jumping downstairs, they can use the fastest speed to escape to a safe place.

When this process actually occurs, it is actually quite fast, and there is no time for people to react.

For ordinary girls, they are in a trance and don't know what happened.

"Okay! Jump down! Don't be afraid! Jump down bravely! Your gravity has been reduced now, you won't be hurt! Hurry up!"

Although this is the case, the six other than three thousand are very ordinary junior high school girls. How can they have such courage when experiencing this kind of battle?Even if this is only the third floor, they dare not jump down.

Xu Mo was also nervously urging on the side, rushing towards them, dragging them to walk outside the window where a big hole had been broken, only ten seconds, so it must be fast.

The tentacles from which the big octopus was ejected had already begun to wriggle slowly.

It may attack when it will come.

"The building is about to collapse! There is no time! If you don't want to die, hurry up and jump from here!" Xu Mo was really anxious, he didn't want to give up all his previous work because of this.

But those girls obviously didn't apply this kind of situation, they were completely confused, and they didn't have the courage at all, and they didn't know how to do it.

The situation is a bit critical, it's completely stuck here and there is no way to proceed. Xu Mo can't afford it, and immediately made a decision to forcibly throw a few of them out. Anyway, they would know if they were thrown out.

Just when Xu Mo was about to do this, Xia Xia had already taken the first step, holding a girl with each hand, and leaping forward: "Hurry up! You have to catch up too! Trust us, it's okay!"

This is what she can do to the greatest extent. She also has only two arms and can take two girls out at this time.

She did this to show the remaining girls, and to give them a little courage.

The reason why he didn't stay there anymore, Xia Xia knew that he had already done everything he could do. In order not to hinder Xu Mo... now he can only look at Xu Mo.

She tried her best to help her do these things well without distracting her too much.

The two girls who were hugged and jumped down by Xia had no defense at all. When the consciousness came back, they had been hugged by Xia and jumped downstairs, subconsciously panicking, screaming, and even... Incontinence.

But when I opened my eyes, I found that they didn't fall to the ground. Both of them floated slowly in the air like balloons, falling a little bit.

At this level, how could it be hurt...?It's amazing.

"Did you see? Jump down bravely! The building will collapse right away! Jump now has a chance to survive! Otherwise, you will have to be crushed under the ruins!"

In fact, the summer also knows the situation. It is meaningless to save these girls now. The most important thing is three thousand.

Even if these girls really encounter disasters and lose their lives, they will be resurrected by the fixed time and space. For them, nothing will be lost, but three thousand is different, three thousand will be true disappeared.

But...for her, she still can't stand it. After all, they are all living lives. When she can help, she doesn't have to push them into the abyss. She has been working for so many years and the teacher really can't do it.

For Xu Mo, his consciousness is actually higher, because he has more important pressure. Now she may not even have time to protect her lover. Where can she have the time to take care of others?Moreover, saving people is meaningless, everything will be reopened, which is a nightmare for ordinary people.

He doesn't care about these girls, only three thousand.

But in front of San Qian... he still couldn't do anything like that.

All fathers have a heart in front of their children who want to show off and want to be cool.

If Sanqian saw that she reached out and ignored her classmates, she wouldn't know what the child would think...I'm afraid that she would ignore her in the future.

Xu Mo didn't want his image in San Qian's heart to become that bad, so he did this.

Three thousand people who watched all this joined in the first time to help their classmates overcome the difficulties in their hearts.

Although she didn't know what was going on, it was also the invention of Mama Lemon?What is the principle?It seems that I have never seen it in the laboratory, but I can still judge the situation calmly and do more correct things.

"You see that they are all okay. The landing speed is as safe as a balloon. Jump quickly. It will be too late. Would you rather be crushed or killed by the big octopus?"

Three thousand persuaded the remaining four people. After all, no one wanted to die. Finally, one of the remaining four girls finally cried first, then covered their eyes and jumped down...Of course, After a few seconds, she burst into laughter, because she really didn't fall directly, but fell slowly in mid-air with a very light body.

Seeing this scene, several other girls also started to jump down one after another, finally overcoming the difficulties in their hearts.

Xu Mo no longer cares about them now, and since they have already started to dance, there is no problem.

The prime time is now only three seconds, and the octopus tentacles have moved back, and it’s really too late if you don’t jump.

Xu Mo stretched out his hand suddenly and held San Qian's hand in his hand, holding it very tightly, completely unwilling to let go.

Sanqian was suddenly taken aback when Xu Mo held his small hand like this. Seeing Xu Mo's nervous and serious expression, the strange feeling in his heart became stronger, and his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

Up to now, she has an unbelievable feeling, just like the fairy tale dreams that all girls will have, her dreams have come true.

I just kept thinking about that elder brother's figure in my mind, thinking that he would come to save myself. I didn't expect that after a long time... he really appeared here, and he was here to save her.

This made her really a little dazed, I don't know if it is a reality or a dream.

Especially now that he is holding his hand...a bit hot, it seems that the same thing is happening again, there is a real feeling.

Even worse, Xu Mo even hugged her tightly in Kuanshi’s arms and supported her with one arm: “Let’s go, too. If you’re afraid, close your eyes. Don’t worry. ."

Xu Mo said softly in San Qian's ear, this is the tone that he would have when talking to his daughter.

In this critical situation, Xu Mo was still worried about his daughter. If he wanted to dance, he would still want to hold three thousand together, so that he would feel more at ease.

For San Qian, there is another wonderful feeling in his heart at this moment... The shy ruddy has burned to the roots of his ears, and he dared not move in Xu Mo's arms, being so tightly held quietly. Hug tightly, feeling... very good.

I feel at ease, feel at ease, as if I have a good support.

This feeling is not the same as the kind of dependence that mothers give to themselves... and I don't know how to describe it.

Sanqian felt very shy, very embarrassed, wanted to talk, but didn't know what to say now.

"Hold on to me."

"Okay...Okay." San Qian nodded in a very faint voice. In fact, the little hand was holding Xu Mo's clothes very tightly, the kind that he didn't want to let go.

Xu Mo jumped down, there was no trace of fear or panic in San Qian's heart, all because she was leaning tightly in Xu Mo's arms now, that kind of wonderful feeling gave her a calm mood.

When she was in the air, she also hoped that this light and fluttering feeling of being held in Xu Mo's arms would last for a while.

When his feet touched the ground, San Qian felt even a little bit regretful in his heart.

But there were still students around watching, so they were embarrassed to stick to Xu Mo's arms again.

Everyone's faces have a joy after the rest of their lives, and they have really escaped from such a dangerous place...

After a second, the teaching building completely collapsed and became a ruin.

When they looked at the scene in the teaching building, the joy on their faces turned into sorrow again. it really going to be the end of the world?Although I survived, what should I do after...?

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