My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 867

The discerning person knew at a glance where the group of mole crickets were rushing towards, and soon saw Huali and Ye Elegy.

"Master?" Hao Wenrou did call Ye Elegy in this way. She was very impressed, because there are not many women who are better than her.

Her sister is one, and there is Ye Diele.

But she could feel it before that Ye Elegy is much better than her sister Hao Meili, so she always wanted to ask Ye Elegy for advice, and she kept calling Ye Elegy a master when she asked for advice.

"It's you?" Ye Elegy also recognized Hao Wenrou.

"How will you be here?"

"It's a long story. Some patients are still undergoing dialysis. These bugs must be resolved first."

"Okay, no problem, you guys, kill these bugs for me!"

Hao Wenrou commanded the move and followed Ye Diane and Huali to kill these insects.

After about half an hour, the entire nest had been cleaned of countless insects, and only a few of them flew far away without coming over.

PS: The fourth one, cheer for yourself, drink Red Bull, the battle has just begun.

By the way, because today's updates will be very frequent, I guess it will be even late at night, so I suggest that everyone gather together to watch it.

The ninth chapter has everyone (fifth more)

Only then did she have time to talk more, but Hao Wenrou first arranged for her staff to bring a doctor to help Huali's mother check the dialysis situation.

After checking, the doctor confirmed that the dialysis was over, and then her mother was carefully helped out.

Ye Diange explained his intentions as quickly as possible, what had happened at this time, and what Xu Mo was about to do.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to accept and completely believe it at once, but fortunately it is Huali and Hao Wenrou, their relationship is quite simple, and it is easy to believe what Ye Elegy said.

Huali actually hesitated a little bit, but her mother also said on the side: "Ali, for such an important matter, you can go with your man, don't care about me, the overall situation is more important."

The point of her hesitation lies in her mother. Huali’s mother has been living in seclusion in the mountains, and her thinking is naturally more traditional. Although she has never met Xu Mo himself, she also knows about Xu Mo. Of course, she could be seen if she was not a virgin, plus knowing that Xu Mo saved her life, she had already acquiesced in the relationship between the two.

During this time, she also often taught Huali how to be a wife. After all, she was raised as a boy by the family since she was a child. Now she has finally become a girl. Many things Huali’s mother still wants her. You can be more like a woman, don't let your husband dislike it.

Huali nodded, her mother had said so, and she would follow suit.

Hao Wenrou, who also listened to Ye Elegy’s remarks, also decided to go together: "Since the world has become like this, I will go too. I want to have a baby with him. How can I forget him? Who am I going to have a baby with him? By the way, is Xiao Jiu okay? Is she there too?"

"Yes, she is fine."

"Then I'll go and take me with me." Hao Wenrou heard that Xiao Jiu was there, and insisted on following it. Xiao Jiu is her best friend. She has missed it for a long time.

Afterwards, Hao Wenrou asked her mother with Huali to take refuge in their home, and the arrangements were made, and then the three of them returned together.

On the way, I also encountered a few big mole crickets that came after them, but they didn't cause any problems. They had killed so many of them and they were already very skilled.


That's how it happened.

It was a coincidence, indeed, I did not expect that even Hao Wenrou would come back with him.

And Hao Wenrou also got to Xiao Jiu's side at the first time, and looked at Xiao Jiu's slightly bulging belly. She was a little surprised and said: "Xiao Jiu, have you eaten so much fat? Your belly is so big?"

Nan Bing on one side hurriedly stopped her, for fear that she would accidentally run into the child in Xiao Jiu's belly. Xu Mo gave her the task of bringing the children at home in the future. She was a precious treasure.

"Hey hey, be careful. Where is Xiao Jiu who eats fat? Can't you tell if you are pregnant? There is a baby in the belly!"


Hao Wenrou was shocked, her chin was about to fall to the ground, and at the same time some people in the room who didn't know Xiao Jiu was pregnant were also a little surprised, as if they knew them.

Are you pregnant with Teacher Xu's child?When did they...really, were they one step ahead?so envious……

"Are you pregnant?" Hao Wenrou is also a little cautious, full of envy in her eyes. Her dream is to have a strong child with Xu Mo, but now her good friend Xiao Jiu has achieved her first. desire.

It is a pity that she is not the one who is pregnant.

But being a good friend is naturally very happy for Xiao Jiu.

Because Hao Wenrou always believed that it would be a very happy thing to have a child with a man as strong as Xu Mo.

Xiao Jiu was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many people. He lowered his head and nodded shyly: "En..."

"It's great... how did you get pregnant? Can you teach me!? That time I did it with him according to the picture, why didn't I get pregnant? I don't know how to get pregnant!"

The last time she watched the so-called “According to the photo”, that is to say, she watched the Billy Harrington film. She didn't learn anything except for the big ass. This is a ghost if you can get pregnant.

The problem of pregnancy made Xiao Jiu feel extremely embarrassed, and his face became even more red, unable to speak.

Now everyone has arrived, the time consumed is not too long, and the process is quite smooth, but in fact, the time is still very urgent, Wu Ge Meng said, it is estimated that it will only take two days, these two days The problem must be solved as soon as possible...

The only way is already there, and that is the method of double cultivation.

Now that everyone has arrived, Xu Mo felt that he had to tell everyone everything frankly, whether he knew it or not, it was all.

He took the initiative to stand in front of everyone, and for the first time the harem gathered, he really didn't know what to say at the beginning.

All the women looked at Xu Mo and waited patiently for him to speak.

"That... let me explain the current situation to you first, and some things about myself."

Xu Mo tried his best to explain clearly and in detail, without any concealment, including all the secrets in his body, the method of double cultivation, the identity of the supervisor, etc., everything was made public.

Those who accept it quickly have already accepted it quickly, and those who accept it slowly also need some time to digest it slowly.

"Everything I say is true, and there is nothing to hide at this time. I hope everyone can believe that everything I say now is indeed true."

Everyone nodded, and they all agreed.

"The world has become like this now. Time and space will be reset in about two days. At that time, time will return to the time before the accident. Everyone will forget what happened during this time. My identity is Overseer, I will not be affected, but you will forget my existence... I am a selfish guy, I don’t want such a thing to happen, I am the same to each of you, I know I’m very carefree, But it’s not sad, I can swear that I love each one of you as much...I want to own each of you, and I can’t bear to abandon any of you, so...I don’t want you to forget me, I think To be with you forever, I want to do everything I can to be good to each of you, sorry for making such a selfish decision, if any of you don’t want it, I will never stop it, but I will do everything I can Come to persuade you to stay."

PS: Now I want to push a book written by a friend. The title may be a bit long. "I, Sou Wu Gao, the black hand behind the scenes, refused to Shura Field."

My name is Haruto Hime Koji, and I am the student council president of Chiba Prefecture Private Soubu High School. I have a childhood sweetheart who grew up with my parents. Her name is Touma Kasane, who is good at piano.

I have a young teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka who has always troubled me at work. She sacrificed herself to make Yukoshita Yukino’s ministry successful, but what’s more interesting was that we met in a secret blind date. on.

I control a student union that is mixed with cash, fake S pseudo-girls, three-no maids, harem kings and black silk elder sisters, but in most cases we are thinking about how to do things in school.

I have a neighboring table named Xuexia Xuena. This guy speaks good English, but he has a problem with the people. It's annoying that I have to save her if I get into a crisis.

Chapter 920: Memories of the Past (6th)

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