My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 868

When he finished speaking, Xu Mo had already touched the soft feelings in his heart, and his eyes were a little moist.

Because he saw that everyone's eyes were firm, no one wanted to quit.

They are willing to...accept Xu Mo's selfish request.

In fact, each of them didn't want to forget Xu Mo or even leave him, otherwise they wouldn't be willing to share him with so many women. It's really just true love. There is no other reason for this.

"Thank you." Xu Mo thanked him sincerely.

Keep going.

"Now there is a way to let everyone, like me, not be affected by the reset of time and space. After the reset of time and space, you still remember who I am, still have the memory of this time, and you can return to the normal life before. This method may be quite special. It is the dual cultivation method I mentioned before. After the dual cultivation method reaches the state of yin and yang, because I am a supervisor, the reset of time and space will not affect you too."

Ye Elegy also stood up at this time: "I have something to say about the detailed content of the double cultivation method."

Of course, Xu Mo's knowledge of the double cultivation method is not as good as Ye Elegy, and it is certainly better for her to explain it.

"Alright, but before that... Well, I still want to introduce you to everyone. After all, you may not know each other, and you will probably be a family in the future..." Xu Mo also hosted this kind of family meeting for the first time. I'm really embarrassed.

Especially when I look at all the beautiful eyes in front of me, I really feel like it is not reality.

Like a dream, they really belonged to them.

Everyone has a story with them that can be told for a long time.

Everyone is also a piece of his own mind.

Now they are all in the family, and they are all together. Of course, this introduction is still necessary, otherwise it would be embarrassing if no one knows anyone.

Xu Mo's identities are clear, and their identities are also...should they be clear?

"Um... if you can, let me talk about it one by one, okay? Everyone? I'm all my own here, and there should be nothing to hide, okay?"

The women nodded one after another.

Xu Mo also felt relieved.

Looking at each of them, my heart sinks at this moment, and it is true that everyone has such an interesting story in their minds that they cannot forget.

Not in accordance with the order, Xu Mo just said whoever thought of it, now it is time to play freely.

At the same time as the introduction, it was also a very fond memory for Xu Mo himself.

First of all, it is Nanbing.

"Nan Bing is actually my personal maid. She was in charge of taking care of me in my house. She was by my side when I was young. Later, because of some things, she returned to me. She also came together. We have experienced a lot of things together. She is straight-tempered, but also very enthusiastic. I think she has a gift for caring for children. She is also working hard to learn about caring for children. In the future, I believe in children at home. It will not be a problem to leave it to her for help."

Then, it was an elegy.

"Ye Elegy, the descendant of the Guwu family, is very skilled, but don't underestimate her as a girl. White hair is natural, just like Xue, she is very beautiful. She is a gentle child, maybe not Too good at expressing, but hot outside and hot inside, it’s good for everyone. She and I have even fallen into the cliff and experienced life and death together. She is also my beloved lover. Elegy is good at martial arts and will have many magical techniques. If you are interested, you can talk to her more."

When they were introduced, they all looked surprised, and then a little shy, because Xu Mo would say "love you" very bluntly. After all, there are no more scruples now, and the words are straightforward.

Next, there are lemons.

"Ying Lemon, everyone knows it, a genius girl. For me, Lemon has really helped me a lot. No matter what it is, I am a little dependent on her now. To be here, she will go in time. Found me. Her experience was even more bumpy. Lemon was once just a group of artificial brain cells developed by many scientists in Mensah. She accidentally combined with a brain-dead baby girl and became the current lemon. Although her body is very young, she has existed in this world for nearly a hundred years. So regardless of her smallness, she is really mature, in all aspects, lemon may not be very good at it. There is no expression, but it is really a very good person. Me and her... and... Of course, I am not because she is a loli... I know this is not clear, but I do. I like her! I love her deeply! We are determined to be together!"

Lemon stood there and watched Xu Mo say these words. On the surface, she did not seem to have an obvious expression, but she could find that the corners of her mouth seemed to be lifted slightly upwards, and she smiled.

Talking about Liu Yiqiu.

"Liu Yiqiu, Teacher Liu. Maybe a bit of good luck. At first, there was a bit of misunderstanding with her, but it was also fate. After a long time of contact, I learned that it turns out that Teacher Liu has such a cute side. It really made my heart cute all of a sudden. To me, she really looks like a big cutie. Hahahaha, but she has a thin skin, so I won’t say much about her. In short, I like her too. , I’m with her now. Yiqiu, don’t worry about age, there’s nothing to care about, they are all young, and there must be a lot of places where you need your help in the future, and you have to work hard."

I don’t know if Liu Yiqiu heard the second half of the sentence, because she didn’t know where to hide shyly when she only said the first half. She is really super thin, she is really cute. wrong.

I don’t know where it came from a very faint voice: "Stop talking...I...I know...Oh..."

Xu Yan.

When he saw Xu Yan here, Xu Mo's mouth moved, and it was a lot longer than others.

Because Xu Yan's situation is very special, Xu Mo doesn't know where to start.

I also worried that once I didn't explain it well, the relationship between my sister would not be understood by everyone.

And at this moment, perhaps the eyes met, and the smart Xu Yan also saw that Xu Mo was preparing to say something about her, so...she rushed ahead of Xu Mo to speak.

PS: The sixth one is delivered, still writing.It’s about to end soon, that’s what happened in the past few days. I think it’s very important to re-remember the emotional line of each heroine before it’s over. Anyway, it’s over. Don’t mind. Look, remember. Memories, I actually feel a lot of emotion myself, and when I write memories, I am full of memories. This book has been written for exactly three years, and these three years have really passed so fast... (How much do I Dove can only write for three years)

But all my personal feelings, let's leave it to the end of my speech. Thank you for your support over the past three years and love you.

Chapter 921, Xu Yan's Self-Introduction (7th)

Xu Mo had always been introducing it before, but Xu Yan never thought of it, but it became her self-introduction.

As I said before, she has the ability to manage the harem, but she was like a queen in ancient times. This has been fulfilled...At this time, her situation is so special that she can tell all her own situation. It's really not as simple as having confidence.

However, because of this sensitive relationship, the effect she herself said was actually better than what Xu Mo had said for her, at least it didn't sound like an explanation of incest.

"My name is Xu Yan and I am Xu Mo's biological sister. Maybe if I change to normal circumstances, I should call you sister-in-law, but unfortunately, I may not have this opportunity. I can remember this, my brother is this. The best man in the world, since I was a child, I have never regarded him as a brother for a day. I have always regarded him as a man. It is not the childish idea of ​​a child. I am serious. In my eyes, except for my brother, there is no Other men."

"My brother is very good to me, although I know that his feelings for me are only because I am his sister, but I don’t care about those, I always love him deeply. I know very well that my relationship is twisted Yes, it won’t be recognized by the world, and it’s a shame for the family, so I didn’t say, I always bear it in my heart, as long as I keep watching my brother, I’m very satisfied, I’m willing to He does everything for my brother, and I really did a lot of hard work. I study hard and make achievements, helping my brother take over tasks that he doesn't want to take over. I just want to watch him well."

"But my love really surpassed my expectations. I wanted to endure it like this for the rest of my life. I think I can or if I can't do it, because this love is distorted. I always think that God is teasing me. , Gave me a man I had fallen in love with since I was a child, but let us become brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters. Finally one day, I still can’t help it, and I completely released all the love I held for years to my brother , Did something contrary to morals and ethics——"

"It was obviously because of the medicine that day..."

Xu Mo wanted to explain to her that something like that happened that day because Xu Mo took the medicine by mistake, but Xu Mo's explanation was also weak. No one cared anymore, only what Xu Yan said.

"After I did it, I wanted to be a mistake. I forgot what happened. It seemed that nothing happened. A sweet dream and not being his sister for one night seemed good. But I was pregnant. I have three thousand, which is the child in my arms. Perhaps this child was born a mistake, but so am I, and I was also a mistake, because with three thousand, I can have no older brother, I can let go and accept reality, I only have to have her, my daughter, it’s nice to be with her. After all, she is the daughter of my beloved and I. She will live with her for a lifetime. Looking at my brother like this, I am willing to do this. "

"But Three Thousand was ill, and he was very sick. My brother also knew about it. For the sake of my daughter, I confessed everything. I never thought that I would have anything to do with my brother. I even thought my brother would Looking at me with disgust, I accept it. As long as my daughter is safe and sound, I can accept it. She is my life. I can have nothing, but I can’t live without her. But my brother didn’t do this, my brother and I said a lot. He said a word, and I haven’t forgotten it. He said that he is willing to be responsible for me and his daughter. From that day on, he will never be a brother or sister anymore. He will work hard to love me, love me, and treat me. OK, let my daughter and I be happy..."

"I'm sorry, I have persisted for so many years and endured for so long, but I still didn't hold it back. I really love him. When I heard this, my heart could no longer bear it. I just wanted to Entrusted to him, my brother... is such a gentle person."

"Now that everything is over, the child's illness has healed. Although he is in a coma, he should be able to wake up soon, and I... can stand here and say these things so generously, even though I am Xu Mo’s sister, but I’m also his wife. If you think I’m a disgusting bad guy with distorted emotions, I’ll agree, because I am indeed, and I can only say sorry to you. Please forgive me, but I’m right. Xu Mo is sincere. I have loved him since I was born, and I have always loved him."

After she finished speaking, her eyes were full of crystal clear tears, and she looked at Xu Mo affectionately: "Brother, this is the last time I call your brother. From now on, we will no longer be brothers and sisters. You want me to and 3000... Happiness... alright?"

Xu Mo was also melted by her words and nodded fiercely: "Okay!"

Then when I look at the girls, most of them have tears in their eyes...sobbing and sobbing, completely moved by Xu Yan's self-report.

Perhaps at first I heard that it was my sister who was a little disgusted, but now they have completely accepted Xu Yan and understood her twisted relationship.

It's really touching...

Girls are delicate creatures in their hearts, and they are easily moved to cry by this kind of thing, not to mention the little girls like Fangzhi, who cried into tears.

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