My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 877

And the person who was in the same bed also let out a terrible surprise, with pain: " hurts!"

And this sound is obviously not Xiao Jiu's!

Xu Mo was really taken aback, and the tools used to commit the crime instantly flinched.

I quickly stood up and turned on the light...


Turn on the light, as expected!

It's Hao Wenrou!

She was also at a loss at this moment, her sleepy look had no idea what was happening, and there were tears from the pain just now in her eyes.

And on the sheets under her body... it was a little red.

Xu Mo just subconsciously used his force... and changed her from a girl to a woman.

That's because I really thought she was Xiao Jiu!No wonder you can't get in... Who knew she would appear in Xiao Jiu's room!Still sleeping in her bed!

This room is also Xiao Jiu's room...Wait...Wu Ge Meng that woman can't make fun of me again!?

Xu Mo was really frightened. Hao Wenrou herself had just awakened from her sleep and she didn't know anything. She looked at her lower body, she was bleeding, and she was even more at a loss. She muttered to herself in a daze, "It hurts... Which bastard dialysis the old mother while the old mother is sleeping... and he bleeds the old mother, dare you dare to single-handedly...Is it stabbed with a knife? It hurts... Xu Mo, who do you see? Did the attack on me just make me bleed?"

She lacks physical knowledge and has no idea what happened to her.

I thought someone really dialysis her with a knife and bleed her.

Xu Mo was completely stuck, not knowing how to speak.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu also came in from outside, holding a basket of freshly made desserts in her hand.

Seeing the scene of Xu Mo and Hao Wenrou, she also froze in place...


In fact, Wu Ge Meng really did not deceive Xu Mo.

This is what Xiao Jiu's room did.

It’s like this, because Hao Wenrou hasn’t seen Xiao Jiu for a long time, and now Xiao Jiu is pregnant after meeting again. The child with Xu Mo has always been her dream, and waiting in the room is also boring, so she just I went to Xiao Jiu's room to ask for advice.

Xiao Jiu had a thin face, and somehow explained to her, so he deliberately talked about other topics.

Hao Wenrou likes desserts the most, and she likes Xiao Jiu’s food the most. After months of separation, she feels panicked. In order to avoid her asking such embarrassing things, Xiao Jiu went out of the room and went to lemon. The kitchen here makes her dessert.

During this period, Hao Wenrou waited quietly in Xiaojiu's room.

Waiting and waiting, sleepiness struck. When fighting the group of bugs before, he was a little overstretched and soon fell asleep in Xiao Jiu's bed.

She still likes to sleep when she sleeps...

All coincidences, hasn't this caused such a misunderstanding?


After listening to Xiao Jiu and talking about the reasons, Xu Mo can be considered to understand what is going on... However, this is a bit too coincidental...

Although it will happen sooner or later, it is too sudden.

And he himself didn't realize what happened until now.

Hao Wenrou just looked at the place where she was bleeding while eating dessert, and asked, "Are there any band-aids? This blood seems to bleed a little."

She was originally the queen of the underground world, and she has seen blood and injuries a lot. Even if it really hurts her, she actually doesn't mind very much, and won't shout like those little princesses for a long time.

Xu Mo froze again, band-aid!?Where is this to be posted?Post it there?Are you afraid that it will hurt when you tear it off!

This does not seem to be the point.

Xiao Jiu was a little embarrassed on the side, but he didn't dare to go away.

She is someone who has experienced it, and she is a little worried about Hao Wenrou's current state.

It should be painful now...

"Hao Wenrou, you girl..." Xu Mo looked at her, not sure what to say.

"What are you doing?"

"After the time and space are reset, you must tell your sister that the marriage contract is cancelled and the marriage contract is changed to you. You are so staying, and you must follow me to learn the knowledge necessary for life..."


Unexpectedly, she agreed quite quickly.

"You can be pregnant with your baby by staying with you? You can also stay with Xiao Jiu? Isn't it?"

"That's right, but if you want to be with me because of this..."

"It's not entirely, and I like you very much."

"Do you know what a liking is?"

Hao Wenrou nodded: "Of course I know, Xiao Jiu just told me that if you like each other, you can have a baby, right? I think I like you, you are the only thing I care about. the man."

This made Xu Mo speechless.


But this kid’s common sense does have a serious problem.

At least let her know what happened.

Otherwise, it would be irresponsible for her to take away her precious things for the first time.

"Well, don't stick the band-aids either. I'll give you a physiological hygiene class now."

"Well, it's all up to you, then wait for me to finish this pudding, OK?"

As she said, she wanted to eat the last piece of pudding.

"I will teach you exactly how to get pregnant."

Hearing what Xu Mo said, she immediately threw the pudding to the side, sitting upright on the bed, like an obedient baby, who had never been so serious, and nodded: "Well! Then I won't Eat! Study hard! You teach me quickly!"

She suddenly became active.

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