My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 878

Although this process was very strange and sudden, the relationship with her was sooner or later. I wanted to find Xiao Jiu to take a rest, but I didn't expect it would be a fierce battle.

For teaching...

Xu Mo couldn't help looking at Xiao Jiu, who was embarrassed and didn't know what to do, and gently pulled her to his side: "Xiao Jiu, I was here to find you specially..."

"Young Master...I...I'm sorry..." In front of Hao Wenrou, Xiao Jiu felt very embarrassed, not knowing how to respond, and only apologized when nervous.

"What do you apologize for? Don't be angry, it's all an accident... Well... I don't want to..."

"I won't be angry with the young master... Gentle and she has always been looking forward to it... Then I... I'll go to another room first... Young master you..." Xiao Jiu turned around and wanted to leave, but was still by Xu Mola. He did not let go.

"Hey, don't go, that... I still want you to help me with something."

"what's up?"

"You know, Hao Wenrou doesn't understand anything... This is also a big project to teach her. Her brain is not bright. Instead of telling her a lot of theory, it is better to let her read it once... She understands... So This teaching...may require your cooperation."

Xu Mo had exactly this idea, but it was a bit weird and embarrassed when he actually proposed it.

"Ah..." Xiao Jiu's face rose to crimson in an instant, and she lowered her head down, and could only be buried in Xu Mo's arms, and said quietly, "I...I listen to Master... …"

Although shy, Xiao Jiu was willing to do it as long as Xu Mo requested it.

"Well, just right, I was here to find you, but now there is one more trainee next to me. When you are done...I will teach her again...You really don't mind?"

Xu Mo didn't want to be too masculine. If Xiao Jiu really minded, he would still think of another way.

Just soliciting her opinion.

Xiao Jiu replied in a low voice: "It's okay... It's obviously the first time for her to be gentle, but... I also hope she can understand... after asking me these things... Then it won't... otherwise I really I don’t know how to answer... Let the young master teach her once..."

"Well, then I can rest assured... Your stomach is not easy to move now. They should choose a simpler movement for you?"

"Well...everyone is fine...give me the simplest..."

That's it.

Xu Mo gently hugged Xiao Jiu onto the bed, and Hao Wenrou watched with her eyes wide open, because Xu Mo said that this was the way to teach her how to get pregnant, so she took it very seriously.

It's the first time that Xiao Jiu has seen something like this...I'm really embarrassed, covering his face the whole time, and he doesn't dare to speak too presumptuously.

Hao Wenrou really watched with her eyes wide open all the way, she was very fascinated, as if she had opened the door to a new world.

Moreover, the most amazing thing is that she expresses her thoughts while watching...

Even if Xu Mo was provoked, he couldn't concentrate on doing things well.

"Wow... why are you riding on Xiao Jiu? Are you bullying her? What are you doing?"

"What are you? It's all in."

"Why did Xiao Jiu make a crying sound? You said you were not bullying her?"

"It's strange, why is my body a little hot? Is there bleeding again in that place?"

"Eh... it's really strange... you are like this... I'm a bit... when will you come to me? Can you bully me like this?"

"Can I get pregnant like this?"

"I don't hurt, I don't hurt, it's not a lot of pain, you bully as much as you can, bully me casually, I can withstand it."

"Oh, this is really...well...will you bully me every day from now on?"


Xu Mo was really exhausted. Two hours of teaching and two hours of practice finally made Hao Wenrou a clear understanding of the correct physiological knowledge.

The two of them also completed both repairs and successfully reached the realm of yin and yang.

I originally thought that Hao Wenrou was confused and unsure of her feelings. After all, the union of yin and yang must be achieved by the husband and wife sincerely like each other. Unexpectedly, this is an easy match, and a smooth union of yin and yang.

Then there is no need to question her feelings for herself.

After Xiao Jiu and Hao Wenrou ended here, there was not much time left in safety, and Xu Mo had to hurry up.

You can no longer hold Xie Xie in your heart. If you want to have a rest, just wait until you are done.

Now I'm working hard for everyone to stay.

Everyone, Xu Moke didn't want them to forget themselves.

Xu Mo is an adult, not a child. He doesn't want to make choices, he wants them all.

Without hesitation, Xu Mo just entered the next room in the order he saw it.

In this room, everything is very simple, it can't be simpler, it's just a blank place, nothing else.

And here, there is already a girl who is quietly waiting for Xu Mo's arrival.

What made Xu Mo a little puzzled was that when he first saw this girl, he couldn't even recognize who she was.


In my harem... when is there such a person?

PS: You can guess who it is, but there is probably no suspense. After all, it is a very important role for this book.

Chapter 930 A Way

For a while, he really didn't recognize him. He didn't recognize who it was, and Xu Mo couldn't help but froze in place, unsure of what to do.

The girl saw Xu Mo's actions, her face was indifferent, she could not see any obvious changes in her expression, she had a cold feeling: "Didn't you see me like this? Don't remember?


This face...and this look...behavior...


Indeed, only lemons are like this.

If you look closely now, it really is, but it is a grown-up version of lemon, not a loli version of her.

Xu Mo did meet once before.

But that time was in a dream with her.

In that dream, he and Lemon did indeed do something that only a couple would do. Lemon did it in the image he grew up.

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