After being happy, old Yan breathed out and limped on the bed like a ball.

He pushed away the women around him with boredom, and his eyes were shining with pure light.

Man, after venting, we have to get down to business.

After sending the two women away, Lao Yan casually put on a dress, opened the door and went out.

He's going to find his two worthless little brothers.

At 11 pm, there was no one in the street. Lao Yan wandered to a rental room.

Lao Yan has seven or eight rental houses in Jinhai city. He remembers where each house is very clearly.

These places are his points.

Whether it's a shipment or a Tibetan, it's a point.

Since he killed the wolf, he has more "feet" in Jinhai city. These are people he chose himself. I dare not say anything else. He must be smart and flexible, and there must be no problem in handling affairs.

These many feet slowly form a huge network here. As long as he is willing, it is very simple to want to know something.

Now almost all the delivery lines are monopolized by Lao Yan.

But not many people know Lao Yan. First, Lao Yan himself is not famous.

2、 Lao Yan is quite low-key.

He also knows that the fewer people in this line know, the better.


He clearly knows that his line can not only send this thing, but also has great development space in the future. In the future, this must be a general trend.

Then, when no one else was aware of this, Lao Yan quickly developed his feet and waited until they reacted. He couldn't catch up with himself if he wanted to catch up.

That's cool, okay!

Lao Yan believes that those who can control the underground order of the whole Jinhai city can control the whole Jinhai city.

Moreover, Lao Yan is an ambitious.

His ambition is great!

His goal is to make me the underground emperor of Jinhai city!

However, as long as Lao Yan's feet are enough and his net is large enough, nothing is impossible.

I have to say that Lao Yan still has great potential.

But Lao Yan is still in the development stage, so he can't hide his edge. He can only bear it again and again. When he has plump wings, he must be a blockbuster!

Lao Yan thought of this and curled his mouth.

He is not dissatisfied with the future blueprint he has planned for himself, but worried.

What are you worried about?

Isn't it his useless little brothers!

They are agile and clever. It's hard to find them from the road.

Unless it's a thief or a cheat.

The younger brothers Lao Yan tried to find were all pickpockets. There was nothing to say about his skill and cleverness, but there were still some shortcomings.

That's character!

These people are so bad!

Before, several people fell out for 500 yuan. If Lao Yan didn't mediate in the middle, I'm afraid his feet would have to break up.

These are villains who only know immediate interests.

Can Lao Yan not worry?

He knows the truth that the Millennium foundation was destroyed once.

He was also afraid. He was afraid that these people would bite themselves in the future. It would be the end of everything.

But what can he do?

I don't need them. I don't trust others.

Old Yan sighed, rubbed his forehead upset and walked into a dilapidated community.

He looked up at the lighted room on the third floor and narrowed his eyes.

Old Yan pedaled upstairs. Before he went in, he heard their noisy voice at the door.

"Open the door!" he knocked upset.

Someone inside promised, then came and slowly opened the door.

The man looks like he didn't wake up and squints when he comes over.

Seeing him like this, Lao Yan knew what was going on without saying anything.

These people, their old fucking problems are happening again!

I told them not to play in the rental room. Isn't that waiting to be lit?

What's going on?

In the cluttered room, there were three people lying on their backs. When they saw Lao Yan coming in, they didn't say anything. They just smiled at Lao Yan with their eyes.

This makes Lao Yan very unhappy. A dog can wag its tail! These people are worse than a fucking dog!

"Come on, come here." old Yan pointed to his nearest little brother.

He was just received by Lao Yan recently. It's only a few days. Has he 'adapted' to life here?

The little brother looked at Lao Yan and twisted his body reluctantly before he came over slowly.



Lao Yan raised his hand, slapped the little brother in the face and kicked him on the belly.

The little brother stepped back and sat on the sofa again.

This time, no one spoke in the room. All the younger brothers on the sofa stood up and looked at Lao Yan carefully.

"What's the matter?" in front of these little brothers, Lao Yan definitely has a big brother, although he usually subdues boss Wang and Zhang Wen.

No one spoke.


Old Yan hit the wall hard and said, "I ask you, what's going on!"

"Big brother, we are wrong..." a man spoke in a dull voice.

This answer makes Lao Yan even more angry. Isn't it a mistake! doubly guilty!

"What did I tell you? Keep a low profile! Why don't you listen? Go to the night scene! Where is this place? It's our point! What if it's taken? Ordinary people live in this community. Do you think they are the same as you?"

In front of Lao Yan, these little brothers didn't dare to give a look, so they could only keep nodding.

"Clean the fucking room for me, and then go to bed. Whoever fucking plays again, I'll pull out his tongue!"

After Lao Yan said that, these little brothers tried their best to tidy up the room.

Lao Yan gave them the feeling that he was like a commanding officer. There was no way. Lao Yan was so strong.

Like many ordinary younger brothers, they all feel that their boss is powerful and invincible.

They know better in their hearts that Lao Yan is the kind of person who can bury them secretly alive without anyone knowing. How dare they offend such people?

Old Yan sat in the living room upset and lit a cigarette.

"Tell me about the last two days," he said.

A younger brother hurried over to report the income account and foot distribution of Lao Yan these two days. He didn't dare to add water in a word. He knew who Lao Yan was.

Close your eyes and know what they've done recently.

No matter what they do, they can't escape his eyes.

Lao Yan nodded. Is the income of these two days OK!

It's just that the distribution of feet is a little slow.

He waved his hand upset and motioned the little brother to go busy.

The little brother nodded in relief and went to tidy up the room.

Old Yan's eyes sank again. Now what he thought was Zhang Wen.

This boy is a piece of his heart.

Should the plan he outlined in his mind continue now?

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