Wang Yuxian already has Zhang Wen in her heart.

She knows that herself.

It won't change.

However, the proportion of Zhang Wen and Lao Gao seems to be more than Lao Gao.

So she didn't dare to show too much feelings to Zhang Wen. She had two people in her heart at the same time. What's this?

Wang Yuxian sometimes blames herself. She doesn't know what she's doing. How can there be two people at the same time.

This situation has never happened.

But the feeling came and couldn't stop it.

No one can make it clear about emotional matters.

If you can, Wang Yuxian really just wants to love someone well, but she doesn't know how. Suddenly, Zhang Wen broke in. Now there's no way to let him go.

Maybe this is life!

Wang Yuxian is destined to repeat her mistakes emotionally.

However, thinking of what Zhang Wen said last night, she was still secretly happy. This boy has determination, and she really lives in Wang Yuxian's heart. Otherwise, how can she be so calm in the face of Xiaowen's seduction?

Men should have their own principles.


It's just a pity.

Now, if she kept looking for Lao Gao and didn't see Lao Gao, she couldn't be at ease, even if she saw Lao Gao with other women, even if he was still touching that thing.

But as long as she knew that Lao Gao was doing well, she was relieved.

At noon, Wang Yuxian's phone rang. It was Xiaowen.

"Yuxian, I asked people to inquire about Lao Wan, but there was still no news. Alas ~" her lost voice was all over the phone.

But she didn't mention anything about last night. She thought Wang Yuxian was asleep and didn't know what she did to Zhang Wen.

Wang Yuxian doesn't ask much. She knows who Xiaowen is, and she doesn't blame Xiaowen. After all, when she sees a handsome man, she's not controlled by herself. Just like Lao Gao sucking that thing, she's not controlled at all.

"Really..." Wang Yuxian sighed.

"However, I've inquired about it. The man living opposite Lao Wan said that he had recently come back and that he was still living in the house!" seeing that Wang Yuxian was a little lost, Xiaowen hurried to say.

Wang Yuxian frowned: "then let's go and squat. Come and find me now!"

"OK ~"

Hung up the phone and Xiaowen came soon.

But the first time she came, she looked for Zhang Wen's shadow everywhere. As soon as she entered the door, her eyes floated everywhere and asked Wang Yuxian why Zhang Wen was not there.

Wang Yuxian smiled helplessly and said that Zhang Wen had already gone out. He still had his things to do. How could he nest in this nail salon every day?

Xiaowen's face was a little lost, oh.

Wang Yuxian explained a few words to Heimei and Zhuanghu, and went out with Xiaowen.

Today, Xiaowen came out with only light makeup on her face. Suddenly, they looked like college students. When walking in the street, the rate of turning back was very high.

In the twinkling of an eye, he came to the place where Lao Wan lived. Wang Yuxian went up to confirm that Lao Wan was not inside, and then came out to squat with Xiaowen.

In fact, Xiaowen hates squatting, monotonous and tired.

She came today and still wanted to see Zhang Wen.

I don't know why. After going back yesterday, her head was full of Zhang Wen, although she also knew that Zhang Wen was not interested in her at all.


Love always comes for no reason, does it?

Xiaowen felt that she was about to fall into the vortex of Zhang Wen.

But she still doesn't know anything about Zhang Wen.

So, while squatting, she began to chat with Wang Yuxian about Zhang Wen.

Wang Yuxian didn't hide and tuck in. She told Xiaowen everything she knew.

After hearing this, Xiaowen's eyes stared oval and even couldn't believe Wang Yuxian's words.

It turned out that Zhang Wen she saw last night was Zhang Wen talked about by everyone on road recently! At first, she thought it was just a coincidence that she had a duplicate name. Who knows, it was really him!

Suddenly, Xiaowen's love for Zhang Wen was a little more. She really didn't see it.

Zhang Wen looks like a big boy!

Unexpectedly, his wrist is so cruel!

"Yuxian, Zhang Wen, do you like him?" Xiaowen asked carefully.

In fact, this sentence is superfluous. Whether Wang Yuxian likes it or not, she will go after Zhang Wen, but she is a little curious and wants to know.

Will Wang Yuxian, such a cold and gorgeous woman, be attracted to Zhang Wen.

Speaking of Zhang Wen, Wang Yuxian always smiled at the corners of her mouth, but some things were too hazy, and she didn't know what to say.

"I don't know whether I like him or not. That feeling is hard to say."

Xiaowen nodded.

She understood in her heart that now Wang Yuxian and Zhang Wen were in the hazy stage. No one pierced the middle layer of paper. There was a finger between them.

Then she's going to move faster.

Now Zhang Wen feels a little stronger about Wang Yuxian. She wants to strangle this feeling in the cradle!

Looking at Wang Yuxian's beautiful side face, she secretly bit her teeth.

Among women, there are also many cautious.


At this time, I was on the battlefield.

Li Erzi and Zhang Guohua are busy there, so I'll supervise the work.

What I think now is all about Lao Gao. With the relationship with Wang Yuxian getting closer day by day, I am more worried. When she knows the truth, how should I face her?

Can it continue between me and her?


"Why, Wenzi, what do you think?" I was thinking, and Li Erzi came over after his work.

I sighed: "it's not about Wang Yuxian. I'm afraid Lao Yan sold me."

He nodded as he should: "Lao Yan, it's understandable that he will sell you."

My eyes narrowed.

"But Wenzi, don't worry. Who is Lao Yan? I don't know yet. Don't worry. We'll get rid of him sooner or later!"

"Alas, I'm afraid things will become troublesome before that time!"

Li Erzi stopped talking and squatted down to light a cigarette.

Ding Dong.

Then my cell phone rang.

This is the voice of wechat. I used to chat with Wang Yuxian on the trumpet. I don't know how long I haven't touched wechat.

I don't know how long it's been sealed in my cell phone.

It was a message from a strange woman.

"Handsome boy, where are you now?"

I frowned and didn't bother to pay attention to the stranger.

Just about to turn off the mobile phone, Ding Dong came another message.

"Zhang Wen, what are you doing?"

Do you know me?

I sent a question mark.

The stranger replied in seconds: "Oh, you are finally willing to pay attention to me. I'm Xiaowen!"

Xiaowen, Xiaowen

The name turned in my head for several times before I realized that it was the girl last night! I forgot if she didn't say.

The girl is good at everything, but she is a little too active.

It's not a good thing to go to any man.

"You won't be so careful, do you remember last night?" she urged when she saw that I hadn't spoken for a long time.

I laughed. I didn't even say it. How did she mean to mention last night?

"Well, I remember. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, just miss you ~"

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