My Super Estate

1195 Sky snake metamorphoses fruit

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eight Heavenly Snake Turns into Fruit

"Now, what happened to my parents?"

The devil will die, and no one can change Wang Yang's determination.

However, their parents, they can not afford to delay, without a strong vitality injection, they are afraid that they will soon age.

It is true that it is aging. Even if they are already masters, or even at the level of Master Wang Bang, they can't stand the swallowing of the prohibition in his body, and their vitality is quickly lost.

"Relax, your parents are okay for now, just ten years old. It looks as if they are already forty years old."

Forty years old?

The cold light flashed in Wang Yang's eyes.

My parents, they are all masters of Wang Bang's cultivation practice, and their profession is only 30 or 40 years old. Now they are still so old?

Damn the demon?

"Go, let's go and see."

Ascertaining that there are no problems with Tianshe Huasheng, Wang Yang was relieved and decided to take a look.

The Wannian Palace is a battle headquarters opened by Sun Dasheng with the main bull peak as the main body.

Fighting against the devil, all missions are issued by the hall of demon.

In the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts, there are many palaces. The whole and the whole space are displayed with great magical powers. It is directly stretched and the space is very large.

Wang Yang’s parents were in a palace in the Wanxian Temple.

Wang Yang took the lead, followed by the Holy Infant, and stepped into the palace.

This palace is very magical. It is surrounded by bronze walls and flowers. It is about a mile in size. Looking up, you can see that it is a sky, the sun is shining, and it is a good day for sightseeing.

"Dad, Mom."

Stepping into the palace, Wang Yang saw that his father and mother were growing vegetables.

Yes, it is growing vegetables.

After working all their lives, they had already planted the land and carved them into their bone marrow. Suddenly, they were a little bit uncomfortable to stop them.

"Dad, Mom, how are you now?"

In just ten days, the father and mother who used to have shiny skin had lost their luster, and even there were some wrinkles even indistinctly.

For ordinary people, according to the age of father and mother, it is very normal, even, such a skin, such a body, that is how many people can't ask for a happy event.

But, their fathers and mothers, they are great masters of Wang Bang, their age, their cultivation behavior, with this look?



The anger in Wang Yang's heart is the burning of moxibustion fever.

On the surface, Wang Yang was still the bright son, accompanied his father to dig the ground, and helped his mother to water together.

"What happened today?"

"Nothing. I just want to come and see you. Since I was inherited, I have been busy. I have little time to accompany. Now I want to spend more time with you."

With tears in his eyes, Wang Yangqiang smiled.

"Don't worry about us.

Our martial arts practice is also a great master, it's okay."

Wang Weimin knows his son too well, that strong smile, watching, Wang Weimin is a little sad.

His son, who grew up suffering too much from bitterness, fell on him.

Ugly since childhood, reading is bullied, no one is willing to be friends with him, no one is willing to play with him, after growing up, just because of his ugly appearance, in the era of looking at the face, no one is willing to recruit at all, therefore, He has no job.

Even, for the sake of life, he grows vegetables himself, because of his ugly appearance, everyone looks down on him and doesn't believe him. In the end, all the fruits of labor can only be acquired by people at the cheapest price.

Because of his ugly appearance, he really suffered too much.

For twenty-seven years, it has been difficult to survive without its own help.

Looking at his son, Wang Weimin sighed secretly in his heart and said: "Son, you can have this achievement now, even, you can go out of the earth and enter this world of heavens, all this, my mother and you are already very An accident, even a surprise."

It can be said that in this life, Wang Weimin is really worth it.

Even if he died now, he could smile and close his eyes.

"In this life, my mother and I have nothing more to ask for.

Before, because of you, me and your mother, they dared not close their eyes. They were afraid that they would never close their eyes when they closed them. In this way, how can our son survive without working?

How to marry a wife?

How can we support this family?

Really, we can’t wait for three days a day, just to save you a little savings, and you can continue to survive after your mother and I have left.

Even if it is uglier to marry a wife, it doesn't matter."

As he said, Wang Weimin had a sincere smile on his face, so happy, so obsessed.

Even if it is slightly aging, there is a fascinating feeling.

However, in Wang Yang's eyes, there were already tears in his eyes.

He knows, he knows, how could he not know?

For myself, my father and mother, I really paid too much.

Wang Yang secretly vowed in his heart that the devil must kill him.

"Haha, I don't need it now. You don't need it now. You have grown up. Even if my mother and I are gone, you can support this home.

Son, do you know?My mother and I really have no regrets."

It can be seen that Wang Weimin really looked away.

Being banned by the demon, his body is aging rapidly. As a great master, does he really not know?


As Grand Master, or even Grand Master Wang Bang, he has reached a limit of control over himself, and beyond this limit, he is an invincible Grand Master.

How can he not know?

It's just that his son really grew up, and even if he left, he could still go away with a smile.

Looking at his father, there were tears rolling in Wang Yang's eyes, but he was smiling on his face.

"Dad, don't worry, I've grown up. I will support this family.

However, you can rest assured that that day the snake fruit has been found and has been planted.

It can make snakes turn into chia, contains enough vitality, and will make up for your vitality.

Moreover, I will find the demon soon."

After visiting his father and mother, Wang Yang left, and that day he needed to take care of the snake.

"Mind, Mind..."

While walking, Wang Yang secretly muttered in his heart.

Saint Baby looked at Wang Yang and felt that a devastating energy was accumulated in his body.

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