My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1196

Chapter 1131 Sky Snake Metamorphosis


A ten-meter-long vine, three blood-red, full of fist-sized fruits, ripens quickly.


The snake's hissing sound suddenly sounded in the void.

The gleaming rays of light emerged naturally from the void, quickly surrounded the three fruits, and were quickly absorbed by the fruits.

The three fruits quickly absorb the shining light, and the fruit naturally exudes a rich vitality.

Even if you are serious and careful enough, you can see a small sky snake in the fruit, swimming in it quickly.

"Did you see that inside the snake's metamorphosis fruit is the legendary spirit-eating snake.

It's just a pity that this spirit-eating snake, in general, has no mental intelligence, just a medicine elf."


On this day, the medicine elf that turned the snake into fruit turned out to be a bite snake?

Could it be that it is absorbing energy quickly?

"The spirit bite snake contains immensely huge potential. This potential, like ordinary snakes, can't bear it. Naturally, under the support of this potential, it directly evolved into a jiao."

Perhaps, in this celestial snake's metabolic fruit, it still has a bit of the gene of the worm, otherwise, how can a snake rot the worm?

Wang Yang secretly thought so.

Only, he did not say it.

"So, is it mature now?"

The holy baby stared at his eyes and looked at the serpent's fruit that day. His eyes were full of anticipation.

Yes, it is looking forward to.

An instinctive expectation is like a man who sees a woman and has an instinctive appeal.

"Did you want to eat it?"

Looking at the holy baby, Wang Yang raised his lips and smiled.

Yes, Wang Yang really smiled when he saw the snake turning into fruit this day. This was the smile that appeared when he saw hope.

"Yes, there is such a feeling."

Holy babies have a very incredible feeling.

"That only shows that your body has not yet reached the ultimate evolution."

"According to legend, snakes all have dragon blood, and in the end, they can all evolve into dragons.

From my point of view, it is very likely that snakes contain a trace of the dragon."

Wang Yang thought slightly.

Wang Yang looked at the snake's metamorphosis that day, and he had hope in his heart.

"Go, I will bring my parents now."

Looking at the sky snake's metamorphosis, Wang Yang ordered to turn around and walked all the way towards his father and mother.

It was still the palace full of flowers. Wang Yang saw that it was still planted in the field.

"Dad, mom, are you fooling with these vegetables again?"

"Yeah, now that we have time, we have done it."

Wang Yang felt a pain.

As a warrior, fighting with the sky, except for some special existence, who has time to serve vegetables?

Had it not been for the demon to set this prohibition, he would devour life and practice to no avail, who would have time?

"Dad, Mom, the fruit of Tianshehua has already matured, you come with me, you will be fine soon."

Looking at his father and mother, the increasingly old face, Wang Yang's heart hurt again.

It took only three days to plant the celestial snake to make fruit, and the gloss on his father's face was lost again, and there were more wrinkles.

Even, on the mother's head, since the practice of martial arts, the white hair, which has never been seen again, even saw strands of strands again.

"Sky snakes turn into raw fruits and have powerful vitality, and they will definitely allow you to cultivate them for recovery."

Yes, father and mother, the vitality was devoured a lot of vitality. Correspondingly, Wu Dao Xiu Wei has already suffered some damage.

"Okay, okay, let's go now."

Son's kindness, no matter what, they must suffer.

"Okay, leave now, and you will be able to break through."

Yes, it will definitely break through.

Wang Yang said affirmatively.

The reason why Wang Yang so desperately demanded the heavenly snake is to regenerate the fruits, not only to replenish the vitality of the father and mother, but also to need the magical effect of the heavenly snake to regenerate his father and mother to achieve a breakthrough.

In contrast, the vitality of the Grand Master is still too weak. Only by forming the martial arts Jindan can his parents have greater vitality.

Only in this way can you get more time to catch the demon and seek a method of prohibition and cracking.

"Look, this is the fruit of the sky snake.

When snakes eat it, they can turn into dragons directly.

If you eat it, you will definitely be able to achieve breakthroughs in cultivation, and you will directly become Budo Jindan."

According to Wang Yang's ideas, of course, he wanted his father and mother to directly become an invincible grandmaster.

According to the heritage of Shenshui Manor, this is not a fantasy. Just give him time, and it is definitely not difficult to achieve this.

It's just that things have changed far beyond the plan.

Right now, the father and mother are planted by the devil, and their vitality is quickly lost. Naturally, in order to become an invincible grandmaster again, it is far from being supported in time.

In this way, Wang Yang can only seek the fruit of the heavenly snake, let his father and mother make a direct breakthrough, achieve the martial arts Jindan, and save life.

"Damn flayer."

Wang Yang roared angrily in his heart.

"Holy Infant, please invite you to protect the Fa directly. My father and they will devour the celestial snakes to transform their fruits and break through cultivation."

"it is good."

Wang Yang's request, the Holy Baby promised very quickly, without any delay.

The holy infant turned around and left, coming to the front yard and preventing anyone from entering the backyard medicine field.

"Here, this day the snake becomes a raw fruit. Once picked, it must be swallowed immediately, otherwise, the medicine will quickly dissipate."

Picking the two fruits directly in hand, Wang Yang quickly handed it to his father and mother, asking them to take it sooner, fearing the loss of the drug's efficacy.

"Okay, we will take it now."

This is the son's filial piety, Wang Weimin will not be more polite with his son.

After taking the fruit, there is no politeness, just take it directly.


A huge python emerged from behind Wang Weimin, opened his mouth wide, and roared invisibly, leaving the surrounding air a little frozen.

"Hurry, hurry up and practice your martial arts, and use this power to cultivate your own martial arts golden pill."

The timing was fleeting, and Wang Yang shouted loudly.

"it is good."

Wang Weimin also knows that this is the best time to practice. Immediately, he sat down cross-legged and stared at the practice.


A tidal wave of energy brought a burst of strong wind.

Lifting his head, Wang Yang looked at the sky.

Originally, it was extremely close to the sky. The dark clouds quickly gathered together, and the lightning bolts formed a terrifying end-of-life thunderstorm.

This is the Thunder Tribulation.

Cultivated into martial arts golden pill, even thunder came?

Wang Yang was taken aback.

Generally speaking, Thunder Tribulation means that the rules are broken.

Could it be that his own father has great potential to break the rules?

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