My Super Estate

Question 1245

Chapter 1179 Fighting Inappropriate

"How is this going?"

The holy baby came back and pointed to the front, the evidence was slightly surprised.

Seeing that his hands were empty, most of them were run away by the devil.

"I don't know, Wang Yang said, to fight against the impermanent little saint."

When the holy baby came back, the Dark Iron Demon King never paid attention to it.

However, when the holy infant approached his side, the Dark Iron Demon King gave him a dissatisfied glance.

Just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.


Suddenly, the holy baby, who was no longer concerned, suddenly shot towards the Dark Iron Demon King.

Fisting violently, violently, slammed hard on the chest of the Dark Iron Demon King.


Suddenly changed, and the Black Iron Demon King was caught flat-footed. He didn't even think that someone would surprise him.

Raising his head, looking in the direction of the holy baby, his eyes widened, he couldn't say anything.

The Dark Iron Demon is full of faces, all incredible.

It is impossible for the holy infant to not know his relationship with Wang Yang, otherwise, he would not be able to ask himself just now.

But why did he shoot himself?


Pointing at the holy baby, the Dark Iron Devil stared at his eyes, and just said a word, but could no longer speak.

"Haha, you traitor of the Demon Race, you should die for sin!!"

'Holy Baby' gritted his teeth, as if the Dark Iron Devil really was a sinner.


The Dark Iron Demon King is also extraordinary. Before, he was famous for his super defense. Now, under the guidance of Wang Yang, an epiphany made him formally embark on his own martial arts.

In this very short period of time, he had eliminated his injuries, and all turned into a bad spit of blood.

"who are you?"

The holy infant is the prince of the demon world, not the prince of the demon world. Of course, he will not shoot for his betrayal of the demon race.


'Holy baby's mouth smiled and said: "I, of course, I am holy baby."

The Dark Iron Demon King shook his head, looked up and down, thought hard, and then nodded, saying: "In these worlds of the world, with such a brilliant technique of change, Sun Dasheng of the Demon Race is one.

However, you are definitely not Sun Dasheng, then, are you a fiendish demon of the devil world?"

The Demon Race, the ever-changing Demon God, is the legendary master of the fifth step, and is known for the world of change in the art of change.

It is a technique of change, which is no less than that of the deity Sun Dasheng.

"Changing Demon God, how dare you come?

No, the rumored Demon God has been killed by the Six-Ear Monkey in the Demon Realm. The Six-Ear Monkey has been transformed by the Demon God. He once entered the Demon Realm to find Sun Dasheng in trouble. Finally, he was suppressed by the Buddha.

You, you are not dead?"

"Haha, stop talking nonsense, go die!!"

'Sacred Baby's eyes flashed fiercely and came towards Wang Yang.

This versatile demon god, not only changed its shape, but also changed its god. It used three flavors of true fire magic power, used it, and turned into a sea of ​​fire, and turned towards the dark iron demon.

"Huh, it's not a holy baby. Without this state, would you dare to use Sanwei?"

The Dark Iron Demon King is not afraid.

He was originally known for his defense. Now, under the direction of Wang Yang, he walks out of his own martial arts. The powerful martial arts magic power is not bad.

"Ben Tian Mo Quan!!"

Ziyang Divine Skill originally used fist to get into the Tao, and was directed by Wang Yang to get out of his martial arts. Naturally, he was very effective in fist.

Bang Bang Bang...

Worthy of the name of Biantian Shenquan, every punch of the Black Iron Demon is punched with a very strong punch, punched, but has not yet hit the people, terrible punch, has spread out, overwhelming , Hit toward the'holy baby'.

"Come well, watch me break you!!"

'Holy Baby' was not afraid of him. He was also punched with one punch. It was extremely terrifyingly fierce. He was greatly suppressed and fought towards the Dark Iron Demon King.


The two fists fought together, and suddenly, the fire that was greatly suppressed was suddenly exploded.

The Magic Mirror Celestial Realm was really terrible. Such terrible fire exploded without even letting space explode. It was because of the collapse of the Dark Iron Demon King, which was directly exploded.

"Humph, come again!!"

The Dark Iron Demon King will not admit defeat.

If you say that before, the Dark Iron Demon King is still a little white, then the current Black Iron Demon King is really a piece of black iron, especially the big black hand, which shines with metallic luster.

"Take me another punch!!"

Bang Bang Bang...

Obviously, this time, the Dark Iron Demon's punches are even more terrifying.

The fist has not yet been fought out, but the magic around him has already exploded.

"Why do you fight?"

Suddenly, Wang Yang's familiar voice came clearly.

"Ah, Wang Yang, this Dark Iron Demon King, he, his wolf child ambition, even wanted to attack me while I was injured!!"

The holy baby suddenly exclaimed and saw Wang Yang, as if he saw a savior, and hurried towards Wang Yang.


Suddenly, the face of the Dark Iron Demon changed greatly, and his face was frightened.


Wang Yang's face was puzzled.

"He, he is a fiendish demon, not a holy baby king!!"

The Dark Iron Demon King rushed towards Wang anode, he wanted to rescue Wang Yang before he was killed.

"Haha, Dark Iron Demon King, you're late!!"

'Sheng' was overjoyed and caught Wang Yang.

Wang Yang was shocked.

However, the holy baby has come to his own, as if it was too late.

The coercion of the fifth step of the "Holy Baby" has already shrouded Wang Yang, making it impossible for Wang Yang to escape.

"Haha, boy, you die!"

Entering the magic mirror heaven is naturally for Wang Yang, one million points, for any fifth step demon god, is a great wealth, even, may be further hope.

The terrible three-flavor real fire, even the rich magic energy, were ignited.

"Huh! Really when I am a dish, do you want to eat it?"

Wang Yang sneered. His body suddenly burned an extremely powerful golden flame.

This is the real fire of the sun, the magic fire of the same name as the three flavors of real fire.


Restricted by the cultivation practice, Wang Yang's real fire of the sun cannot of course be compared with the "Holy Infant's" three-flavored real fire, but if it is only blocked for a while and a while, there will not be too many problems.

The two godfires are not one man and one woman, but they are naturally integrated into one body, one male and one male.

When the sun burst into flames, Wang Yang was directly exploded, and the powerful force pushed Wang Yang straight away.

The "Holy Infant's" three-flavored real fire is naturally stronger than Wang Yang, even if it is one male and one male, one is subject to one attack.

Well, Wang Yang’s strength is weak, and it can only be affected. Of course, the Holy Child is an attack.

Sure enough, it was indeed an old driver. Wang Yang was blasted away, and after the "Holy Baby" resolved the impact, he pursued decisively.

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