My Super Estate

Chapter 1246 Variety of Demon Gods

Chapter 180

"Haha, Wang Yang, your death is here!!"

Wang Yang had just backed away, and the impermanent Little Saint laughed and came towards Wang Yang.

damn it!

Wang Yang secretly panicked, at this time, the impermanence of the impermanent little Saint, dare to come to disturb.

"Chang Sheng Xiao Sheng, you are looking for death!!"

Wang Yang has already shown his intention to kill. Even, he has decided that no matter who is behind him, as long as there is a chance, this guy must be killed.

There was a'Holy Infant' chasing and killing, and then there was the impermanent little holy chaos.

With a little hesitation, Wang Yang will be attacked back and forth.

"Damn, you die for me!!"

At this time, Wang Yang could not care so much.

In the world of Dantian, a fist-sized flame, the flame is gray, like a chaotic group, in which you can see the three flavors of real fire, you can also see the golden sun fire, and you can see the belief of gold. the fire.

As if you look closely, you can see that here, you can even see the flame of ordinary dust, and even see a firewood burning.

It seems that this flame is the source of all flames in the world.

This is Chaos Divine Fire, the most mysterious and legendary flame between heaven and earth.

Legend has it that this is the source of all flames in heaven and earth.

This is Chaos Divine Fire, a flame that exists only in legend.

However, this chaotic fire has become extremely weak.

Seeing that the rescue of the Dark Iron Demon King is too late, Wang Yang can no longer care about so many, immediately igniting Chaos Shenhuo.

Suddenly, in front of Wang Yang, a fist-sized flame appeared.

This group of flames appeared, even if it was a thick magical energy, in the face of such flames, it must be expelled.

Yes, it is so rich and full of magic that it cannot be completely turned out to be expelled directly in front of such a flame.

No, it's not right, and it can't be said to be expulsion. The most accurate statement should be absorption.Yes, it is being absorbed. The rich magic energy, like fuel, is absorbed by the flame, making the flame stronger and stronger.

"no no……"

The Sanwei true fire of the "Holy Infant" was directly suppressed by the flame, and even the Sanwei true fire even turned back towards the "Holy Infant".

"Huh, playing with fire in front of me, you are looking for death!!"

Impermanent Xiaosheng's attack, Wang Yang has been unable to take care of it, and he is in full control of Chaos Shenhuo, using Chaos Shenhuo to control Sanwei Zhenhuo and countering Sanwei Zhenhuo.

Yes, it is counterattack.


"Holy baby" absolutely can't think that things will happen in this way. Naturally, he can't be prepared.

He was counterattacked by the Sanwei real fire, even if he cultivated to a high level. However, after all, he did not really practice the Sanwei real fire, and it was possible to use it. However, once it was counterattacked, it naturally ignited itself.

In the end, the "Holy Infant" can no longer bear it, and can only restore its original appearance, use its own destiny to supernatural powers, and explode the three flavors.

It's just that Sanwei Zhenhuo is the sign of the holy infant, and where can it be exploded?


Well, playing with fire and self-immolating, without practicing self-flame avenue, even wanting to play with fire, can't control it, with the violent flame, can't bear it, and serious injuries are all light.

The'holy baby' has disappeared, and there is only one devil wrapped in a black robe.

The devil is ten meters tall, even taller than the Dark Iron Demon King.

The height of the devil is ten meters, but his appearance, in any case, cannot be seen clearly.

It seems that on his face, there is a kaleidoscopic light curtain in which many familiar faces can be seen.

This, this is Liu Tianwang?Is this Star Lord?

Hey, this is Brother Long. Oops, there are Brother Lianjie and Zi Dan...

With just a glance, Wang Yang saw dozens of former star-level characters from this ten-meter-tall demon face.

As if it were, the star jumped on the stage, blinking.


Wang Yang was temporarily confused by the ten-meter-tall demon head, and the impermanent Xiaosheng had slapped him hard and hit him.

"Wang Yang, you have to deal with the impermanent Little Saint, this ever-changing demon god, let me deal with it!!"

Wang Yang suffered a blow from the impermanent Little Saint, and the Black Iron Demon King had arrived in time, and had blocked the ever-changing Demon God, asking Wang Yang to deal with the impermanent Little Saint with all his strength.

"it is good!"

After a deep look at the ever-changing Demon God, Wang Yang looked coldly, turned around, looked at the impermanent Little Saint, and snorted coldly, saying: "Just now, I played very well, right!"

At the moment, Wang Yang stepped out, as if it were space. Under his feet, there was no distance, just one step, he had successfully come to the impermanent little Saint.

"You punch me, then you also punch me!!"

To practice Ziyang Divine Skills, if you can't say fist skills, it is simply sorry for the name Ziyang Divine Skills.

"Hundred Yuan Fist!!"

The whole person seemed to be browsing, slamming towards the impermanent Little Saint.

Bang Bang Bang...


The sound of fisting to the flesh just fell, and from the impermanent little saint, there was a flame exploding.

It turned out that Wang Yang's boxing power contained extremely terrible fire power, and the impermanent Little Saint could not suppress it, and the fire power exploded in his body.


The terrible fire exploded from the impermanent little holy body, making him feel like he was burned by flames and screamed.

In fact, the impermanent Little Saint has been wrapped in a golden flame.

Wrapped in golden flames, the impermanent little saint could not suppress it at all, nor could it be refined, nor could it resist, so nothing could be done, the impermanent little saint who thought he was in control of everything, the whole person was in the void In the middle, rolling back and forth, screaming again and again.

If there is no other way, perhaps, this impermanent impermanence will be directly burned by this golden flame.

Even if he was saved in time, he would be badly hurt.

Of course, the premise is that he must be saved in time.

"Ah, Master save me!!!"

Finally, the impermanent Little Saint couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

Wang Yang jumped in his heart.


The master of the impermanent little saint, that is the impermanent great saint, a true level of sage.

The majestic energy is tumbling violently, as if there is really a supreme existence that truly comes to this world.

Could it be that the impermanent Dasheng really dared to be so bold?

Wang Yang did not believe it.

However, the violently tumbling energy, even the devil qi that had been turned into a liquid, seemed to be boiling water, tumbling violently.

This is a vision that will arise only when a supreme existence comes.

"Sure enough, the Dark Iron Demon King and the ever-changing Demon God stopped together. It seems that there is really a supreme existence, and the existence comes."

At the moment, Wang Yang dare not carelessly and quickly ran into the formation.

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