My Super Estate

Chapter 1251 Alternative World

Chapter 1185 The Alternative World

Heavenly Demon Chaos Region is a very magical and chaotic region.

The Magic Mirror Celestial Realm is a mysterious world opened up from chaos between the Celestial Realm and the Beast Realm.

The Beast Realm Dao has an advantage in the field, and the Demon Realm Dao gathers a lot of devil qi from the Demon Realm, and attacks the entire Beast Realm Dao with the domineering characteristics of the Devil Qi.

Heavenly Demon Chaos is the most intense battle between the two realms of heaven.

From the wrong perspective, the Heavenly Demon Chaos is the most peculiar world on one side, and the other is the big world.

In the Heavenly Demon Chaos Realm, the magic energy is continuously absorbed, and it is derived into the most powerful Heavenly Demon family.

The beast world has evolved into endless beasts.

It turned out to be a place where two great creatures competed.

"Here is the Heavenly Demon Chaos Realm. Any soul, whose spirit and will cannot resist, will be controlled by one side of the heavens and will lose its self.

Here, it is the most active place of the Devil's Dao and the most intense place of the Devil's Qi. Here, you can find a lot of soul grass."

The real demon god is standing in the rich devil qi, across that layer of boundary, eyes, full of desire.

Physical combat, martial arts cultivation, magical means, spiritual will.

These are the four elements that great magicians must pay attention to.

However, whether it is physical combat, martial arts cultivation, or magical means, it can pay a great price and be quickly obtained, but his spiritual will is the obstacle to the promotion of countless great magicians. .

"Not long ago, news came from the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons. In this demon chaotic domain, it is very likely to have Mind Grass. Legend has it that the Devil entered this place to find the Mind Grass."


Wang Yang snorted coldly in his heart, and a cold cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, Wang Yang disguised it very well, and no one found it.

"Are we going in?"

Wang Yang appropriately showed a fearful expression.

He is just a magic general. In the legend, in the chaos of the heavens and demons, with the devil as the soldier and the devil as the handsome, he launched a world war with the beast world.

"Yes, we just have to go in.

Boy, don't you mean, do you want to become a devil?The matching ground tells you that this is your only chance.

Here, any Sky Demon tribe is formed by the converging of infinite magic energy from the magic road. Once born, it is the cultivation behavior of the devil.

The war with the Beast Realm is endless, and countless demon kings are fighting each other with the Beast Realm to devour each other to strengthen themselves.

It can be said that as long as you have strength and gain a magic heart, your strength will definitely be improved."

Devil's heart, Devil's heart.

This is the core of every demon king, and gathers all the devil's enlightenment of the devil.

As long as you get it, you can not only improve your cultivation base, but also enhance your own avenue level.


Wang Yang was pleasantly surprised.

Of course, all this is false.

For Wang Yang, as long as he has a large amount of belief power, his cultivation will never be too worried.

"Of course, does this Son still deceive you?"

"Then, does the Son go in?"


Who is this Son?This holy son is the parent and child of the demon king, how can he enter this place?"

Wang Yang looked black.

This damn thing turned out to be Laozi as a cannon fodder.

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

Heavenly Demon Chaos Realm is the most fierce battle between the two realms of heaven. In such a place, the mind will be a little unsteady, and it will be directly controlled by the heaven of the two realms. Life and death.

It can be said that in such a big battlefield, don't say that you are a small second-step supernatural power, even if it is a heavenly king like a holy infant, it must be crushed into minced meat.

This Heavenly Demon Chaos Realm is a flesh and blood mill, and how much flesh and blood will be crushed into minced meat here.

It can be said that here is the emperor and the birth of piles.

"This, Master Son, me, can I not go in?"

Going in, Wang Yang is definitely going in. At least, it seems that Peng Mo Wang has already entered this place.

It's just that now his own innate Demon God Tree has been interrupted. Where is it so easy to save people?

"What do you think?"

The eyes of the real demon have become cold.

At this moment, he was no longer that good husband, his face had turned blue, and his fangs had been fully exposed.

"Damn, dare to let Lao Tzu be a cannon fodder?"

Wang anode is angry.

However, after his anger, Wang Yang compromised again.

Now, he is just a family of trolls, not the dying Ziyang emperor from generation to generation.

It's just that, across a layer of crystal walls, looking at the world inside, the black crushed, countless creatures are fighting in it, every moment, there are creatures die, every moment, there are creatures in countless creatures Under the siege, he could not afford to fall to the ground. Wang Yang was really scared.

"Why, are you reluctant to go?"

Obviously, the true devil is impatient.

"No, it's just this, Son, you see, my strength is just the earth monster, even if I'm not afraid of death, I enter the world, but I can't test the result you need, right?"

Going in, it must be going in. The Peng Demon King is still inside, and he needs to save himself.

It's just, just go in like this.

A true devil, a defeated player, there is no if, just because of one of his orders, go in by yourself, isn't it despised?

So, it’s okay to go in, but you have to give me some benefits.

"what do you want?"

Although I don't want to admit it, the real demon god thinks about it, it seems that it is indeed the case.

In this way, it is indeed necessary to give him some life-saving means.

"Here, this is a jade rune, but one of the treasures of this son. At least all of them have the sixth step of supernatural powers, and the king has a supernatural power.

Yes, the Son will give it to you, so that after you enter, you will get a chance to save your life."

Wang Yang jumped in his heart.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the parent and child of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Demons. Before, so many babies have been consumed, and even the Holy Infant can run away in person.

Now, there is such a baby.

Wang Yang took Yufu and said, "Well, you can rest assured, Son, I will not let you down."

With that said, Wang Yang directly walked towards the crystal wall.

This crystal wall is the boundary of one side of the world. In itself, if there is no control of the heaven and the way of one side of the world, there will be no power.

The Heavenly Demon Chaos Domain has been controlled by the two sides of Heavenly Dao, and they are constantly confronting each other. Obviously, it is impossible to have Heavenly Dao in control. It is very easy to enter.

"Huh? What about people?"

Suddenly, the troll race that had just entered disappeared.

"Damn, stealth supernatural power, this is stealth supernatural power, that damn bastard, dare to lie to me!!"

There are such stealth supernatural powers, life-saving means, much larger, and where else will he need to give life-saving means?

Thinking of this, the real demon was almost not angry.

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