My Super Estate

1252 The Terrifying World

Chapter 186 The Terrifying World

Wang Yang didn't know that after he went in, the real demon was very angry.

Wang Yang was very proud at this time. Originally, looking for the place where the Peng Demon King was trapped, Wang Yang could not find a direction at all.

However, he met the real demon god, and, from the real demon god, got a message, Tianma chaos domain, has a lot of mind grass, the mind demons enter the heaven demon chaos domain, is to find the mind grass, in order to enhance his mind Will to break through.

This news is too important.

The reason why the Peng Demon King will enter the Magic Mirror Heaven Realm, the so-called, is not to seize the demon and let himself owe him a favor, in order to plant a congenital Demon God tree for him?

Since there are a lot of soul grass here, it is very likely that the demon will enter this place. So, is it possible for the Peng Demon King to enter this place?

Well, Wang Yang has decided to get into it.

Crystal Wall, lost the control of Heavenly Dao, Wang Yang stepped directly, as if nothing.

However, the smile on Wang Yang's mouth suddenly froze.

It’s not that Jade Fu has a problem, it’s just that this Heavenly Demon Chaos Domain is too problematic.

"Fuck, so heavy?"

Wang Yang felt that he suddenly changed from a superman to a mortal, and he was still a big fat man with a weight of eight hundred pounds.

too heavy.

Even, even taking two steps yourself is very laborious.

"Too lazy, even a minion, must be the devil."

Wang Yang found that in such a place, a deep state is really too important.

Yes, it is a deep state, not a strong cultivation.

Powerful cultivation can enable you to possess powerful energy and explode powerful supernatural powers, without the phenomenon of energy drying.

However, the advanced state is not only related to one's own life Yuan, but also related to the relationship between oneself and heaven and earth.

The strongest king, who preaches the Tao between heaven and earth, integrates into heaven and earth with his own understanding of the Tao.

In doing so, it not only represents strong strength, but also represents integration into the world and becoming a part of the world. No matter how strong the pressure is, it is impossible to act on yourself. The so-called flight is just an instinct.

For example, now, if, now, I am the supreme king, this world, the extremely heavy pressure, will not act on myself.


Far away, you can hear the extremely terrible fighting sound.

Lift his head and look in the direction of the battle.

I saw that, not far away in front, there were two armies, each with a 100-person team, each of which possessed the cultivation ability of the Demon King level.

One side is the devil, and the other is a beast.

This is a battle between the Orcs and the Demons.

Between the two parties, all kinds of supernatural powers often burst out the most terrible power. When one shot, it collapsed, stomped, and the earth broke.

It's just that, no matter whether it's a landslide or a fissure, in such a world, you can recover quickly.

"This, this is the Demon Chaos Domain?

Sure enough it was chaotic!!"

It is really terrible. Every shot, the sky falls apart. This is simply a supernatural power of the king.

In other words, this 100-person team, together, can explode the magic power of the same level as the king.

"Damn, you have to be careful, otherwise you don't know how to die."

It is no wonder that Wang Yang gritted his teeth. With the strength of the Peng Demon King, he would be trapped here. Here, it is basically a hell where the strong die and the weak die.

Immediately, Wang Yang was more careful, exerting the magical power of change to the maximum limit, completely blending into the black magic energy.Into the sun, into the boundless darkness.

This is the only way in which Wang Yang is currently invisible.

"No, Demon is going to have the upper hand."

Suddenly, Wang Yang discovered that those giant beasts had fallen into a downwind, and even there was no possibility of overcoming a little upwind.

That is to say, if there is no accident, this battle is the victory of Demon.

Here, every giant beast is the source of heaven in the animal world. When the beast defeats, it means that part of the source is lost.

This is cruel.

Sure enough, as the battle continued, in the end, all the monsters were all killed.

Devouring the beast, the strength of the heavenly demon is rapidly improving.

"Awesome Devil's Dao. Sure enough, this Beast Realm of Heaven is simply not an opponent of Devil's Dao."

The war between the two parties is definitely not just a war between creatures, but also a war between the two parties.

It is also a war between the origins.

Wang Yang hid carefully.

However, in Wang Yang's mind, one can feel the terrible shock of will in a faint way.

This is the will impact from the magic path.

This side of the world is completely under the control of the two Dao Dao Dao Dao and Dao Dao. In the previous battle, the Dao Dao occupied the same position, devouring part of the origin of the Beast Tian Dao, and the will of the Dao Dao was stronger.

Faintly, Wang Yang felt that the impact of will from his mind was more intense.

"Damn, if, this Demon Heaven Path is more powerful, I'm afraid I can't support it."

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

This ghost place is simply not a place to stay.


"Look, did you find that Troll Clan Earth Demon?"

The face of the true devil is very ugly.

A jade symbol, that is also one of his hole cards. Usually, he is not willing to use it himself. Now, when he gave the troll kid, he still felt distressed.

It's not regretful, but he took his jade charm and asked him to use it as a cannon fodder to find a way for himself, but the bastard, after entering, disappeared directly.

"The troll family, I haven't heard of such magical powers."

What kind of magical power is closely related to the path of your cultivation. It is impossible. When you cultivate the way of the earth, you suddenly have magical powers such as flames.

The troll family, the so-called talents, all come from the blood.

In the blood vein, the source may be very powerful, but no matter how powerful the blood vein is, it is impossible to change its essence.

There is no mystery like stealth in the blood of the trolls. How do you practice successfully?

"You mean, this kid is not a troll at all?"

The real demon is in a worse mood.

One of his own cards was fooled by someone, and he was fooled in front of his face. If it was passed out, would he still have a face to see someone?

Well, Yufu is a trivial matter, but being deceived and fooled by others, this is a major event for the true deity.

In any case, he must find out the bastard.

"Say, did you find anything?"

Anyway, he didn't find anything by himself. Now, he can only put hope on the followers around him.

However, the true demon god is destined to be disappointed. Under his persecution, all the demons shook their heads.

"Sorry, Lord Son, we didn't find it."

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