My Super Estate

1297 Planting Soul Grass for Ten Years

Chapter 1231 Planting Ten Years of Soul Grass

"Planting Devil's Devil Grass, and, also, planting Soul Devil Grass?"

For a time, everyone looked at each other.

Some are ignorant, some don't quite understand what this means.

"A few meanings?

Is this, are we planning to plant the devil's grass?

However, we do not know how to plant!!"

"Nonsense, if we knew how to grow, would we still come to this place?

We planted mind grass ourselves.

Now Skynet is so developed, once the planting is successful, aren't we making a fortune?"

Looking at the stele, no one can be calm.

"Hello, Dragon, what do you think?"

Very magical, King Shura even inquired about Bodhisattva Dragon, for a time, attracted everyone's attention.

"Look what, this damn monk, robbed me of a piece of gold, can't I still ask him two questions?"


King Shura wants to ask the monk, and the monk is naturally willing to help King Shura.

However, this planting together, except for the legendary Ziyang emperor, planting any kind of magic medicine requires a special law, otherwise it is difficult to succeed.

Special law enforcement, in fact, is to carry out in-depth research on a certain kind of magic medicine in order to truly create a suitable law enforcement."

"speak English."

Looking at this damn monk, King Shura's tone was very unfriendly.

"Pay attention to the tone, King Shura, now the donor is asking the monk, not the monk asking the donor!!"

Well, the Bodhisattva will also have a temper. The monk you asked is now five people and six people, and the monk is not waiting.

"Okay, please ask the monk to give me some pointers, and point out a point!"

Taking a deep breath, the most irritable King Shura did not lose his temper.

"Facts have proved that the so-called hot temper is basically used unless the brain is born with problems."

Wang Yang sneered.

"Two of you, you have forgotten, is there another expert here?"

There seems to be a fate between King Long Bodhisattva and King Shura.

The three-eyed master is already staring at Wang Yang.



The same problem, two different people, showing different attitudes.

The Bodhisattva Dragon was obviously secretly surprised, slightly concerned in secret, but on the surface, it was calm.

King Shura is very different. In the face of such problems, his response is very direct.

Suddenly turned around, all the monks were thrown away, a pair of ugly eyes, staring closely at the three eyes.

"Who are you talking about?"

Fools can feel the urgent expression.

Urgent, eager, excited.

The same problem, different people, the difference between the two is so great.

"This, if I am not mistaken, you are the good luck in the world of the heavens, Wang Yang, the human race!"

The worlds of the heavens are rumored, good luck, the human race Wang Yang.

In just one sentence, four important messages were revealed.

The worlds of the heavens represent broadness and greatness, and represent a range, which spreads vigorously and conveys a kind of fire, a kind of fiery, a kind of trust, and even a topic that can catch people's eyes and soul.

If the previous two messages have successfully attracted everyone's attention, then the following two topics directly point out the identity of this extraordinary human race.

The human race Wang Yang, plus a good luck in front, then, it is too obvious.

There may be a lot of human race Wang Yang, or even countless, but the good luck human race Wang Yang, then, there is only one of these heavenly worlds.

"It's you, are you the heir to Ziyang?"

"Heir of Ziyang Emperor? Where, who is the heir of Ziyang Emperor?"

There are many smart people, but it is not limited to knowledge and confused people.

Wang Yang’s identity is of course very well-known to some promising people. However, for those who have little knowledge or who have poor status, it is a legend.

Well, the real legend is that the emperor Ziyang, Wang Yang can become a legend, just because he is the inheritor of emperor Ziyang.

It is actually difficult to distinguish between wise and confused people. The so-called Dazhi Ruoyu also has Dazhi as a demon.

Obviously, being able to cultivate into the realm of Demon God, no matter whether the potential foundation is strong or not, will not be a fool.

Soon, many eyes were all on Wang Yang's direction.

"You, are you the heir to Ziyang?"

Sitting on the deceptive tiger god, Wang Yang's head was high, but he also had some majestic looks.

"Why, do you have opinions?"

"Haha, come over to me!!"

Seeing Wang Yang admit that some people can't calm down.

It seems that this is also the difference between smart people and stupid people. Smart people can judge the situation, and stupid people are easily blinded by the interests in front of them.

Well, this is also the relationship between seeing long and seeing short.

The mice have short eyes, so they can only survive in the darkness and never see the light.

Xiaoxiong grew up in the world, even if they were hated by the world, they lived in this world, always so glorious.

For example, the demon in front of him, King Shura did not take action, he jumped out, shot extremely aggressive, and quickly killed Wang Yang.

Well, finally there is a little mouse that can explore the depths and shallows for everyone, everyone is happy to see it.

So, on the scene, there was such a scene. The forces of the Quartet, everyone, no one is moving, but a little demon god of the second step is to kill Wang Yang.

"Okay, you're here to be funny."

Looking at the demon god who had killed himself, Wang Yang shook his head and said so.

Speaking, he didn't see him take out his sword, just grabbed a claw toward the front.


In the void, the vitality is boiling, a transparent giant claw, protruding from the void, far away.

The so-called eagle catches a chicken, many people do not understand what it means.

This time, I was interested to see.

Well, this is the demon god of the second step, which was caught by Wang Yang.

"Just like you, something that is not a thing, you say, what do you do if you dance like this?"

Saying that, Wang Yang's right hand exerted a little force, and a demon of the second step was so pinched to death.

"Oh, before, I always heard people say, I want to kill you, it's no harder than pinching an ant.

I always wanted to try it. Today, I finally tried it once."

In one breath, the dust that didn't exist in his hand was blown away, and Wang Yang smiled slightly, saying so.

"Okay, now, let's analyze what this so-called planting of mind-magic grass requires is the magic creature.

I personally mean, roughly, it should require planting a mind grass.

Even, it may be ordinary mind grass.

That's ten years of mind grass."

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